[3.6] Dual Strike crit assassin with claws
Did you hit max resi with those items? Uniqes grants almost nor elemental resi.. and hp is so low with this build. My bro 80 cant still hit 4k hp, we are searching now for jewerly with hp and resi.
Golems are not viable in this build? And my question is, how u'd change cwdt and CoH when he farm with me. Im using flammability with ele weakness with blasphemy. Moreover i throw lightning traps to proc ele equilibrum, so defences for fire and ice are negative. What are your opinions about next 4 points -2 frenzy charges? - Twin Terror Node - Ambidexterity node - Fatal Toxins or maybe Deadly Dilettante Everything seems to be pretty decent IGN: Chichotka Zuletzt bearbeitet von Exathil#7161 um 16.02.2016, 03:55:04
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Yes, I hit the max res with my items thanks to good rings and boots, even in ele weakness maps I have max res.
My current hp is 4,5k on level 91 because I tested the DoT and chaos nodes (bino spread) which aren't useful at all. If I would respec these and take life nodes I can get I would reach at least 5k which is enough imo. There is no reason not to use golems, personally I just don't like having minions around me so I am playing without. They make the character stronger so you should use them if there are problems (not enough crit -> ice golem, too squishy -> chaos golem) On playing in a party with players who need mechanics like you use I wouldn't use the curse on my cwdt setup and use arctic armour instead of my own blasphemy / herald of thunder. Frenzy charges are good but not as important as life nodes imo, if you don't have any good jewels they are better than those slots. Twin terrors is a must have imo, it's a very decent node for this build. Personally I tested ambidexterity but didn't really like it that much so I don't use it, if you think it might be good enough to use you should definitely test it. Actually I am using the fatal toxins and it feels really good. As long as you are using at least 1 bino's I would recommend using that node aswell. It is possible to get deadly dilettante but not worth the points imo. If you can get better nodes, which is the case, you shouldn't take it. Hope I could help :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von AquaFreeze#1400 um 16.02.2016, 04:03:49
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What dou you think about molten shell on cwdt or arctc armour in addition to hatred? atm he uses binos and high phys dagger and have 40k dps without abyssus. Can you link the gear you are using atm?
IGN: Chichotka
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Dps should be enough even with 40k dps, although I wonder a little bit because mine is at 150k (although those DoT and chaos damage nodes).
Molten shell is definitely possible, I just didn't test it because it didn't felt neccessary. Actually I am using 2 bino's because the DoT, usually I would use the rare one I have. |
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Hi, I'm Exa's bro.
That's my passive https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAAAYDhwUtBbUHHgxzDY0OSBGWEdUV9ha_G60hYCP2JP0mlSmlKgsshSzhMHw6s0MxRwZHfklRSn1M_02STipRR1VLVvVXl1oaW69d8mBBYeJieWKsY3BlTWqMbIxwUnBWdO108XX9eu97FH11feOEb4TZh3aJ04w2jX2Nv46Kj_qQCpAblLiVLpVml9CaE52qotmjiqxmsNixs7TFtUi5Pr02vqfC7MMzyBTQ0NN-1ELYdtrB227b1Nvn4tXjn-dU7UHuDvDV9W_8xf66_94=?accountName=Smi11&characterName=Smyrtl And my gear
What do you suggest to do in build next? I'm thinking about 5l belly or 5l arm with resi + hp. Not sure if i can handle abyssus + belly and keep my resistances up. Wtih rare 5l maybe. But my hp once again will fall. Now 4.1k hp. And 32k dps without charges/hatred etc. |
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I would get the belly, should work better than a rare one. The passive tree looks fine aswell, I would get the ranger life nodes next if your hp are too low.
5l should increase the damage you have by a lot, I would be surprised if it isn't enough until level 85 at least. |
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Could u upload the new tree? cause i was following it and was great but now the tree changed and cant see the old one :/
Thanks for this guide |
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Update: Added my 2.2 tree to the guide, the rest of the ride will get updated during next week. Note that I expect a duelist to be stronger than a shadow with ascendancy (slayer melee splash and stun immunity while leeching) but shadow should still work at least as good as he did before.
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How u deal with phys reflection and big phys hits which can one shot you(abyssus)?
IGN: Chichotka
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Usually you can avoid big hits pretty easy because the monsters who deal them are quite slow which means you can react and dodge it. If I expect to take a big hit I usually cast enduring cry and use my flasks. Thanks to that I usually don't die to big hits.
Physical reflection is annyoing but survivable. If you want to reduce the chance to die by attacking mobs with reflect you can use phys to lightning in your setup. If I am leveling I usually just ignore them or use whirling blades to kill them. The damage is enough to kill the mob but not enough for the reflect to kill you. |
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