[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides
I was thinking about replacing Less duration with Fast Attacks in the 6link quill rain for bosses. what do you guys think?
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Don't do that unless u have very shitty attack speed like 3 AS, otherwise Less Duration is alot stronger since it decrease the time between the hit n the explosion also the main reason is that Less Duration is a Multiplier on the dmg n it double dip on the burning dmg.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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How much leech do you think is needed? Would you say its enough with 0.2% from the Rearguard corruption?
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" Leach is mostly a comfort thing. .2% is fine for me. Between the regen, and the improved life recovery off a flask, I don't go out of my way to get more than 1 thing with it. |
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Nice guide! It might be slightly more clear to newer players if the levelling section passive trees would actually show that it makes sense to take duelist nodes and elemental equilibrium before switching into Blood Magic.
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So I'm at around 3623 (been keeping track in a notepad.txt file) fusings for this bow.. I'm not sure to just give up or save my fusings / currency and buy one at this point. Also, was thinking of buying a Dying Sun but not sure if worth it. Would that kind of help with those "random reflect" packs? I know once I get my 6l bow and Kaom's (which I have, just need to 6l that bow first) it will help a ton against some reflect.. I think? I know not much but I will have around 2k more HP and that Dying Sun will give me some nice max fire res if that helps against reflect, not sure either. I do have Vinktar's as well. I'm only at 5.9k HP right now maybe that's why those reflect packs are squishy. And yes, I can detect the reflect pack by firing once but I really love to YOLO and just shoot 5x EAs like a wild billy goat into each pack I see "Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym Zuletzt bearbeitet von monkuar#2123 um 07.01.2017, 16:55:28
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Hi guys, i'm almost ready to start this build.
I've seen that we should use Blast rain for leveling untill EA switch at around lvl 47 , so i was wondering , there is a nice unique bow that can carry us untill that switch to EA + Quill Rain ? Zuletzt bearbeitet von BloodRaziel#6088 um 07.01.2017, 19:29:53
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" Well Dying Sun is not mandatory. After dying a few times to reflect in softcore i adjusted my playstyle and usually you can spot them/not instantly die to them if you dont go around spamming and offscreening everything with 5 fuses. The OP has said multiple times in his videos that a dying sun is not mandatory. But after finally being able to get one on softcore all i can say is that Dying sun is not necessary to clear all content, but damn does it make everything feel more comfortable. No need to switch to your GMP setup during boss fights, Hall of grandmasters feels A LOT better, your map clear feels smoother with a lot more AoE(you can even choose to go for your single target setup. I am currently only using 1 6-link for everything simply switching between AoE/conc.effect and sometimes GMP instead of slower proj). It does help with reflect, but not massively so IMO. Playing simply a bit more cautious of reflect helps way more. If you have the money lying around i can definitely recommend getting a dying sun on softcore after you got your mandatory gear(Capped res, kaoms, 6-link, opal rings,helm enchant etc.). Just remember that it truly is a luxury item and prioritise most of your other gear first. As for the leech questions: I think +1 Arrow > Fire leech on rearguard. But Fire leech is better than nothing at first, so if you can get it cheaply its nice. Helps a lot with no regen maps. Even the difference between 0,2% fire leech and 0,4% leech is noticeable for me. But usually 1 leech item is enough(either doryanis or rearguard). Going without leech is possible, but feels really annoying on no regen maps. edit: Going too wild with the dying sun can backfire though despite the max res you get. Explosions overlap considerably more edit2: By the way you guys converted me to pathfinder EA. Played Berserker before and i got to say Pathfinder is definitely more fun to play and feels a lot smoother in boss fights due to the Flasks/movement speed. Cleared my first shaper today(not even close to deathless though....) and can really recommend this build. Should be easy to clear everything unless you suck at the game like me, then you will die a few times. But with a 2x 5L setup and ~6k-7k HP you can easily clear everything up to t16 without any issues and with a pretty good speed. Only map mods i skipped were ele reflect, rest can be done(although with speed penalties). For T16 i would highly recommend a 6 link though for the single target setup if you want to do tougher map mods, otherwise the fights can take a while and unless you are good at fighting the guardians you might die. Guardian maps are also the only maps where i rerolled immunity to status/resistance to status mods, but technically you can do them without burn. Just risky and takes a while. Zuletzt bearbeitet von BammLee#6246 um 08.01.2017, 12:18:19
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I finally 6L my bow at around 5.9k fusings. I kept buying fusings from my chaos and kept trying to six link it was kind of addicting and figured I cannot stop now since I put so many fusings into the bow. However, next league or whenever I'm going to stop at around 2k fusings and then just say fuck it, save the fusings / currency and buy something 6L. Lesson learned the hard way though. And, the dying sun is fucking amazing for clearspeed! Holy shit I am never going to play this game without it now lol. My only issue is single target and ignite immune bosses. I'm going to try to get the 6L setup (use a 5L) for now for the single target dps like dingus has, or just put in the conc effect for bosses. I just wanted to post here to say Dying Sun is definitely worth it, my lord it's amazing for clearing lmao. And thanks Bamm And popping Dying Sun and having that +2k hp from Kaom's does help with reflect a bit more. Havn't been dying to random reflect packs now. My HP drops to around 2-3k HP if I pop a full reflect pack with 1-2 arrows. However, if I do pop em with a full 5 stack, pretty sure I'll pop too. I also got an "unexpected error" while doing the Labrythn out of no where. I was using Vaal Haste and running through traps so fucking fast I was across the map, heard trap sounds (which I was not near) then 2-3 seconds later boom, disconnected. I think our MS is actually too fucking fast sometimes. So I will be removing vaal haste. Plus, the quicksilver is fine anyway, you're still pretty damn quick tbh "Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym Zuletzt bearbeitet von monkuar#2123 um 08.01.2017, 14:24:19
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" Haha thats exactly how i felt after buying my dying sun. I was hesitant recommending it since it is quite expensive and technically everything can be done without. But i definitely know now what i will save for after 6-link next league. It makes playing explosive arrow a lot more fun and comfortable |
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