[3.6] Dual Strike crit assassin with claws
Hello community
This guide shall show you a way to use dual strike. In my opinion it is the most enjoyable skill in the game not only because of its simpleness (also graphic benefits) but also due to the flexibility - you can play it in so many different ways, focusing on the things you consider as the most important ones. ![]() Table of content 1. Introduction 2. Basic idea 3. Pros and cons 4. Leveling guide 5. Gear 6. Gems 7. Passive tree 8. Bandits 9. Ascendancy 10. Pantheon 11. Gameplay tips 12. Videos Introduction First of all I want to convince you how awesome this skill can be by explaining the "love story" between me and this skill...if you want to call it this way :D I came back playing PoE with 1.1 and tested a lot of builds, finally finding Dual Strike. Basically I oriented on this build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/726414/page/1 in the first place, but changed many things in the process of finding my own way to play. I have tried to keep this thread up as long as possible since there are other people who enjoy the gameplay with this skill. Problematically it wasn't updated since 1.2 which is the reason why I decided to make my own guide. Until now I haven't played any other build for more than a month and I always kept returning to dual strike. In the following parts I will share my current 3.6 build with you. Of course I appreciate any help, feedback or ideas. If you want to show me your dual strike build please feel free to do so. Basic idea
![]() Similar to the 1.2 build this build is nothing that allows you to carelessly facetank every content in the game. The idea is to kill everything faster than it can kill you, which may sound a little trivial but works quite well. Please note that I do not want to give the impression that this build is very rippy - you won't die if you use the defences and gimmicks this build offers. With 3.2 there are some new things to consider, especially the reworked ascendancy classes. Personally I think that there are many strong ascendancies right now but I will stick to the assassin because it is the most fun in my opinion. PoB
PoB link: https://pastebin.com/ehbjjZ6K
Pros and Cons
+imo a lot of fun to play, does not get boring +easy to get started with +fast killing +good survivability if used properly +awesome dps +immune to reflect -not the cheapest build for endgame content -you need to play with attention -there are faster map clearing builds -there are tankier boss killing builds -it is hard to take very big hits Leveling guide
Passive tree:
Passive Tree 29 points
Passive Tree 44 points Passive Tree 70 points Passive Tree 96 points ->go for the jewel socket earlier if you have Final passive tree Items:
Goredrill is a really amazing thing for leveling, if you can afford to get 1 or even 2 you shouldn't have any problems in the early stages, although any other weapon with good early damage should be fine. The screaming eagle is even better, you can easily get up to level 20-30 with two of these. Ungil's Gauche can be used when reaching level 20 and is a very good leveling weapon. Lakishu's blade is also very strong, you can get a 4link without any trouble and use multistrike earlier. At level 34 you should get 1-2 mortem morsus, when I was leveling this character I used them until level 60 without having problems, so yeah :D This one can be used aswell but if you have mortem morsu it isn't really necessary. From level 60 on you should use this one, from now on you shouldn't have any damage problems coming from the weapon slot. As long as you use this weapon and hit enemies you are immortal if you don't get one-shot. Try to get one with good damage. Other gear: There are more items that can be listed right here, for example slitherpinch. If you struggle while leveling you should first check damage and resistances, also try to have some life and good proper flasks. I recommend a mana flask until your mana leech from soul raker is good enough. Gems:
You can basically level with whatever you want, for example cleave, frost blades or sunder.
If you want to use dual strike try to go for those gems as soon as possible: Dual strike (level 1) - Ancestral call (level 4) - Melee splash (level 8) - Melee physical damage (level 18) - Multistrike (level 38) Try to get Whirling Blades as soon as possible, it is quite important to be able to get out of packs. Add other gems like Hatred and some defence set-up when you have the links and gems. A more detailed gem discussion can be found in the gem section. Gear (Please note that I already have spent a lot of currency to afford this gear and this build wasn't my first of the league. It is also possible to play only with 5l, worse rare items and wasp nests.)
