[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]
![]() The History of Maximum Stacks for Blade Vortex
Patch 2.1.0:
Blade Vortex Added to the game. When released could accumulate up to 50 stacks. ![]() Patch 2.4.0: Blade Vortex now has a stack limit of 20 (down from 50). It now deals 63% more damage at level 20. The high number of stacks were causing several performance problems in servers and in the game, each blade could hit up to 2 times per second causing 50 stacks up to 100 hits per second. Their number was limited to 20 stacks per second and up to 40 hits per second. ![]() Patch 2.5.0: Blade Vortex has been refactored. Instead of separate hits for each active blade, the blades now increase the frequency at which all enemies in the radius take damage, and the amount of damage they take. The skill now has a base hit frequency of 600ms and has 10% increased hit rate per active blade. Its damage has been reduced by 30% at all levels and it deals 30% more damage per active blade. The number of hits per second was still causing a lot of performance issues, so BV was modified to have a maximum of 5 hits per second with 20 stacks. Patch 3.3.0: Now has 35% increased hit rate for each blade (up from 10%). Now deals 35% more damage with hits and ailments for each blade (up from 30% for hits and 20% for ailments). Now has 10% increased critical strike chance for each blade. Now has a limit of 10 active spinning blades (down from 20). BV is a fairly strong melee spell where the character, if he does not have a proper build, can easily die. The reduction in the number of stacks came with the intention of giving a higher QoL (quality of life), since spell echo was practically mandatory to BV to achieve the maximum number of blades taking a lot of time, an excellent QoL for bosses who attack quickly and almost non-stop and also to clean maps, making the process of recharging the stacks less tedious and with more lasting effect. In addition, now hits 7.5 times per second giving a bit more quality of life for builds that rely on hits, either to fill more easily Surgeon's flasks or to apply poison. ![]() Future: I have hopes of BV 10 hits per second. :) Attention, read the spoiler beforme proceeding
This build has changed over time due to the changes in the game made by GGG and I had to change the topic for this build to survive. At the height of the poison double dips, there were a lot of BV Assassin builds topics featured, this was the only one that had a guide especially made for Trickster, due to its more defensive characteristics. In patch 3.0 the mechanics of double dips was removed from the game and poison damage were drastically weakened. Poison builds, almost all of them, have been destroyed. The only few who survived that still cause reasonable damage with poison are those highly specialized using Assassin + Toxic Delivery + Perfect Agony (depending on the build) + extreme attack speed. This build is not exception, as extreme specialization is not possible using Trickster not even using Assassin because of the hit limit Blade Vortex has per second (7,5 hits), poison damage is dead in this build. Because of nerf in poison in patch 3.0, some things were modified in order to try to minimize the lost. For example, I changed the old gems, now it is using Vile Toxins (more poison damage and more damage from hits). Despite the nerf in poison, the new Vile Toxins gem that was added in the 3.0 patch will work to procs more damage with hits based on poisoned enemy. So basically having 9 poison stacks on enemies (or 10 if Vile Toxins level 21) you will have between 45-50 more damage with hits. Concentrated Effect will provide a maximum of 5% more extra damage at level 21 compared to VT. But Concentrated Effect can be ally of Vile Toxins, using both and causing much damage. Vile Toxins now is the core this build. :) ![]() Because this, this "poison build" has high damage, against poisoned enemies. The version with Assassin will work the same way, with the revamp in all Ascendancy in patch 3.2, Assassin now gains extra physical damage as extra chaos damage against poisoned enemies. ![]() Patient Reaper also works by killing enemies affected by DoT, in this case by poison damage. ![]() That is, poison in this build now only serves to proc any kind of advantage whose condition is the enemy being poisoned. :) The changes in Swift Killer in patch 3.0 and in patch 3.2 to Trickster helped a lot to maintain relatively high damage, increased damage per charge now is global (from patch 3.0 until patch 3.1 was increased damage over time). ![]() Temporary buffs/debuffs are important to cause very high damage, they should be used against bosses. In other words, the current damage is very high and totally viable, and is necessary use the correct items (like Cospri's Will) and temporary buffs and debuffs to optimize the damage. Lastly, this build is not recommended for players with little experience in hardcore, if you want to play with this build, play softcore with Assassin softcore version. Blade Vortex is a powerful spell that deals a lot of damage, but it is basically a "melee spell", so all caution is little. :) So that's all. :) Videos
