[3.6] Dual Strike crit assassin with claws
If you crit often enough it is probably possible to proc herald of thunder with a 5l. You shouldn't use weapon elemental damage if you can proc HoT and melee physical damage if you can't.
To be honest Herald of Ash isn't that necessary (yes it works I have played a quite long time with it). Having curses on enemies with blasphemy is very strong, is is always up and doesn't rely on anything. Give it a shot if you don't think that Herald of Ash is 100% necessary. Itemwise I would get a better amulet. For this build you want as much crit multiplier as possible. The amulet is a very important slot for your damage so try to get crit chance + crit multi. Also a 6l chest would be a solid improvement :) |
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I replaced Herald of Ash with Blasphemy + ass curse and bought this amulet
I think i need to change the base of the boots to a str one so I can run a cwdt setup without it costing too many chroms. Any other items I need to replace? |
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" Nice to see some different builds, looks very smooth. I unfortunately don't know if my current build would work on t13+ maps. If I would experience problems I would take off abyssus aswell, can't tell unfortunately. Actually I am playing with leech from the duelist wheel (since bino's did get nerfed). Rares with good stats are definitely an option, yes I am using Abyssus right now but that doesn't mean that it is a must-have / must-use and maybe it isn't even good because dual strike is extremely close combat. Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 22.03.2016, 16:09:56
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" Sounds good for now :) Another thing you can do is testing some other sources for power charges (maybe something linked with power charge on crit). If you have deadly infusion (from assassin ascendancy class) it might be possible to take the blasphemy off. I haven't tested it yet but maybe someone did it and can tell if the crit chance is high enough. |
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Hi AquaFreeze,
Firstly I'd just like to say I thoroughly enjoy playing this build; there's something extremely satisfying about playing with crit based melee, especially when with the HoT and hatred effects are going off left, right and centre. Stats without charges: Dps: 43,000 Crit Chances: 56.9% / 89.69% Crit Multiplier: 400% / 400% Life: 3,951 Armour: 1864 (16%) Evasion: 1595 (17%) Cold/Fire/Light res: 77/77/80 Ascendancy: Assassin = Ambush and Assassinate. I haven't really encountered any problems, i'm running T6 alched maps and slowly building a pool of T7s which I plan on running soon. I'm forever switching round my gear as I find new pieces on poe.trade which I deem 'better', but I feel i'm inefficient and am constantly having to reshuffle my gear to maintain my resistances when I find those 'better' pieces. For instance I had been running with Auresize until level 78. When I switched to Maligaro's I had to rejig all my gear to account for that loss in +15 to all elemental resistances. I am also aware that I am not yet up to speed on my gem setup. I haven't got the enduring cry + blood rage and the vaal gems going yet. Which leads me to the purpose of this post: is there any chance you could take a peak at my gear/gems and make some suggestions on where I should invest my currency? For instance, would it be worth ditching my 5L belly in favour for a high life 6L? Whilst I don't have *a lot* of currency, I have enough to make some moderate changes. Here's my current gear: Jewels: Slot 1 - 15% increased phys with daggers / +10% cold and lightning res Slot 2 - 8% increased damage / 13% increased phys with 1 hands / +12% fire and lightning res Slot 3 - 10% increased damage / 12% increased phys with 1 hands / +9 all elemental res As you can see I'm utilising the jewels to add much needed resistances and as much damage as I could find for a reasonable price. Thanks in advance for your time! Zuletzt bearbeitet von tetsuyae#1232 um 23.03.2016, 21:09:26
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At first I would like to say that I never expected so many players to play this build which makes me very happy.
When I was looking at your gear I saw some things that can be changed. Let me start with the dagger. I don't really like such low attack speed (Bino's attack speed is already low imo). I think that this makes it quite risky if you don't kill all mobs, it really slows you down in everything you do. It is definitely possible to change meginord's. I don't think that it is a must-have since its nerf. A rare rustic or leather belt with resistances and a good life roll might be even better. Speaking of good life rolls, your rings don't have any :) I know that rings with life are quite expensive but you should consider getting them, it is a big impact with that much % life from belly and passive tree. |
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Hi Aqua,
Thanks for replying! Would you say I should be looking for a ring with -crit chance + life + flat physical + attack speed? Is there any other stats I should be looking to add? I thought the diamond ring I was using was pretty decent for the 1 chaos I paid for it xD Also, if I swap out meginord's for another rare belt with life and resists, would you then change the jewel spots for more damage and attack speed seeing as I'll effectively have some space to remove some of my current resist gear? Thanks again! |
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I'm loving this build so far!
Rocking the 65% stun avoidance enchant on my boots now so I've got 93% when I've killed recently, so it feels really nice even without unwavering, and the build feels pretty safe if I'm playing carefully. I'm also using Shadows and Dust instead of Maligaro's, but otherwise I've gotten pretty much the exact gear you recommend (except my rings have less crit but more hp/res). Definitely the most powerful character I've played yet, so thanks for this! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dipsiel#2413 um 24.03.2016, 20:21:15
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" The thing it that all those parts need to synergize well. If you use meginords, you should have rings with life and resistances. If you are able to get at least a total of 100% ele res from your belt you can definitely use your rings better for damage than for capping res. The diamond ring for 1c is nice but personally I think it is very important to get as tanky from those parts of your gear as you can get. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that you should use coral rings with 20% armour and max life roll and nothing else. It is just important to be at a certain point of defense. Getting enough life is an excellent way to survive a lot of things. If you are looking for an upgrade on rings, go for diamond rings with life and res or flat phys. An open prefix or suffix is also very helpful as you can craft another res / flat phys on it. Diamond rings with attack speed are extremely expensive as far as I know and have experienced which is why I wouldn't aim for those. |
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" Nice to hear that! Shadows and Dust definitely work too, I was using them for some time aswell. More hp is always good :D |
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