We are using claws because of the passive tree location of shadow and their superiority over daggers right now. I recommend bloodseeker for the instant leech synergy with dual strike and a good rare claw for high damage. Chest piece
Belly is very nice, I get almost 800 life actually. Other chests should work aswell but Belly is definitely BiS. Helmet
BiS is starkonja's head, especially because it is very easy to buy one with a good enchant. A good rare is also very strong, it probably can be even stronger especially if you use kaom's roots. Gloves
I recommend good rare gloves with a lot of life. Maligaro's gives a lot of damage but absolutely no defenses. BiS should be tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets, maybe I will get one later. Boots
Good rares are everything you need (definitely up to tier 13, movement speed is just quality of life because your main movement source is whirling blades. Right now I am thinking about kaom's roots. They should be even stronger but I need to figure out how to cap resistances. Belt
Personally I like a belt like that one very much. It gives tons of life, strength (life and stat), and resistances. It would be even stronger with % reduced flask charges used but also very expensive. Increased elemental damage with attack skills does almost nothing so it isn't really worth it. Amulet
You won't get a much better one than that. Having an amulet with flat physical damage, crit multiplier and life is everything you want. Rings
Good rare rings are expensive but totally worth to get. Aim for flat physical damage, life, accuracy (300 or more) and a lot of resistances. If you are rich you can try to fit in some steel rings. If I could choose any ring I would get two steel rings with two res mods, a lot of accuracy, life and flat physical damage. Flasks
Without kaom's roots you need a flask "of heat". is also very good. Jewels
These are the best fitting ones I have crafted / bought, try to get life and damage mods. The might and influence jewel is mandatory and allows you to use another damage support gem instead of melee splash support. Gems
Main skill dual strike: dual strike + ancestral call + melee physical damage + multistrike + maim + ruthless If you are using 4l or 5l you should check different combinations to find the best one, the order of the gems goes by their importance. This is your bosskiller - swap it with ancestral call during a boss fight. 1st 4l: Whirling blades + blood magic + fortify + faster attacks Fortify is a very strong add-on to this build, I recommend using it. 2nd 4l: CwDt + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Increased Duration This is the main defence you will use, arctic breath did not work that great so I decided against it for now. Immortal call will safe you from dying to multiple blows of physical damage. These are the other gems I am using right now but I don't have any final setup yet. Passive Tree Bandits
Take Alira for crit multiplier and resistances.
Ambush and Assassinate - Unstable Infusion - Deadly Infusion - Opporunistic
You can also go for the power charge route first and take Ambush and Assassinate third. Pantheon
Major god: If you don't use kaom's roots you should use soul of the brine king. Otherwise soul of arakaali is probably the best one.
Minor god: Soul of shakari is the best one by far and we are reflect immune anyways. Gameplay tips
First of all the passive things like hatred, ice golem, blood rage etc. should be active while mapping. Try to get some endurance charges with enduring cry if you use it. Enter monster packs by using whirling blades (if you use flicker strike that works too, but it is riskier / less predictable) which gives you fortify.
Try not to stay too long at the same point, otherwise this might cost you your life. With the amounts of attack speed we get it should be very easy to dodge their attacks. I usually only use flasks when I really need them but it is safer to use them whenever you see something that possibly could kill you. Videos
Reflect Immunity:
Tier 12:
Racecourse: https://youtu.be/YO2GK_RDxzw
Tier 13:
Tier 14:
Palace: https://youtu.be/h1GFdadaOcc
Tier 15:
Farrul: https://youtu.be/Zy1tGWoQBu0
Saqawal: https://youtu.be/1AxOC_wgFqQ Fenumus: https://youtu.be/w2Wgwjmfrz8 Craiceann: https://youtu.be/NOSJ6hxhdB0 Prophecy:
Pale Council: https://youtu.be/ZQHqpIyVZs4
Amanamu: https://youtu.be/Ye6Fwg_NfIk
Purifier: https://youtu.be/xcq4gOeEEBI
Enslaver: https://youtu.be/vFuJKiIhWpo Constrictor: https://youtu.be/BJPAEL-tH5Y Eradicator: https://youtu.be/ZxyEnOru5WE Red Elder: https://youtu.be/PlTRZie4u4o Shaper:
Hydra: https://youtu.be/ptZSXlRb9uk
Chimera: https://youtu.be/DFYcHvSjBLk Phoenix: https://youtu.be/rG7HB_Jl4gc Minotaur: https://youtu.be/vX1Qme6m9Fk Shaper: https://youtu.be/NzqEH8DdSmo Archive
[2.5] Basic idea
![]() Similar to the 1.2 build this build is nothing you can tank or survive with for a long time if you are careless. The idea is to kill everything faster than it can kill you, which may sound a little trivial but works quite well. Please note that I do not want to give the impression that this build is very rippy - you will not die (or at least very rarely) if you use the defences and gimmicks this build offers. With 2.2 there are some new things to consider, especially the new ascendancy classes. Personally I think that the slayer duelist class may be stronger than the assassin shadow class thanks to the melee splash and stun immunity while leeching. Player stats
Dual Strike:
![]() Note that this is without adding the damage of charges etc. to it, it should be at least 160k with them. ![]() Pro's & Con's
+imo a lot of fun to play, does not get boring +fast killing +good survivability if used properly +awesome dps -not the cheapest build -you need to play with attention since 2.0, since 2.1 maybe a little bit less -reflect is the most common reason to rip since desyncs are gone -it is hard to take very big hits Passive Tree
Outdated trees
How do I play this build from early to endgame?