All old videos before 3.0
Full Atziri run with 4L (died twice, first in trio and another in Atziri - have little experience with Atziri runs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8SWA8oixhM Almost full clear Overgrown Ruin Map T15 (died one time to volatile, take care with this :D ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs9WXFOFdDQ Old 50 stacks Normal Atziri fight with old 50 stacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnxCzfGvBCc Goal with this build: - 10 Blades at the same time to kill stronger enemies as fast as possible. - Maximum poison stacks possible per second to procs "mors" damage with Vile Toxins. - AoE enough to have a reasonable area of damage and QoL. - Increased Skill Effect Duration enough to have a reasonable BV and Immortal Call duration, and others temporary buffs. - Enough physical, chaos, elemental damage (with gear), cast speed, critical chance/damage to have a decent damage and QoL. - The best defensive set based on Trickster + MoM + Weave the Arcane + Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics + gear + others temporary defenses (flasks + fortify + Endurance Charges / Immortal Call) combined with best offensive set possible. Ascendancy Yes, Trickster is the King this build. With the revamp in trickster in 3.2, the introduction of Harness the Void is an excellent choice for builds that use physical/elemental damage deals extra chaos damage when choosing Trickster. Harness the Void (more chaos and poison damage) + Weave the Arcane is mandatory.
![]() If before you wanted to use a build that caused physical or elemental damage with Shadow, Assassin was the right choice, practically forcing a critical build. If you wanted to make a Shadow's elemental build and did not want to use Assassin, Sabouter was possible, even though it was very bad. With the changes in Sabouter in revamp 3.2, this class no longer lends itself to elemental builds, it's just for traps and mines now. With Harness the Void, Trickster has become a great option now that Sabouter is out of the options. Weave the Arcane > Harness the Void > Patiente Reaper > Swift Killer ![]() I added to this guide the version with Assassin. For more, read the spoiler:
With the revamp in the Assassin in the 3.2 poison became very interesting to Assassin. Because of this I created a version for Assassin, highest damage than the Trickster version, but has less mana and its MoM is less efficient because it does not have quick recovery mechanisms (Weave the Arcane), only mana regeneration and Warlord's Mark mana leech.
The combination recommended to Assassin is: Noxious Strike > Toxic Delivery > Opportunistic > Unstable Fusion ![]() If you want you can get Ambush and Assassinate instead of Unstable Fusion, but you'll not have Power Charges. On the other hand enemies in full life and low life (95% of critical strike chance) will take damage very high damage. The truth is that both of the options are good. Pantheon Major god: The Brine King Protects you from the effects of cold damage and stun. Very usefull. Minor God: Gruthkul Additional defense against physical damage while stationary (while stacking BV :P). What changes with patch 3.4? In patch 3.4, two new gems were added: Herald of Purity and Herald of Agony. Herald of Purity adds flat physical damage and still generates minions on kill, which may help you, but in terms of pure damage it adds less damage than Herald of Ash. Herald of Agony it is also a gem that has the characteristic of having a minion. Overall it will only increase its damage and chance of poisoning. I do not think it's a very good skill unless you're willing to sacrifice your damage to have a stronger minion using the new Spiritual Command and Spiritual Aid nodes. Both gems can be used no problem in softcore, hardcore depends, because you are already using Warlord's Mark as curse in aura. Except if you use a ring with Warlord's Mark on hit (Elder rings) or use the new unique ring Mark of Submission with Warlord's Mark. Leveling Guide
Leveling with Blade Vortex is quite safe, just be careful not to take spike damage in well marked telegraphed skills (hammer smash Vaal Oversoul, Dominus, Malachai, Izaro, etc). Be very careful with volatile, they can (really) kill you if it has "increased damage", "increased elemental damage", "extra elemental damage" or possessed by a tormented spirit.
