EU Latency/Connectivity Issues [Deutsche Telekom/1&1]

Still strong problems on the ps4 version with build like Flicker Strike will push 4 monitors back sometimes or you Attack for minutes and only the damage u get deals...
1&1 ISP, recently quit it though. Thought it was their fault. Game gettin more and more unplayable over the last weeks. Dont dare to do endgame content/leveling, since u can expect a wipe like every 5-10 min due to screen freeze.
I really love your game and i really like the new League and would love to play it more serious!
ISP says they cannot do anything to improve. GGG says they cannot do anything to help.
So just quit the game because no one feels responsible for this mess? getting the vpn solution is a no-no for me. Paying in several instances for the interwebz? Wrong way. Adress problems, dont use solutions that bypasses them and leaves the core problem unchanged.

ISP has been shit for years, GGG has ever been quite inovative so my wages are on them ! Dont let us down plx!
Another day where this game is unplayable via Telekom Germany because rooting via Telia to GGG servers is full of packet loss... really frustrating.
This game is literally unplayable as of now. Non stop pingspikes and freezes every day. I never had this problem with any other online game. No communication on this matter from ggg either. This is just a bad joke at this point. If ggg doesnt want people to play their game, there are easier ways to tell us.

Why is every other company able to solve those occuring issues, but ggg not? Would it be too expensive to do so, or are we simply not worth it in their eyes?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Zeronemo#6195 um 24.06.2019, 15:29:06
KäptnIglø schrieb:
Same here. The game is unplayable right now. Very frustrating!

ISP: Deutsche Telekom (DTAG)
Country: Western Germany
Gateway: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milan (all the european ones)
Game Version: Steam Version

Playing since Betrayal and no performance problems until Legion Launch.
After installing Legion Patch, Whirling blades was rubberbanding alot. (had lockstep/predictive setting on auto - changed it to lockstep).
Then it got worse and I got freezes lag spikes / fps drops. Sometimes so intense and long freezes that the game crashed.
Tried changing alot of settings (graphics, lockstep, wlan or wired connection, resetting routers, changing to other EU servers) No change.

I ran a program called pingplotter to check for packet losses on the last connected server listed in the game-logfile. Checked (Amsterdam) and had countless packet losses - I mean A LOT. Ran a check for the server and no single packet loss.

Not every instance is affected.
Also Yesterday, in the evening, I could play just fine (23.06.2019 around 21:00 MESZ Berlin Time). Today its unplayable again. Game was running fine for a couple of minutes. But after that only lags again nomatter what I do ingame.

Please resolve this!

EDIT: added WinMTR's and PingPlotter results

WinMTR for (instance ip at amsterdam gateway)
Problem starts at

WinMTR for
Potential problem starts at

WinMTR for
Potential problem starts at

Sry if spam but I had to bump my post in case Fitzy_GGG would miss the edits (added WinMTR's and PingPlotter results
Still the same problems. Logging through the gateways for 1 hour then doing 2 maps without lags, lags start again, back to logging through gateways
Well, this won't change, unless Deutsche Telekom adjusts their routing or fixes the busted nodes in their network.
They're clearly not able to handle the peak time traffic, which starts around 05:00 PM CEST / GMT+2 (people getting home from work), resulting in 10-18% packet loss.

If you are in fact using Deutsche Telekom, it won't matter which Gateway you use, since the initial routing will always pass through those nodes, no avoiding it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jankalor#6579 um 25.06.2019, 13:53:51
every single day I am getting massive lag spikes on frankfurt and any other eu servers. roughly from 6pm to about midnight (checking every 1-2 hours)... pretty sure i've tried everything at this point without success.
super annoying how this game is fucking this single case scenario this ever has happend in my lifetime playing games online. any sign of fixing this shit from ggg so far? it's not like this is a new thing...

update: So this makes absolutely no sense to me, but it fixed it for me. watching youtube videos in the background fixes the spikes with no ping increase. the lag spikes immediatly come back when i close the tab. now i tried PoE with high priority/admin and still no difference. I let muted 480p podcasts run on my second screen whenever the lags are starting at night. i wish this could be avoided, but for now its much better than what i had to deal with.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von FatalityDiablo#3480 um 26.06.2019, 15:39:09
Severe issues with vodafone. Lags and lags worse every minute until freeze.
Glad i found this thread guys.
thought i was going insane.

Same Problems as you guys

EU/Frankfurt, ISP "Deutsche Telekom AG".
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Saufkopp#7516 um 25.06.2019, 15:05:23

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