The new dagger Goredrill is a really amazing thing for leveling, if you can afford to get 1 or even 2 you shouldn't have any problems in the early stages, although any other dagger with good early damage should be fine (I never experienced big problems in early). Ungil's Gauche can be used when reaching level 20, other daggers should also work well, I guess even Goredrill might work on that level. At level 35 you should get Mightflay, back in the days when I was leveling this character I used them until level 60 without having problems, so yeah :D You can get Mark of the Doubting Knight as a transition but it's not really necessary. Your aim for the endgame should be Bino's, until you can afford that you should use rare daggers with enough damage to kill enemies fast enough or stick with Mightflay until you need more damage. For the rest of your gear I recommend rare items with life, resis and damage or good leveling uniques. For skill gems I recommend Dual Strike only for big, single targets in early stages (rare monsters or bosses). You can either use Frost Blades or Reave, both should work well (I used Frost Blades until level 35). I recommend to start combining Dual Strike with Melee Splash at the moment when you still can kill the big targets with Dual Strike, otherwise Frost Blades or Reave can be used until the endgame (level 35 aswell, in my case I linked dual strike, melee splash, melee phys and mana leech). The reason behind that is that Dual Strike is originally more a single-target hit than an AoE. You should keep that in mind and only start using it with Melee Splash when you still get enough damage on the bosses. Try to get Whirling Blades as soon as possible, it is a quite important skill for this build. Add other gems like Hatred and some defence set-up when you have the links and gems. ((Since I realized that mana problems are a real thing until your damage outperforms that you should use 1 mana potion, I like the Hallowed one very much. In addition to that you can use Clarity instead of Hatred if you get oom 24/7. As already mentioned mana leech (support gem) is a good option aswell.)) With 2.1 mana is almost no problem anymore, I didn't even take mana leech on the passive tree. Bandit Rewards
I have chosen 40 life from Oak in Normal, a passive point in cruel and +1 frenzy charge in merciless. Taking the attack speed or physical damage in cruel works also very well.
Gear (please note that I already have payed a lot to afford this gear, it is possible to play also with only 4l or 5l and with worse daggers or cheaper boots, rings etc.)
Of course we are using daggers, I recommend Bino's for the awesome crit chance and the utility and a good rare dagger for good damage. Chest piece
Belly is very nice, I get about 600 life actually. Other chests should works aswell, Belly is my personal #1. Helmet
Abyssus is must-have imo but if you don't like it you can use things like Rat's nest or a good rare helmet. Gloves
Maligaro's is extremely good, especially for the price you pay. Nothing is better except Acuity if you can afford it, good rares should work aswell. Boots
Good rares are everything you need, movement speed is just quality of life because your main movement source is whirling blades. Belt
Personally I prefer that one over other uniques or rares. It gives tons of life and strength (which is quite important for gems like melee phys, melee splash or enduring cry). Doryani's or a decent rare belt are also totally fine. Amulet
That one is quite strong imo but it could be even stronger. Having an amulet with crit chance + crit mult, life and added physical damage is everything you want. Flasks
Good rare diamond rings are expensive but totally worth to get. Fortunately I found Foe Knuckle by myself, giving me awesome extra leech, life and more attack speed. The other one is not that good but gives me enough resistances to reach max res. If I could choose any ring I would get 2 diamong rings with triple res, life, additional phys and leech, mana leech is more important imo. Try to get life and some resistances at least. Jewels
Those ones are the best fitting ones I have crafted, try to get some resistances, life and attack speed. In my opinion those are the best mods to aim for, crit stuff and phys etc. is also very good. Gems
As I already told there are so many different ways to play dual strike. I will show how I play it right now.
