[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]
I updated the topic. Playing a character with this build (version critical) in the PSC. Notes in red and yellow in the initial post to users and the updated notes in the second post.
Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 19.07.2016, 08:58:18
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Hi, I'm currently level 83 and playing with 4L can kill Spider boss in Jungle Valley (no extra damage mods) very fast (I take 2 or 3 hits until she died - stack before of enter in the room). Farming yellow maps and few bosses give me any trouble.
I'll buy one Sacrifice of Midnight and test, I have the impression that I can kill Atziri without many difficulties. I will also buy Vaal Lightning Trap to help (50% more damage). Currently this is my set of items: My gear is not the least I would like, but it is working well. I can have 40 BV stacks on the moment. Around 35K damage. After I update the gear section. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 09.08.2016, 08:44:03
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I killed normal Atziri today/now. Just 4L like my gear is showing, my gear is a little better that before (amulet and shield):
![]() I'll not die any time in the Apex of Sacrifice, I had a little trouble in the trio, much due to the fact that I killed Atziri only 3 times until today (i.e., little practical). The first Vaal robot died before dive on the ground. Apparently my damage is low (the focus of this build is the best damage and defense possible using BV). With Increased critical chance and concentrated effect: ![]() With the formulas is: [Sustained DPS] = [tooltip DPS] * [Blade Vortex duration] * 1 With Critical chance = 4161 * 9,5 * 1 With Critical chance = 39529,5 With concentrated effect = 5575 * 9,5 * 1 With concentrated effect = 52962,5 Both just 4L. Not counting also the poison damage done that lasts 3.8 seconds and tens or hundreds of stacks. I also did some tests and it is not necessary vaal pact (I will update the tree). Do not you have any problem with rare with physical reflect. Maps with physical reflect are a little complicated, you can remove critical chance gem for physi to lightning and going carefully without many stacks. I'm level 87 now but is possible farm Atziri level 83 or less. Just make sure to have at least level 18 gems and life pool at least 4400. It's my defenses for now: ![]() Finally, Stibnite Flask is very good, I had underestimated him but for a "spell caster melee" as BV is excellent, add it to your list of official flask. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 15.08.2016, 14:10:02
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Updated the topic, I put a video against Atziri at the beginning of topic (at last solved the problem with Open Broadcast).
I colored with PINK the main sections. My final thoughts for those who wish to test the build is that it is quite tank and cause much damage. What I found is that probably the non critical version causes much more damage than critic version, because it get little critical multiplier in total. If I were to do the build again would non critical, it based on the critical version tree to not use IAoE gem (critical version 2, in the Passive Tree section). The drawback to non crit is you cannot enjoy the constant filling of flasks with Surgeon's prefix. It is currently my gear:
My damage with 50 BV stacks using critical chance gem is 55K. With Concentrated Effect 50 BV stacks is 74K. Both not counted the stacks of Poison Damage applied. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 24.08.2016, 16:40:10
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I feel some weird synergies in this build.
1. your dps is very very very low. I had average 10k with lvl 19 gem during prophecy as Trickster, fully buffed in party i was closing to 30k tooltip (hatred / wrath / anger does wonders. I was not using Faster Casting in my setup, but Controlled Destruction. It is most likey the cause. 2. You have Poison Gem in your setup but it seems completely unnecessary - you don't have the Poison nods - you go through Will of Blades rather than Entropy nodes at the shadow start I would say you would be as efficient without it as you are with it. Maybe even by swapping to more "eazy of life" gem setup with like Inc. Duration or just pure dmg Controlled Destruction. (i am noticing you don't have Vaal Pact, so the dmg as you are now causing you not to have any reflect issues) This build seems odd. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community. I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Marxone#0650 um 26.08.2016, 06:49:58
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" I've played this build hardcore to level 70. It's an odd build, but it works much better than I expected. The low dps is compensated for by the massive physical damage mitigation. I was also skeptical of the lack of offensive auras, but stuff dies quickly. I was also skeptical about how much three endurance charges would do for me, but I was very pleasantly surprised by the way it played. I differ with the build creator in that I don't like using mindspiral because the mana leach from the endurance charges is very helpful. If you are going crit, do assassin, not trickster. The power charges are too good to pass up and bv has so many hits that you will get full power charges almost instantaneously. The poison works well for the tougher monsters you need to wear down. My preference for the offensive CDWT is Bladeful/expanded aoe/???? Using poison or blind works well, but I am sure there are other possibilities. |