Always keep an eye on dropped items, take the first 4L you see the right socket colors or be the right base for you to put the correct colors. You need of 3 green and 1 blue in 4L, to all versions. Do you can use The Princess unique sword from level 10 until to have Heartbreaker . I recommend normal Izaro around level 35. Go cruel Izaro around level 55. Go merciless Izaro when you feel safe (I go from level 65). Do you must have this passive tree before Kitava act 5: Passive Tree level 45 Kitava act 5 dead easily, Bestiary Hardcore: ![]() Do you must have at least this passive tree before Kitava act 10: Passive tree level 67 Kitava act 10 dead easily, Bestiary Hardcore: ![]() Before to farm maps, already have at least your CwdT set and your chest (good rare armour or Cloak of Flame until use Cospri's Will). Until you have a Shaped Dagger with at least 2 gain x% physical damage as extra elemental/chaos damage (save currency to it), you can use a rare Shaped Dagger with at least 1 gain x% physical damage as extra elemental/chaos damage combined with increased critical chance to spells or you can use the unique Heartbreaker or Divinarius. In fact heartbreaker is stronger than Divinarius, because the Culling Strike to spells that this offers equals 11% more damage, meaning if you want to use Heartbreaker you can use it without problems. With assassin, if you use Ambush and Assassinate notable, it is better to use Divinarius, since you will already have Culling Strike at this notable. Usefull essences to this build
Always use theses essences in high ilevel rings and amulets at least +80, preferably ilevel +82 and Shaped or Elder items.
Essence of Hysteria Ring: Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage Essence of Hysteria is the cheapest of the high tier essence. It is possible to buy several and use in several rings to try to get a good combination. If you do not want to use 2 Ming's Heart, I recommend buying an Elder's Diamond Ring minimum ilevel 80 and use several Essence of Hysteria. The objective is to get a ring that has Extra Fire Damage (Essence mod) + Warlord's Mark on Hit (Elder mod). With this you no longer need to use Warlord's Mark + Blasphemy, allowing you to have more free mana for MoM, or if you want you can use Arctic Armor (hardcore) or Herald of Ash (softcore or hardcore). ![]() If you can get something like that, GG. <type> Essence of Envy Other Jewellery (rings or amulet): x% increased Chaos Damage This essence must be used in an amulet to increase the chaos damage applied by BV, it is not very expensive and can be tried several times. The difficulty here is to get a good amulet that has Chaos Damage and Extra Damage. It is possible to get 2 mods with Extra Damage with Shaped or Elder amulets, but it is very difficult, a more realistic approach is only 1. Basically this would be a very good amulet: ![]() Notice that in the two images (not real) I considered 2 items with little life, and neither considered that this items could come with resistance. That is, the use of these items will depend on the whole set of gear, as it can be difficult to achieve elemental resistance capped. <type> Essence of Scorn (ring): x% to global critical strike multiplier Passive Tree Basically the passive tree are very similar. If you do not like or want to do more powerful versions you can change without much problems respeccing enough points. Level 100 Level 100 Path of building for simulations: https://pastebin.com/Zz6fw86w CI version Level 100 Path of building for simulations: https://pastebin.com/3kD87w7e Unique items
![]() Heartbreaker was buffed in the patch 2.6.0. Now roll between 60-70 spell damage. It is worth using this Dagger instead of Divinarius, because in total the Culling Strike to spells equals roughly 11% more damage. It's not worth using this if you got Ambush and Assassinate notable with Assassin. Divinarius ![]() The AoE bonus + spell damage + critical chance + mana/life gain on kill is perfect to this build. Must have it with Assassin using Ambush and Assassinate. Only change both daggers (Divinarius or Heartbreaker) for a rare Shaped Dagger with at least 1 gain extra physical damage as extra damage with critical chance to spells +50% (look Rare Items section). The Embalmer ![]() Great item added in 3.0. This is a 5L that allows you to have an early 5L from level 50 (minimum requirement of this item). Not only does this have Vile Toxins Level 20, but it also has generic flat chaos damage (which applies to spells too - increasing you hit and poison damage), flat life and increased poison duration. It seems that this item was made by GGG thinking about this build. lol It's a cheap item and you should have it until