[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]
I was lurking among the forums and found a decent gem set up from a different topic for power charges. It still requires "Cast when Damage Taken Support" but it works very nicely.
Ball lightning - level 1 Cast when Damage Taken Support - level 1 blind support - level max (I guess you could replace it with critical strike chance?) Power Charge On Critical Support - level max What do you think? Thanks for providing us this build and keeping it up to date. :) /e Oh, I didn't see the "Power Charges Generator" spoiler. :P Zuletzt bearbeitet von G0bo#4861 um 09.09.2016, 21:55:59
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Your guide has exceeded my expectations!!
Hello, This is mine gear, just got a lucky getting 6L on body armour, mine dps is very good 12.600 in HD and 5k hp, still lvl 85. Just have problem to make a 3x blue on armour(vorciri still lvl 4, dam quests) ATm and I'm using added fire dmg (no money atm to buy empower lvl 3+) So, I need your oppnion what i can change on this build to get more dps? Resist is really over capped and I haven't problem with mana mana. Zuletzt bearbeitet von fernandojsn1#6702 um 10.09.2016, 02:19:32
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Well, just downed uber lab in ESC with this build using just a 4-link and the non-crit version 2 tree slightly altered (got Vaal pact). Mostly crap gear and just using one unique, praxis.
So I'd say this build is pretty goddamn viable, considering I've spent about 10 chaos in gear. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Syde#0886 um 10.09.2016, 04:23:38
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" " " I'm glad to know that you are enjoying this build. It is relatively low budget and you get excellent progress with her, including doing T15 maps and Uber lab (dont be hit). Later I'll make a video showing a fight with Uber Izaro and Argus. " From a certain point your build will improve only with better gear, or adding some other skill (for example Rallying Cry or Abyssal Cry). For example rings with cast speed, amulets with cast speed/spell damage/critical chance and/or critical multiplier (to critical version), with elemental resist over caped consider replacing a rare item for some unique that increases your damage, things like that. " The problem with Ball Lightning is the same to Firestorm, each cast is considered a single hit, ie, need to rolling critical for all hits crit, but I think that Ball Lightning is a good option (through an area), I will add later, ty. :) " Most builds have not chaos resists or very little. It's pretty hard you get good gear that leaves caped your elemental resists and chaos resist (except CI). If you get a very good gear (and probably very expensive) you can use without problems. :) Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 10.09.2016, 07:23:21
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Looking here I am considering adding Rallying Cry in build. This would increase their defensive and offensive characteristics.
Rallying Cry Duration: 8 base 8 * (1 + 0,9[tree] + 0,63 [increased duration level 19 no quality] + 0,3 [RC q20%] ) = 20,48 seconds. It is a very long time and I think it is worth at least to kill blue packs. Increasing your damage and mana regeneration for 20 seconds. Each enemy taunted will give to you 1,74% increased damage (Level 19, 174% increased Damage per one hundred nearby Enemies), so I think it is worth it. Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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if you add 6L cospri what you would put in it ?
and 13k dps at level 75 good on BV ? Ign Survivor_Hc
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" 6L Cospri = BV + Spell Echo + Controlled Destruction + Added Chaos + Critical Chance (to critical version) or Void Manipulation (to both version - affect Force Shaper, Added Chaos and Poison damage - test both and see which one increases your dps more) + Empower. 3 blue, 2 green, 1 red (if Void Manipulation) or 4 blue, 1 green, 1 red (if critical chance). 13k dps is very good at level 75. My case for example (10700 tooltip dps). If 20 instances can be maintained [Sustained DPS] = [tooltip DPS] / [casts per second] * 20 [Sustained DPS] = 10700 / 4,41 * 20 [Sustained DPS] = 2426,30 * 20 [Sustained DPS] = 48526,07 dps Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 10.09.2016, 16:35:40
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K , thx for info .
I modified a little bit this build . Going whit 4 auras . but more i play i think its a little bit useless . will post you my final tree and let me know what you think about it . Using stone golem to get ES back for mom and running whit 0 mana . 4 aura + arctic armor . but i think to drop 2 aura and just use mana pool . or use 3 aura but that will drop me to 20% on mana pool. now solo i got 18k dps whit 4 power charge,2 endurance and 3 frenzy.... give me some tips thx http://poeplanner.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 Ign Survivor_Hc
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I'm using a modified version of your build and it's working very well! I'm currently level 81 and have killed Atziri and up to t11 maps without a problem. I'm using a 6L Cospri's Will for my main setup:
I have over 20k tooltip damage with Conc Effect for bosses (I use Added Chaos for normal clearing) http://i.imgur.com/ELRHXrt.png and I'm fairly tanky with 4k life (LOW I know but my next 8 levels are all the scion life wheel! Will go much higher soon) and 45% dodge / 35% spell dodge / 34% evade at the moment. http://i.imgur.com/9OdUdHx.png I'm not sure how to calculate my actual DPS, but it's absolutely crazy. I dual curse on Blasphemy Warlord's Mark + Temp Chains, and because of Cospri's get the poison damage on all enemies. The poison lasts even longer because of Temp Chains, and does even more damage! As an example I killed Gravicious in T10 Colonnade with chaos damage before draining his ES. Atziri phases died in 2-3 seconds each. |
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" Your tree seems to be good for the proposal you have developed: use more auras. The problem is MoM + EB + ZO with little regeneration or without EB and ZO and little free mana pool. Going Occultist, You may think it worth losing damage in exchange for greater defenses (catching Vile Bastion). " Theoretically, using critical version + dual aura Ass Mark + Vulnerability + Cospri's Will is possible to have more than 150k dps using these auras + well optimized gear. Is possible that your gear allow you kill Uber Atziri. edit: you give a good option to non critical version 2, using Temporal Chains instead Ass Mark. I will update the initial post, ty for the tip. :) Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 10.09.2016, 18:48:01
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