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" At first I had a build like this taking many dot/chaos points. But I let laziness aside and made a table in Excel that showed scaling normal damage is much better. ![]() My pure damage really does not seem very high, but you underestimate the power of over 100 stacks of poison damage I can get. The main problem with this build is that I think it needs more cast speed, rather than damage. I want to accelerate my clear speed, then this can be solved with jewels focused only cast speed. I want to stack more in less time. Folkstone spoke well, this build is very tank. For you have an idea I tolerated 2 hits of enraged Argus at uber lab (almost die). I survived a charged attack Uber Izaro no buffs (Izaro buffs - also almost died). Finally reflect not so much problem and I think the main reason is that in addition to the constant endurance charge generation and immortal call with 1 second is that every hit reflected is applied separately. MoM + x% mana Gained When damage taken is very bad when you are full mana and a big damage is taken, the excess is wasted. But with small hits of BV + my Victario's Flight + Mindspiral that I get back on my mana (MoM) only 10% is really counted (20% mitigated, 10% absorbed). @Folkstone You gave an excellent idea, I had not even thinking about the possibility to stop using Mindspiral and rely on mana leech given by the Warlord's Mark. It would be especially useful in a version based on Assassin as you said, since Weaver the Arcane dont have and the chance and damage of crits would be much more higher. But I consider using the version put in Theoretical Very High Damage section, I do small tests and is very strong combination, using Doedre's Damning (instead Cospri's Will) running 2 cursed auras, Ass Mark and Vulnerability. The problem is get the minimum elemental resistance, then must have very good rare gear. To help I can remove Mindspiral to get this and use a good rare helmet. I'm thinking. :P Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 26.08.2016, 18:55:45
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Well, in theory your numbers are good. In practice you are clearing while maintaining clear speed with 12-20 stacks range, usually not even stopping by rares since they jus melt under blade vortex itself, the dot dmg does not really start to take effect. At bosses it might play some role, at least for heavy armoured ones as phys mitigation of small hits.
I will aim for Cospri's Will for sure to free up gem slot. Still undecided between Assasin and Trickster. Trickster is much more mobile and is better with MoM combination. If I'd go for Trickster, i think it's better to drop the second duration wheel and pick up the extra Frenzy charger for pure dmg scaling. And along the way, pick those poison nods. For early Atziri Farm, your 4L and tree is probably OK, but it seems you are constraining the potential of the build a bit. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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" This build is certainly not perfect, can be improved. I usually clean yellow maps, including T11, with around 15-20 stacks of BV no problem, but I would like more stack in less time. More cast speed is more QoL for this build is even longer they last. 50 stacks I get around 7-8 seconds and I can keep them around 2-3 seconds. If I can reduce this time to 4 or 5 seconds for the maximum stack (after movement skill) would be great. I not know how to cast speed needed for this, but I think that 3 jewels with focus in cast speed must be sufficient. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs9bLjxM7zk This three has 5 jewels slot, then I think that the first three jewels should be cast speed and the 2 last just damage, then I'll update the Jewels section putting this detail. This is my 2 jewels that I'm using, bot give me only 400 more damage (currently I have 7,2k dps tooltips and 4 level 19 q20% and 1 level 18 q20% (echo spell): edit: testing here 4% cast speed in jewels give me almost 200 dps, in other words, 4% cast speed is almost the same thing of 10% increased damage, reducing my cast time of 0,17 to 0,16. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 27.08.2016, 21:18:54
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For SC, it is actually pretty good to run dual wielding.
1. Jewels with Phys dmg or cast speed while dual wielding are damn cheap. Tho i tend to focus on more attack speed for faster whirling blades (usually the target is +300% IAS) 2. flat attack speed for DW ^ 3. bigger dmg potential negatives are ofc. lower block, tho you don't need block most of the times. At least till red maps. Might be problematic to cap resists for cheap. I think best is to run Divinarius + 1 rare faster dagger with added lightning dmg to spells and more crit if you are crit. Short shocking additionally amplifies the burst dmg even without Vinktars. Or double Divinarius for maximizing AoE. I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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