you get a 5L on the chest, then you replace it with another recommended glove (like Maligaro's Virtuosity). Maligaro's Virtuosity ![]() This item will give to you medium critical chance and multiplier. Must have it. Shadows and Dust ![]() An excellent choice to use instead of Maligaro's Virtuosity if you have currency. In addition to having critical chance and multiplier, this gives you Rampage which makes it easy to clean up maps, increasing your clear speed, giving you on rampage Unholy Might. What's this? This grants an additional 30% of physical damage as chaos damage. Excellent item, consider using this, but the use of this item depends on its price. Currently not an expensive item (03/2018 - around 2-3 chaos), but it has already been a very expensive item in the past. Ming's Heart ![]() Excellent unique ring that was buffed in patch 3.0, instead of losing 10% of maximum life, is roll now 5-10%. It is even possible to use 2 of them and try to compensate with gear with high life flat. Consider using at least 1 of these to increase your damage. Broken Faith ![]() Other unique item that was buffed in patch 2.6, now is a excellent unique! In addition to having a natural roll 5-10% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage, if you block an attack it gives you Unholy Might for 10 seconds (same effect of Shadows and Dust). What's this? This grants an additional 30% of physical damage as chaos damage. With this + 2 Ming's Heart you can have until 85% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage. The Magnate ![]() This belt can provide up to 40% increased physical damage. If you have 200 of strengh it can provide 25% all elemental resistances. With the addition of prophecies that make this item in fated items, the variation The Tactician is very good to this build. Cloak of Flame ![]() Great option to hardcore. Nice physical damage mitigation. Tabula Rasa ![]() For those who want to explore the maximum damage and possible efficiency quickly the tabula rasa provide it and is a great option for those who do not have 6L. In the hardcore will depend on much damage you can mitigate (mainly physical). Cospri's Will ![]() Must have it if you want highest damage. With this you can remove the poison gem. Optional, but can be useful Innsbury Edge High attack speed, global critical chance, convertion of physical damage to chaos damage and 0.2 chaos damage leeched as life. Interesting to use. Cost: 1c Attack speed: high The Princess High attack speed and extra cold damage (25-30%), very good to leveling from level 10. Cost: 1c Attack speed: high Rare Items Give preference to items that give you life + mana, that are your primary defenses, if Shaper or Elder item, the better. Have a good ES shield with life, critical chance to spells, resists and, if possible, mana, like this: ![]() Plus spell damage prefix or Catarina mod (if there is space for prefix, as is the case of the image shield). Save currency to buy a rare Shaped Dagger like this with at least 2 extra damage mods: ![]() Or buy/use a white/bad Shaped Dagger high ilevel (+80) and spam Chaos orb until you get something like that. Jewels Jewels with life, generic increased damage (this apply to all sources of damage), spell/physical damage, spell damage while holding shield and/or global critical multiplier. Or use Abyssal jewels with flat physical to spells, to spell while holding shield, physical damage as extra fire damage and/or cast speed if crits recently. Bandits Help Alira. Example of Gear:
New gear Old gear 3 Old gear 2 Old gear 1 Links No Cospri's Will: 4L: Vaal Blade Vortex + Poison + Vile Toxins + Concentrated Effect or Increased AoE to clear maps 5L: + Controlled Destruction 6L: + Empower Using Cospri's Will: Cheaper version (3 off colors on Cospri's Will - lesser damage): 4L: Vaal Blade Vortex + Void Manipulation + Vile Toxins + Concentrated Effect or Increased AoE to clear maps 5L: + Controlled Destruction 6L: + Empower Semi-rich version (4 off colors on Cospri's Will - biggest damage): 4L: Vaal Blade Vortex + + Vile Toxins + Controlled Destruction + Concentrated Effect or Increased AoE to clear maps 5L: + Increased Critical Damage 6L: + Empower Other Skills You will use to all versions: 3L: Whirling Blades or Shield Charge + faster attack + fortify. 3L: Rallying Cry or Flame Golem + Vaal Lightning Trap + Increased Duration 4L: Blasfemy + Warlord's Mark + Enlighten + Blood Rage (BR only if you're Assassin) 4L: Wither + Spell Totem + Faster Casting + Increased Duration This combination Wither + Spell Totem makes this build extremely strong, use in all bosses, mainly when you're facing difficult bosses like Atziri, Uber Izaro, Guardians or Shaper Cast When Damage Taken defense This is mandatory. Use CwdT (Level 1) + Immortal Call (Level 3) + Increased Duration (max level, if possible q20%). Immortal Call duration (it has duration tag) lasts 1 second, 2,1 seconds with 3 endurance charges, very usefull against Porcupines and other things. To complete you can have Despair (if softcore) or Enfeeble (if hardcore) to both Level 5 if you have Cospri's Will. A little of Math in spoiler:
