EU Latency/Connectivity Issues [Deutsche Telekom/1&1]

Same Problem but i have a 500 Fiber Connection from Telekom in my House every Other Game does not have issues just Poe Since the Updates. Whats odd becuase i have around 6ms Latency. But it does Jump to 1000ms every now and then it Sucks and im getting kinda pissed at this. And yes ofc im connected with a Ethernet Cable.
PotaHari schrieb:
nibbelhunter schrieb:

Sometimes (maybe 1 in 10 maps) there is a map where its all fine (20-50ms). Maybe because we take a diffrent route to the servers for that map?

I think it has to do with some ISP backhaul. Something on the way to the GGG Servers is overloaded or not working properly. Now here is the problem, we as "normal ISP customers" cant really tell the ISP whats the problem. They test the connection and say its all good on their side. I think GGG needs to adress the problem with that backhaul or the hoster/provider, since we normal customers dont get any attention.

Some guesses are right, but it isn't easy as that. The most likely cause for this issues is a bad connection between the DTAG network and the IBM Softlayer, which is hosting the POE services (there may be other providers, don't know that for sure).

An example:

A lot of traffic is routet over Telia. Telia and Telekom have a very ugly history (just google Telekom Telia Peering) so Telia refuses to route packages from DTAG under specific circumstances or let them wait (their are a lot of contract reasons, why Telia behaves that way, so I won't post details for that) which results in a much longer rerouting of the package. You won't see that with a ping or traceroute, because ICMP packages are handled normaly (if the hop answers them at all). Thats also the reason why VPN connections work on this specific problem: HideMyAss (which is part of Avast) uses their own network and it seems they don't have any difficulties with their Telia peering and are much better connected to Softlayer.

(For all the network pros out their, which are currently crying: Please be nice. It's really a complicated topic for such a forum and I'am not good in keeping it easy and my english skills are hitting their limit).

A few links about peering and net neutrality (sorry, only german):

Does the same hold true for Vodafone DE? Are they having the same conflicts with Telia or somehow routing all their traffic through Telekom? You know, kinda like an MVNO? Because otherwise the exact same problems are present even when outside Telekom ecosystem. Lag spikes, rubber-banding, freezes followed by a huge spike - all of which were NOT present in previous leagues. I find it extremely hard to believe that all German ISPs suddenly decided to mess with their routing starting with 7th of June.

I know it's VERY tempting to put all the issues in one bucket and point to a single root cause, but if you have even 10 users that are not using Telekom and their shit routing, then the problem is not guaranteed to be exclusively on the ISPs side.
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Navandis#1596 um 23.06.2019, 08:30:51
I am a bit disappointed.. went to vacation a week ago and the issue still persist and its getting even worse.
I've supported PoE for years by and its truely a shame that GGG doesnt even mind to reply. :/
Well then, waiting for FFXIV ShB :<
my provider is 1&1 for years now.
i had a 16k connection for such a long time and a CONSTANT ping of 47 in PoE.
recently i changed to 100k (still 1&1) and it was fine for a while in PoE but in early synthesis the problem with the inconsistant pings started. got better after a while but now it re-appeared.

i am so tired right now of this crap.
Navandis schrieb:

Does the same hold true for Vodafone DE? Are they having the same conflicts with Telia or somehow routing all their traffic through Telekom? You know, kinda like an MVNO? Because otherwise the exact same problems are present even when outside Telekom ecosystem. Lag spikes, rubber-banding, freezes followed by a huge spike - all of which were NOT present in previous leagues. I find it extremely hard to believe that all German ISPs suddenly decided to mess with their routing starting with 7th of June.

I know it's VERY tempting to put all the issues in one bucket and point to a single root cause, but if you have even 10 users that are not using Telekom and their shit routing, then the problem is not guaranteed to be exclusively on the ISPs side.

I think their is a missunderstanding: I wasn't saying that their is a root cause for all the connection problems german GGG customers suffering, I already stated at various points that all of my assumptions just count für DTAG users which have a specific set of symptoms.

Sure, their may be another problems even for Vodafone or Unitymedia customers, we have to check logs und diagnostics to see where the issue is located. So far, just had DTAG logs.

But it is save to say, that the server or their performance are currently not the problem. About 10 users I spoke to (including me) had all their connection issues resolved after switching to a VPN. Played nearly the entire weekend, even in prime time, zero issues (despite some crashes and exceptions, but thats not a performance/connection issue and I was mainly talking about connection).

