[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides
" I'm interested in OP's response on this too, but I'll be rolling a flaskfinder. You might have more damage, but less tankiness. I'm addicted to the tankiness/flask sustain. |
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tune#0254 um 20.06.2019, 02:02:58
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" Your single target will not feel good without a 6link, aoe clear is probably fine. depends on the group make up, but it's a build that doesn't bring much and does get much from a group. " Berserker is a fine choice in SC (though reflect becomes much more annoying) You'll have to make up for the extra 20% ignite chance pathfinder gets. The damage is going to be better, however the clear speed goes down by quite a bit. dying sun and the movement speed do a lot for the build. Add to that you can already kill guardians and shaper with the damage on pathfinder, so you're missing out on clear speed might hurt you more in the end. In the end you'll be fine with whatever you go with. You're pick of ascendancy really depends on what you prioritize. I personally don't want to play an EA build for a long time(90+) without the movement speed and status immunity. Maybe I'm too used to playing HC to give the tankiness up. " haven't played in SC in a long time, the tree would probably look more like the legacy kaoms tree I posted or something. You can just start removing life nodes if you feel you have enough to be comfortable there from my normal tree |
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You're right: clearspeed and sustain will be an issue as Zerker.
What also sucks is the fact you need alot of dex on gear or tree for zerker.. think im going for flaskfinder too :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von Brulia#2768 um 02.03.2017, 08:42:16
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Is this the most efficient tree for EA Pathfinder? I figure the progression is BM to EE to EO. A few other decent nodes I've noticed are 1. 3 4% life nodes with one 3% attack speed travel node in the center area 2. Herbalism node on ranger side with two travel nodes. 20% life / 3 nodes 2b. If Herbalism is taken, two travel nodes to reach thick skin. 22% life/4 nodes 3. Juggernaut on the left side of the skill tree, with one travel node after taking BM. 16% life/3 nodes 4. Discipline and Training + Sanctity nodes. 3 travel nodes then 20% life + 1% regen/ 4 nodes 4b. If 4 is taken, Elementalist is there with no travel nodes 4c. If Elementalist is taken, Devotion is there with two travel nodes. 4d. If Devotion is taken, a jewel is one travel node away. 5. Node for 1 additional curse is 5 travel nodes away. 6. Blast Radius is there with no travel nodes, good for aoe and damage. 7. Explosive impact is one travel node away for good amounts of fire damage. 7b. If Explosive Impact is taken, Purity of flesh is there 1 travel node away for 20% life/4 nodes. I'm guessing it's ideal to look for fire/elemental damage over projectile because fire/ele double dips into both the explosion and ignite, and that AOE nodes aren't that important once one gets dying sun or such since the problem with EA isn't its aoe clear, but how long it takes to kill bosses single target. So prioritize life, fire/ele damage, projectile damage, area damage, then area of effect? I stopped the skill tree at 94 because I don't think I'll make it to 100. I'm thinking of taking points out Fire Walker to put into Explosive Impact. Any ways to make this tree better? Thanks for the help about telling me to remove lava lash/primeval force, I didn't realize that elemental damage with weapons didn't apply to the explosion or ignite. I'm also not entirely sure if the reduced elemental damage taken node is worth it either, considering it takes 3 8% ele damage nodes to reach it. Zuletzt bearbeitet von marixalijustice#4777 um 02.03.2017, 09:47:08
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Interested in doing this as a starter league build. Any chance i can make it work for myself? Or is it expensive and requires specific items to work out?
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" I'm not near my home computer to test out the numbers. Projectile damage does dip, as long as it's projectile damage and not projectile attack damage. One of the reasons why I go for the templar area for the ignite chance early is that level 20 chance to ignite and 20% EA are not always readily available at the start. trying to maximize the ignite chance is helpful. You can avoid it later if you get some one jewel though. There also might be some leveling options with ignite chance on certain uniques you can take I also don't invest into dead end 5% life nodes till the very end. The ele reflect reduction won't replace playing smart and not over stacking on reflect mobs, The only thing I want to test out of it is if it makes reflect breach mobs more comfortable, since they take a while, but again it's not needed and it's 4 points. ASH frost and storm is 10 damage per point and reflect reduction Explosive impact is 11.25 damage per point (including travel) and area Fire walker is 12 damage per point and fire res (helps early on to over cap for maps) it's also only 3 points to get. I don't think you need go all in on marauder start area, there's also no need to complete the wheel. " You need quill rain to use EA. You can get pretty far on quill rain and a 5link chest and rares. |
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" Oh okay so if I were to level that up, I'm guessing the build will scale well for maps? I'm guessing my gear is fine right? |
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" Most of your gems are lower level, so your ignite chance isn't as high. The rest of your gear is ok for the level but you'll eventually want to improve a lot of it. But at 83, you should buy some of the higher level gems, your things seem even lower than just buying off a vendor at this point. |
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Holy shit Dingis, I just realized you were the one that made this build and thread. Good shit man, all of my friends were hella impressed since I got to 87 on my first character ever in PoE and in HC too. I probably could have made it to 90+ before ripping because all the maps(t12+) I was doing were joke-tier easy, but I played super fucking drunk and ripp'd on a t6 I was doing for atlas completion due to bleed. Insanely fun build, actually had me buy the classic supporter pack to get more tabs and get hype for this upcoming season
I skimmed through all your posts-- why does Krait's frenzy charge so good with more damage % in tree? Is attack speed even worth it with a quill rain? I feel like I was shooting too fast; getting 5 shots out, sometimes 6 on accident which is essentially a wasted fuse. I don't think a few % of atk speed will do anything. Zuletzt bearbeitet von marixalijustice#4777 um 02.03.2017, 19:04:56
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