Immortal Call L3 no endurance charges, duration:
0,4 * (1 + 0,45[tree] + 0,63 [increased duration level 19 no quality]) = 0,832s Immortal Call L3 with endurance charges, duration: 0,4 * (1 + 0,45[tree] + 0,63 [increased duration level 19 no quality] + 3,18 [3 endurance charges])) = 2,104s Maps mods to take care - Avoid maps with physical reflect mod (rare monsters with reflect mod, just avoid the projectile refleted). You can use Divinarius or Heartbreaker unique daggers on Elemental Reflect maps with safety. - Avoid red maps with Monsters have a 65% chance to avoid Poison, Blind, and Bleed. This decreases your chances of applying poison and consequently reduces your damage (remember the Vile Toxins gem). If you still want to try, remove Vile Toxins and use Added Cold, Ice Bite, or Culling Strike. - Take care with bosses possessed by Shaper, depending on the maps mods, it can be quite dangerous even yellow maps depending on the boss (Tribunal, Tower and Scriptorium map for example). - Take care with red maps with more of 2 damage mods (any combination with more 1 extra damage and/or Vulnerability and/or reduced maximum elemental resistance). Map mods with 2 damage mods is usually manageable, with 3 or more going to depend on the combination. Such combinations can be fatal if any boss is the type that has almost uninterrupted attacks (Dominus Villa map for example), as well as skills that are not one shot, but that may be because of these damage mods. - Take care with maps mods or bosses that cause too much Freeze/Chill (for example Plateau or Death and Taxes unique map), you can use Dream Fragments unique ring to farm safely. - Take care with maps mods with critical chance/multiplier or power charges on hit, you can use Belt of the Deceiver unique belt to farm with much more security. - Cannot leech Life/Mana is possible (to Trickster), turn off your Warlord's Mark and use Enfeeble, Despair or Vulnerability. Take care, this can be boring. - Hexprof is possible (if you dont have Cospri's Will), turn off your blasfemy aura and you will get more free mana pool. But take care proceed with caution without risk. Dead Bosses
![]() Atziri was killed only with 4L. Just have at least level 18 gems and life pool at least 4400. Not need of gems with quality: 1 - Have at least one full damage flask to the split phase (Sulphur Flask, Atziri's Promise, Taste of Hate or Vessel of Vinktar). 2 - Enter the room. 3 - Put your spell totem with Wither. 4 - Accumulate 10 stacks. 5 - Use your Whirling Blades to touch Atziri while causing damage. 6 - Use your Whirling Blades to avoid the spells / damage and stacks more BV. 7 - Split fase put you spell totem with Wither in one Atziri (except Atziri with mirror) again and throw one Vaal Lightning Trap, stack your BV, use a damage flask (item 1) and touch one Atziri quickly to kill (avoid Atziri with mirror); 8 - Dance and Heal fase just stay in the center stacking BV. The mobs will die. 9 - Repeat the process from step 3. Shaper ![]() OLD BEFORE 3.0. The user @Waoooo killed the Shaper with this build before 3.0 patch. He used Cospri's Will 6L and tested this build to the limit and realized that to successfully defeat the Shaper had to make some changes in the original build. He used: - Vaal pact in the tree + life leech skill gem, he said that is absolutely necessary for end game survivability. - Rallying cry + Wither (Wither + Spell Totem + Faster Casting) is also mandatory for this setup because the damage boost you get is unparalleled (Physical/chaos-poison build). He did notice a lack of clear speed for maps but for bosses it's huge (if you dont want to waste time in clear speed, use Wither only in bosses +T15). - Blasphemy + warlord's mark + enfeeble with MoM is also necessary for end game survivability. Pros: you can kill Shaper, more base damage, more chaos damage, more cast speed, Vaal Pact. Cons: less skill effect duration, less AoE, less increased mana. Gear used by Waoooo Enemies you should Avoid or to be Very Careful The game has a great diversity of enemies, play it since 2012 and I do not remember all the combinations or all of the types that have been introduced over time. I remember some that surely you will have to avoid with this build, are the enemies considered "anti-fast hits." Beware of