Main skill dual strike: dual strike + multistrike + melee physical damage + melee splash + physical to lightning + weapon elemental damage If you are using 4l or 5l you should check different combinations to find the best one, phys to light works perfectly well together with herald of thunder and bypasses lots of risks of phys reflect. 1st 4l: Whirling blades + blood magic + fortify + faster attacks Fortify is a very strong add-on to this build, I recommend using it. I have skipped Flicker strike for blood magic to be able to use whirling blades without going oom (3l is possible aswell if you are able to manage it without blood magic). 2nd 4l: CwDt (level 4) + Immortal Call (level 6) + Enfeeble (level 7) + Increased Duration This is the main defence you will use, arctic breath did not work that great so I decided against it for now. Immortal call will safe you against any dangerous damage if you keep the endurance charges with enduring cry up. Enfeeble seems to be stronger than temporal chains since I am not using US anymore. 3rd 4l: Hatred + Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark Hatred gives a lot of extra dmg and allows to freeze / shatter enemies because of crits. Herald of Thunder doesn't give as much damage as Herald of Ash, but it is the best way to keep up power charges very steady if you use another curse on the CwDT set-up. If you calculate the extra damage from the power charges to the damage you gain from Herald of Thunder, it should be more than Herald of Ash. 1st 3l: Blood Rage + Enduring Cry + faster casting Blood rage is very nice to use thanks to its frenzy charges, attack speed and some extra life leech. It should be on a weapon slot so that you can deactivate it by switching weapons while faster casting allows you to activate it fast enough. Enduring cry can't be triggered by Cast when damage taken anymore so you should use it by self-casting. 2nd 3l: Increased Duration + Vaal Haste + Vaal Grace Vaal Haste and Grace work very well and you will be able to keep them up for about 10 seconds with increased duration. How to play
Logically the passive things like hatred etc. should be active before / when joining areas. Try to get some endurance charges with enduring cry before jumping / while standing in big monster packs, otherwise immortal call may not last long enough to keep you alive. Enter monster packs by using mainly whirling blades (if you use flicker strike that works too, but it is riskier / less predictable) which gives you fortify.
Try not to stay too long at the same point, otherwise this might cost you your life. I usually only use flasks when I really need them but it is safer to use them whenever you see something that possibly could kill you. Videos
1st Map recorded: "New" Waste Pool (level 74) with ele equibrilium and only ranged monsters as mods: http://plays.tv/video/55ae4e77793d30b08c
2nd map recorded: Level 77 "Old" Shipyard fast run with Blood Rage: http://plays.tv/video/55d732aa573ad508a9?section=feed 1st Atziri attempt: http://plays.tv/video/55f87cd982176ea5e5/first-atziri-run-pathofexile?section=feed Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 10.03.2019, 08:50:08 Zuletzt angestoßen am 20.07.2019, 13:22:24
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TL; I just skimmed trough it.
Reflect solution: use PhysToLight... Also: I think Hypothermia is nooot a good choice. PCoC/Increased Crit Strikes/PtL are all better imho. And PTL solves the reflect issue! Although I'd swap it for smtn else on lightning resist maps. But, I haven't tested it, so... *shrugs*. I like dual strike too, but, sadly, I find it lacking for pack clearing. It's still one of the most powerful single target skills out there,though. Have you considered Reave in a 4l for packs? --What do I know? I still play flicker. XD Avert thy gaze, child!
IGN: Shadowrope Standard Warrior |
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I am usually fine with clearing packs, it feels even better since 2.0 (I guess because of the change on melee splash) but yeah I see your point there. When I will have uploaded some vids we probably can take a better look on that :)
I really feel confident with hypothermia tho, before 2.0 I used added fire damage but hypothermia feels even better with that. I tested PCoC earlier but imo it is just a waste of 1 link since I generate them quite consistant with assassins mark. I feel almost the same about inc crit strikes since my crit chance is very high and even higher with assassins mark and ice golem. I'll probably add some character stats later to give a better insight. I guess PhysToLight is worth a test although I have played with it before 2.0 and didn't feel as confident as with added fire damage. It may be good against reflect but personally I haven't died vs reflect since a month I guess and if you alch a mpa with reflect you can chaos, etc. that map aswell so it shouldn't be the main problem.. Will you use flicker with ice bite since the blood rage nerf? (just curious if there is another solution than that :D) Thanks for the feedback! Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 16.07.2015, 19:57:04
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Update: Added some Player stats to the current build, please ask if you want more of that.
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Please can you add step by step level points passive thre: 20 -40 - 60 - curent three
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Update: Added step by step passive trees. This is probably the way I would go but since I haven't leveled up in 2.0 I can't tell that well if it is the best one.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 17.07.2015, 09:10:36
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" snx BRO!. Nice Build realy work it hard with dual daggers. Zuletzt bearbeitet von 808mafia#4781 um 17.07.2015, 09:27:47
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Actually I am thinking about changing gloves and belt to
because those 3,7k life feel very dangerous to play with. Another thing I am thinking about it to change the cwdt set up since it kinda sucks imo (played it for some hours now). Maybe I'll test spell totem + summon skeletons set-up, do you have any suggestions? :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 19.07.2015, 04:41:39
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Update: Changed belt and gloves to get more sustainability, dps did get slightly reduced tho.
Also added Vaal Haste and Vaal Grace for difficult fights. |
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Just realized that I am able to reach over 200k dps on Dual Strike as a tooltip (Hypothermia not included)
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