You're at one point undoubtedly right: It isn't just a problem on ISP side. GGG (or more their provider) could also improve their connection to the DTAG network, but its much likely just to cost intensive, or their provider is refusing, for what ever reason.

to sum it up:

- Everything I wrote just counts fpr DTAG/1&1 customers which having problems based on peering problems

- I'am just talking about connection issues/server performance, not Exceptions or other bugs

- It's not only the ISP who is to blame

- If other users experience connection issues beyond the DTAG/1&1 net, just contact me with logs/diagnostics and we can take a look, where the problem is located
Same here. The game is unplayable right now. Very frustrating!

ISP: Deutsche Telekom (DTAG)
Country: Western Germany
Gateway: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milan (all the european ones)
Game Version: Steam Version
Connection type: Wired/ethernet (also tried wireless)
Tried different Computers/drivers

Playing since Betrayal and no performance problems until Legion Launch.
After installing Legion Patch, Whirling blades was rubberbanding alot. (had lockstep/predictive setting on auto - changed it to lockstep).
Then it got worse and I got freezes lag spikes / fps drops. Sometimes so intense and long freezes that the game crashed.
Tried changing alot of settings (graphics, lockstep, wlan or wired connection, resetting routers, changing to other EU servers) No change.

I ran a program called pingplotter to check for packet losses on the last connected server listed in the game-logfile. Checked (Amsterdam) and had countless packet losses - I mean A LOT. Ran a check for the server and no single packet loss.

Not every instance is affected.
Also Yesterday, in the evening, I could play just fine (23.06.2019 around 21:00 MESZ Berlin Time). Today its unplayable again. Game was running fine for a couple of minutes. But after that only lags again nomatter what I do ingame.

Please resolve this!

EDIT: added WinMTR's and PingPlotter results

WinMTR for (instance ip at amsterdam gateway "Connecting to instance server at")
Problem starts at

WinMTR for
Potential problem starts at
WinMTR later that evening with actual Packet loss:
Actual packet loss starts at

WinMTR for
Potential problem starts at
Second PingPlotter with crazy latency:

The problem seems to be hop-route/node specific.
Checked destination again today (25.06.2019 at 13:35 MESZ Berlin Time) And this time the trace took an alternative route and was all fine. Trace took as 6th node instead of the bad one which previously was
Then I reset the trace and started another one. New route - now all bad again.

I will run these traces again the next days periodically, collect all the bad nodes and post them as EDIT in this post.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kptn#7112 um 25.06.2019, 07:56:51
Same here, but only the Frankfurt servers are affected.

ISP: Deutsche Telekom
Game Version: Steam

>>> <<<

I have had problems with telia before (bad routing, see: )

I'm guessing its the same bad routing with telia again, but i'm not sure.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Minkafighterr#0966 um 24.06.2019, 12:43:33

Playing on Lockstep is a slideshow.
like every day, the daily prime time lags. 17-22 is lagfest. still no improvements, still disappointed

I have also been experiencing packet loss / latency spikes for the past ~2 weeks.

Location: North Germany
ISP: Deutsche Telekom (DTAG)
Gateway: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Milan (all the european ones basically)

WinMTR for (my hideout - Realm: Amsterdam):

(2019/06/24 19:37:16 874468062 fd [INFO Client 6228] Connecting to instance server at

Problems start with: ---> 12% Packet loss


WinMTR for (inside a map - Realm: Milan):

2019/06/24 19:56:29 875621421 fd [INFO Client 6228] Connecting to instance server at

Main culprits: ---> 41% Packet loss ---> 23% Packet löss

## unplayable ##


WinMTR for (Chamber of Sins, part 2 - Realm: Milan):

2019/06/24 20:27:40 877492500 fd [INFO Client 6228] Connecting to instance server at

Same culrpits as in the previous traces: ---> 56% packet loss ---> 17% packet loss

But also some issues with certain DTAG servers: ---> 10% packet loss ---> 18% packet loss


WinMTR to (inside a map - Realm: Frankfurt):

2019/06/24 20:36:58 878050281 fd [INFO Client 6228] Connecting to instance server at

Seemingly just the ISP's fault: ---> 15% packet loss ---> 10% packt loss


WinMTR to (inside a map - Realm: Paris):

2019/06/24 21:04:46 879718109 fd [INFO Client 6228] Connecting to instance server at

The ISP nodes again: ---> 18% packet loss ---> 21% packet loss

And also this one again: ---> 44% packet loss


Would it be possible to have your Datacenter exclude the mentioned servers in their routing?

Not sure if this has been asked before.
Is it possible to "force" a certain instance server to be chosen (allowing us to select the ones which do not display the previously mentioned packet loss and avoiding the "rotten apples")?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jankalor#6579 um 24.06.2019, 15:16:05

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