enemies that have Lightning Thorns (Shavronne and Black Guard Tempest in the Promenade map). On the map Mud Geyser be very careful with the devourer boss Tunneltrap, I recommend only killing him once to earn the map bonus and not coming back there anytime soon. Avoid bosses like the Quetzerxi (Abandoned Dam, corrupted zone in the Dried Lake), these types of enemies have mechanisms that penalize those with very fast attack or cast. For anyone who is a ranged caster or ranged attack does not have as much danger, but for melee is a problem, BV is a spell caster melee. Take care with mage goatman with Molten Shell in red maps with damage mods. Have a certain caution with very strong melee bosses, for example Ossecati, Boneshaper in the corrupted area. Even with all the physical damage mitigation, you must be very careful. Take care with Volatile with Extra Fire Damage or Extra Damage, avoid the ball. Rare Giant Skeletons or Giant Vaal Soldier with maps damage mods + rare damage mods can be very dangerous, take care. Flask You can have at least Granite/Basalt Flask. Do you not have Quicksilver, use your free Whirling Blades/Shield Charge. Pick flask with "Surgeon's" prefix (20% of chance to gain a charge when crits). Try combining with suffix "of Stauching" (remove bleeding) and other good suffix. Stibnite Flask is very good, consider add this. Atziri's Promisse is mandatory to gain higher damage against bosses. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 12.03.2019, 06:34:58 Zuletzt angestoßen am 04.06.2019, 07:35:28
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- Update 7/6: Updated the Exploring Templar Tree. Adds more 1 option of final tree to Exploring Templar Tree. - Update 8/6: Updated Carcass Jack, The Consuming Dark and Divinarius section. - Update 9/6: Added Tabula Rasa to the guide. Updated Reflect Physical damage mitigation section. - Update 13/6: Died on 11/6. Rerolling in the PrSC to test. :) Avoid enemies with anti-fast hits. - Update 15/6: Playing PrHC again crit version. Updated the links to non-critical version. Updated Exploring Templar Tree with a alternative version (catching Battle Rouse in the tree). Updated with new section Enemies you should Avoid or to be Very Careful. Updated Reflect Physical damage section. Added Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn. - Update 19/7: This build was reconstructed to poison version using poison gem. Now has only 2 passive tree options: crit and not crit. Yellow and red notes to update the users. Updated the sections Tree (crit and non crit), Items , Links, Reflect Physical damage, Enemies you should Avoid or to be Very Careful, Critical Chance version and Jewels. Added Stacking AoE section. Added Support Skill section. - Update 9/8: Updated Passive Tree section. - Update 15/8: Updated the sections Goal with this build, Passive Tree critical and non-crit, Unique Items, Flask, Intro, Jewels, Reflect Physical damage and Physical damage mitigation; Added the sections Damage, Atziri Fight - Instructions and Maps mods to avoid; - Update 16/8: Added Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version with Cospri's Will and Thirst for Horrors; - Update 17/8: Updated Atziri Fight - Instructions section. - Update 24/08: Updated Damage section; Color each session for better viewing (standard PINK); Updated Passive Tree section with a non crit version based in the critical version passive tree subsection; Updated Stacking AoE section; Updated Link section; Added a video with Atziri Fight in the Intro; - Update 27/08: Updated Jewels section; - Update 28/08: Renamed Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version with Cospri's Will and Thirst for Horrors section to Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version sections; Updated Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version section; Updated Flask section; - Update 29/08: Updated Passive Tree section: Pros and Non Critical version 2 subsection; Updated Unique items section: Divinarius and Mindspiral subsection; Updated Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version section; Unique items section placed on spoiler to reduce the size of the original post; Updated Goal with this build section; Updated Atziri Fight - Instructions section; Updated Auras and curses/buffs section; Updated Jewels section; - Update 30/08: Patch notes 2.4.0 released today; Updated Intro, Goal with this build, Stacking AoE and Links sections; Damage section will updated; - Update 31/08: Updated Intro section explanation about 2.4.0 changes; - Update 01/09: Updated Intro (hints), Ascendancy, Passive Tree (many hints), Stacking AoE (hints), Links (4L option) section; Removed Critical Chance