[3.6] Dual Strike crit assassin with claws

Update: Added the new passive trees and some notes that are important on 2.2. Also note that it is not that important to get IR if you don't have that much evasion rating. Instead you can try to get all life nodes that you can find (actually I spend 4 points to get IR which equals at least 15% extra life if there are some life nodes left or 12% if you take those 3 duelist life nodes).

New gameplay videos won't come in the near future because I am playing new league. If I have got some decent gear I may show some new map videos.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and if you have any recommendations for improvement feel free to tell them to me :)
for the assassin nodes, what do you pick? the poison/bleed, power/crit or the full/low HP crit?
You can open that up in the passive tree link. I picked ambush, assassinate and toxic delivery.
Thanks for sharing this nice build. I`m also playing with physical dual strike. Iut i think abyssus is probably a risk choice in the end game, especially when facing the uber atziri. It is really hard to deal with the insane physical dmg. Currently, I choose a rare life+2resist+accurancy helm and trickster class to obtain a relatively high survival ability. Do you have some vedios about doing the T14-15 maps or uber?
I unfortunately don't have any of those :/

I totally agree that doing uber with abyssus is quite risky and very hard to do.

Actually I am playing perandus but I can record something like tier 11 (maybe 12 if I have one) if that would help :D
Hi, i've been playing this build a few days and I really like it, I havent play in a lot, few patches ago, so I got to respect my char. My question, when do you go to IR? is it a must, or is more of a late level scenario, or maybe stats dependent?.
IR depends on your gear. If you have about 500 evasion at least you should consider taking it. Imo it is no must but quite useful, especially if you wear abyssus.
Hello, im new to PoE. I was playing on beta and got like 30lvl so i knew the basisc before i started this character. Im running your build and got 1 question :D.

1. how not to die so much ? i got sick dps (imo) like 50k+ (im in the middle of the merciless quests) but only 2,2k hp. i die a LOT,0, mostly by 1 hit. My resist are good like 50%+ on elemental but chaos -60%. But chaos resist is not the problem, i dodge a lot by using whirling blades when i see chaos dmging monster. The problem is ...i just die a lot. Cant tell why. It makes me so mad when i die 4 times in 3 minutes (-40% of lvl) for no reason. Just running on monster attacking them and BOOM, resurrect in checkpoint. And i dont even know how i can raise my HP, i bought belly (sold it already) with +39% maximum hp and it gave me like...100hp?

In concluson, this build is awesome, it gives me so much fun thank you for this :D, but how can i make my character more tough or how to get more HP ;x
The best way I can tell you what you are doing wrong is if you show me your gear and your skilltree.

In general I can tell you that using Abyssus is very rippy if you don't take care. Personally I would start wearing it in endgame, at least having 4k hp.
this might seem like a noob question . ive been following your build im currently lv 24 since i dont have a lot of the skill gems you use ive been using frost blades to clear mobs. i was wondering if that skill is actually worth keeping around?

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