[3.6] Dual Strike crit assassin with claws
Looks nice and actually I am using almost the same set-up. I don't use ice golem because I don't like it but it is a strong skill indeed.
I don't really need increased critical strikes and added chaos damage seems to add less damage than added fire damage or physical to lightning. I would use one of these together with weapon elemental damage, increased area of effect is also very strong if you are looking for a bigger range. |
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Yeah I'm planning to swap Incresed Critical Strike out for WeapEleDmg after I can afford a Maligaro's. Currently I can hit 90% critical strike chance with 3 power charges. I like it because that means I can proc the poison more often from Adder's Touch. It is also why I use Added chaos damage as it increase your poison dmg which leads to more regen on poisoned killed which is crazy good imo.
I like Ice Golem + Faster Casting. Really make it easier to resummoning him. |
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I have substituted the HoT setup for Blasphemy + Enlighten + Assassin's Mark, maybe swappable for Warlord's Mark. I think that this is more reliable for upkeep on charges and for cursing solo bosses for extra crit damage. Its like better autocursing.
edit: nvm you talked about that in the 2.1 update, just not in the main post. What do you think of that idea? Also,what alternate gems or setups might you suggest? IGN: ArborealTeapot [Standard] ~Your Happy Hugfriend~ (Not Hugfiend...) Zuletzt bearbeitet von Epee#6344 um 15.01.2016, 18:46:18
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That's an interesting idea, personally I hate casting enduring cry by myself and warlords mark adds some nice leech to the build.
The thing about that is that you won't be able to get power charges frequently, HoT setup or blasphemy with assassin's mark are the only ways I know for this build to get the power charges (and crit improvement) against enemies. You probably would need to get an additional curse item which is not realistic and quite expensive. Otherwise you'd have to self-cast assassin's mark which sucks even more than casting enduring cry imo. Recently I have tested a lot of poison stuff. If you are interested in testing something different and own 1 or 2 bino's you can go for those chaos damage, poison damage and damage over time nodes on the tree and play with a dual strike setup with support gems like melee splash, melee phys, added chaos, poison, rapid decay, void manipulation, multistrike and see how it works. Personally I think the spread from bino's isn't far enough to focus that hard on poison but it should be quite strong aswell and quite different and interesting. Have fun :) |
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Could you provide a link as to what flasks you use?
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" I have updated the gear section which is now displaying the current flasks I am using. |
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You gave step by step guide tree with US and you said that you are not using it and its not efficient. Can you improve this part of your guide?
IGN: Chichotka
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Update: New step by step passive trees, please note that it may be a little bit different compared to the current tree but it won't take much time until ascendancy and that's why there is no reason to find the perfect passive tree right now.
You still should head for the passives I recommend, especially enough life nodes are essential to survive with abyssus (4.5k should be the minimum you have at level 90). |
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There will be passive tree reset?
IGN: Chichotka
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As far as I know, yes.
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