section, now is a sub sub section in Passive Tree - Pros Critical version. Many parts were placed in spoiler for better viewing and less visual pollution; Added Occultist version below Trickster image, in spoiler; Added Leveling Guide in spoiler, above Passive Tree section; - Update 02/09: Updated Cast When Damage Taken defense section with a tittle of math. :) Updated Passive Tree (more hints) section; Updated Atziri Fight - Instructions with hints about the 4L nerf. Updated Theoretical Very High Damage Critical Version section; Updated Links section; Updated Intro section; Updated Unique items section; Updated Auras and curses/buffs section; Updated Movement Skill section; Updated Support Skills section; Added Usefull essences to this build (Essence League) section; - Update 06/09: Updated Damage section; Updated Videos section with a full run Atziri and a full clear T15 map; Removed nnecessary images of unique items that are not essential; Divide the initial post into two parts, the second is on the second post (this post); The reason is that the error was giving initial post to have a lot of content; -Update 07/09: Updated Rare Items section; Updated Unique items section. Added Maligaro's Virtuosity, Facebreaker (both to critical version) and Thunderfist (to all version, pseudo-5L usefull until you have a true 5L) to Optional but very useful subsection; Removed uniques main hand items suggered in the Non critical version 1 subsection to Unique items - Optional but very useful subsection; Added Passive tree - Alternatives Tree (not tested by me) subsection, below of official trees, in spoiler; Added Power Charges Generator section; -Update 11/09: Due to coding problems I was having to refresh the topic (lots of text and a lot of encoding), I turned several texts in many sections on images. - Update 21/09: Added new video Test against 15% physical reflect in the Video section. Smalls updates in the other sections. - Update 4/10: Added new option with Orb of Storms in the Power Charges Generator section. - Update 6/10: Updated Passive Tree section - added @nathirox's Passive Tree using Inpired Learning; Updated Aura and Curses/Buffs section - added Rallying Cry as official skill; Changed all links to passive tree for short URLs. Smalls updates in the other sections. - Update 20/10: Added Sharper down by @Waoooo section. Smalls updated in the others section. - Update 1/12: Added information about 2.5 changes in the begin. Updated Goal with this build section. Updated all passive trees, main passive trees changed, now only have 2 versions: critical version and non critical. Critical version is based in the @waoooo tree made by me and he. Non critical version too. Removed all mentions to Victario's Flight and Mindspiral. Removed Power Charges Generator section. Updated Atziri Fight - Instructions section. Updated Stacking AoE section. Updated Links section. Updated Cast When Damage Taken defense section. - Update 1/12: Removed Controlled Destruction gem, now using Increased AoE gem. The reason is that the damage is enough to clean white, blue and rare trash. Against bosses use Concentrated Effect. With gigantic AoE it is possible to clean everything up more easily. With this you lose the disadvantage in using Controlled Destruction decreasing your chances of giving critical. Updated Stackin AoE section. Updated Links section, now it is the same to all version, crit and non crit. Updated Support Skills section. 2017 - Update 2/3: The initial post was shortened and removed a lot of information considered irrelevant currently. Removed the various mentions to the Blade Vortex changes at the beginning of the patch 2.4 and 2.5. Removed ATTENTION section. Removed Theoretical Assassin and Occultist version section. Removed Alternative Tree subsection. Removed Theoretical Very High Damage Version section. Removed The Consuming Dark, The Princess, Cybil's Paw, Advanced Fortress, Thunderfist and Facebreakers suggestion to Optional but very useful subsection. Updated all trees. - Update 6/3: Links section updated. Removed Clarity and Arctic Armour, now you'll use just Blasphemy + Warlord's Mark. Updated Example of Gear section. Updated Stacking AoE section. Updated Unique Items section, now Maligaro's Virtuosity is mandatory (to critical version) and Voidbringer removed. Jewels section updated. - Update 19/3: Updated Unique Items section, added Shadows and Dust, Ming's Heart and Broken Faith. Removed Carcass Jack. Praxis now is optional item, moved to Optional but very useful section. - Update 21/3: Updated Damage section, now with many simulations in the Path of Building. Updated Passive Tree section, removed Level 89 tree and replaced by Level 91 tree. Updated Unique Items section. Added Belt of the Deceiver to main section. - Update 22/3: Updated Unique Items section. Added Heartbreaker to main section. - Update 3/8 Updated to 3.0.0 patch. Sections changed (updated, added and some removed). - Update 6/8 Updated passive tree to 124 points. - Update 10/8 Added Pantheon section. Updated Unique Items section. - Update 11/8 Updated Ascendancy section. Now Swift Killer is the second option and Walk The Aether the last. Updated Links and Other Skills sections. 