[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]
I tried to farm lab a bit but still can't survive fully charged Izaro :)
But i swapped to a bit more def gear, with MoM and reduced to dual curse to be Ele weakness capped https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/marxone/characters also, dumped gem lvls to 20Q so gonna struggle with a dmg for a bit :) Edit: Current mana reserve Warlords Mark Arctic Armor Dumped Vaal Pact (trying to test if i can survive without it, so far it seems OK) Strugge Dexterity - surprisingly i don't have enough dex on gear so i cannot dump Maligaros for Facebreakers for more crit multi Crit - capped - fully charged CWDT - Arctic Breath - helping a bit, was better while i was running temp chains, but still. I might return to 3 curse setup if I solve resist cap for red maps while keeping Rathpith Globe , but not sure if i would be able to run witout Vaal pact after that. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community. I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Marxone#0650 um 08.09.2016, 11:31:50
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Updated Power Charges Generation section. Removed Orb of Storms and added Blade Vortex option and Reckoning + Vengeance + Tempest Shield option.
I think I found unintentionally a reasonable solution is not perfect but I think it works within its limits to generate PC. I was already using Reckoning and Vengeance linked with Accuracy and Life Gain on Hit to increase the regeneration of my life. I was looking at my gear now and thought, "What if these two gems was linked with PCOC and Increased Critical Chance?" With Reckoning, Vengeance, Critical Chance and PCoC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjCklR4_Gcw Not is a perfect solution (you need be hit - you kill enemies very fast), but is a option. Maybe can be improved linked Reckoning, Vengeance, Tempest Shield and PCoC, with it will be 3 active gems triggering chances to gain PC ON EACH HIT, dont in flat damage taken (CwdT). With Reckoning, Vengeance, Tempest Shield and PCoC (it seems that this option is the best): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rY-wS1FBxo Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 08.09.2016, 22:17:14
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I quite recommend to swap from Whirling Blades to Shield Charge. It seems to be faster than Whirling Blades and bit more impressive to just shield charge around :)
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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" " I did small tests here with Shield Charge and seems very good. Before I said that Whirling Blades was the best movement skill of the game (until now I had not tested since the remake), after the test I was in serious doubt. This opens up a number of interesting possibilities about to use a wand rather than a dagger. One, I wanted before, but not used due to dependence Whirling Blades, was Eclipse Solaris (critical chance and blind close enemies), other was Amplification Rod (pseudo-6L). I will make a short list of useful Wands and add to the main topic. Ty guys/girls. :) Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 09.09.2016, 06:17:20
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This weekend i'm gonna try to get some life leech outside of warlord's mark and try to link temp chain + blasphemy. When i played ED + Contagion lvl 1 temp chain 13q + blasphemy 0q carried me from a4n to a3m without deads with just 1.2k life and 200 shield ( trashy eq just some nice dmg). And think it could be nice defensive option. Through your new power charge generation would be nerfed (enemies hits slower -> less hits get -> less chance to get power charges).
Edit: IMO Obliteration Demon's Horn could be good wand for BV. Zuletzt bearbeitet von pawlo903#3304 um 09.09.2016, 07:50:23
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" Unfortunatelly - Shield Charge still needs melee weapon :( But to the Wand Topic I tested Apep's Rage (the add chaos for 40% mana multi) and it seems quite all right. Tested Obliteration as well, but that seems to be slithly lacking in terms of pure dmg increase, but the kill effect is quite satisfying. If i manage to 6L my chest, i will go for BV + Spell Echo + Crit Multi + Added Chaos + Void Manipulation + Increased AoE/ Conc Effect swap With Appep's Rage it seems to be most dps chaos version i can imagine. I was checking one guy with Kintawa's Quad Curse Ocultist Blade Vortex and the auto cast helmet for cursing is a serious posilibity to avoid mana reservation which could be used for something else, like Grace + Arctic Armor for max defense. Using wand it basically opens a 3-4L possibility in gear in exchange of loosing Fortify. I must admit, i LOVE Blade vortex and PoE possibilities with this spell. There are so many of them and playing BV 3rd league in a row, always different flavor :D I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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@pawlo903 yes Obliteration is very good, but shield charge only work with melee or unarmed (GGG help the casters, pls).
@Marxone LoL, I thought the fact that he use a shield to attack it dispensed (well, this shit has "attack" tag). Hahahahaha. Well, forget what I said, sadly. :( Well rolled Obliteration + Broken Faith or dual Obliteration for this build should be very strong (25-30% of physical damage as extra chaos damage). Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 09.09.2016, 08:41:48
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Ohh my bad i thought i could use shield charge with wands science i also use shield and wands also can attack. Unfortunatly its ranged weapons and its the reason. Sadly
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I just reached lvl 68 with this build on Essence HC (I'm doing the non-crit version 2 build) and I'm really happy with it. It works pretty well for HC, especially this version of the build imo. My gear could use some improvements but so far I cruised through the game easily. I'm farming Dried Lake really fast, going for lvl ~75 before I start mapping. Cruel Lab was a piece of cake at lvl 64, will probably do Merc Lab at 75-80 to be safe though.
I'm itching to start mapping, but I'm not sure if I'm high enough level yet. I need to farm to at least most of the Scion life nodes + 2 remaining skill duration nodes before I start mapping. The Life and Mana leech on this build is pretty insane, I never take damage using my defensive flasks properly and if I do, 1 Whirling Blades into an enemy pack gets me to full health almost instantly. I chose for a pure life flask and a hybrid flask to help the mana used by MoM. Loving the build so far. Zuletzt bearbeitet von EuphoricLife#4876 um 09.09.2016, 11:30:58
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checked some items itt and havent noticed any chaos resists (except one or two cases)
is it even needed? |
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