[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

Also, how do i make this build more softcore? Like for more dmg, clearspeed etc...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Anavels um 11.12.2016, 17:18:29
Yeah i switched as soon as i could fill the blood magic part in hc, went smooth.
chapter15 schrieb:
Yeah i switched as soon as i could fill the blood magic part in hc, went smooth.

how much regen did you have?
Th3LoRD schrieb:
What are your thoughts on dropping 4 5% life nodes and grabbing Herbalism?

It's 15% life but 20% charge recovery + 20% life from flasks.
Vs 20% life.

Eh, I honestly like using the excess 5% as place holders till I get good jewels. herbalism can work if you want, I just wanted to fill out 3 point jewels after I filled out 2 point jewels.

Also, how do i make this build more softcore? Like for more dmg, clearspeed etc...

I mean it clears fast as is, dying sun if you have the money is a giant clear speed boost. You can remove the extra life nodes I get for more damage anywhere near by on the tree.

And if you're stupid rich and it's available in the league, the highest damage you can probably get for single target would be a corrupted +1 skin of the lords with a good notable and the colors 1g2r2b and the last color is either green or red (less duration or slower proj). I mean you can just get +1 on skin of the loyal, but that's not minmaxing enough lol. EDIT: forgot the skin of the lords comes pre corrupted.

As far as switching point, cruel dried lake (or just after killing piety for the skill points) is ok to start, your regen will depend on how much life you have at the time, you can wait a bit and get the life and regen above EE, you can also get a 5link for life leech until you're set on regen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dingis um 11.12.2016, 21:29:30
Current gear

I don't have good jewels( only a little fire/projectile damage but no life or area damage)

What would be the best next upgrade? 6 link? Better jewels? Other thing?
Well I did hydra deathless on a 5 link quill rain in about 2 minutes. Then bought a 6 link quill rain since my rng is horrible. My gear is decent but t15 and above has been really easy. Did double boss core malachi with 5 link deathless as well.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von lurker14ownz um 12.12.2016, 12:30:45
lurker14ownz schrieb:
Well I did hydra deathless on a 5 link quill rain in about 2 minutes. Then bought a 6 link quill rain since my rng is horrible. My gear is decent but t15 and above has been really easy. Did double boss core malachi with 5 link deathless as well.


Nice, I only tried guardians on a 6link so I have no idea what 5link damage is like on them. t15s I've done on 5links in the past.

One thing about HC temp leagues is that there's usually only a couple of 6link quill rains available to buy, so I've 6linked most of mine in the past.
lurker14ownz schrieb:
Well I did hydra deathless on a 5 link quill rain in about 2 minutes. Then bought a 6 link quill rain since my rng is horrible. My gear is decent but t15 and above has been really easy. Did double boss core malachi with 5 link deathless as well.


Why life leech?
Life leech is nice for the aoe clear quill rain, keeps you topped off and prevents random elite reflect deaths. Though I have killed my self once to one on accident.
"Xoph's Nurture Citadel Bow" It is good for this build?

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