2018 - Update 1/3 Updated many sections because of patch 3.2. :) Removed non critical version. Added Assassin version. - Update 5/3 Updated Passive Tree section, added alternatives tree in spoiler. - Update 6/3 Updated Attention, read the spoiler before proceeding spoiler at the beginning. Updated Ascendancy section. Updated Damage section. Updated Passive Tree section. Updated Unique Items section. Updated Links section. - Update 19/3 Updated Leveling guide section. Updated Passive Tree section. Updated Unique Items section. - Update 21/3 Updated Attention, read the spoiler before proceeding spoiler at the beginning. Updated Leveling guide section. Updated Unique Items section. Updated Rare Items section. - Updated 28/3 Updated Usefull essences to this build section. Updated Rare Items section. Updated Example of Gear section. Updated Other Skills section. Updated Cast When Damage Taken defense section. Updated Maps mods to take care section. Updated Enemies you should Avoid or to be Very Careful section. - Updated 7/4 Updated DAMAGE section. Updated Passive Tree section. Updated Maps mods to take care section. Updated Enemies you should Avoid or to be Very Careful section. - Updated 19/4 Updated Maps mods to take care section. - Updated 17/5 Added The History of Maximum Stacks for BV section at the beginning. Updated Links section. - Updated 30/5 Updated Usefull essences to this build section.Updated DAMAGE section. Updated Passive Tree section. Updated Unique items section. - Updated 27/6 Fixed Passive Tree section. Updated Links section. - Updated 12/9 Added What changes with patch 3.4? section. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 12.09.2018, 19:27:08
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Progress: I'm leveling and now level 54 with a Consuming Dark that I bought selling a Voll's Protector 5L (5L prophecy). Nice to see 2 DoTs (ignite + poison) on the enemies.
I'm moving slowly through my lack of time and also to go see the prophecies of the game. But no boss so far (I'm in cruel, act 3) has resist more than 10 seconds with maximum stacks of blades that can at the moment (19). Have not bought the Cloak of Flame because that the prices are still high. Should fall in the coming days. I also bought my Mindspiral. Next 3 points in passive tree will take 2 AoE nodes of templar and will take MoM to test, thus: Level 57 Level 70 plan to have a tree like this: Level 70 For now are only those updates. :) Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 08.06.2016, 09:10:19
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Thanks for the build, I'm giving the crit version a try :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von oodlez#3867 um 11.06.2016, 14:41:21
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I died on Saturday farming Dried Lake. I entered a corrupted area to fulfill a prophecy, Abandoned Dam, and I had forgotten that the area boss is anti-fast hits.
MoM helped me survive longer but it was not enough, the death was for all my fault. I died level 71 and I was farming Voll in 10 seconds. This was the gear that I was using (too bad yet). I will recreate the same character critical version in the PrSC with friends, I want to see how much it would be good to farm Atziri. In time I will put further progress. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 13.06.2016, 07:25:18
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Playing again with critical version on the PrHC. I like hardcore, I cannot play softcore (not yet played with my friends). Hahahaha.
Well, actually level 40, these are my items at the time. I will update with a leveling guide. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 15.06.2016, 20:53:18
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watch my profile
i play near the same build on sc cause i like to play with my m8's :)) currently iam lvl 88 with 12k dps |
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" Private profile? |
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I will update this topic later, wait. :)
Guides made by me:
Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast |
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