{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
I was also able to hit level 93 SSF very easily. Especially once I linked Fortify to Charged dash, everything got much smoother. I will not forgo fortify again in the future, and may go as far as adding storm barrier & tukohama pantheon and + min endurance charges to help out defenses next round.
I almost hit 94 but started pushing end game content more towards the end. A little different approach from main build but I am looking forward to running it again for next ssf league! https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/kager/characters/Kager_CasuallyAverage Zuletzt bearbeitet von kager#6456 um 04.03.2019, 17:15:07
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@ kager:
" Awesome! Oh, thanks for reminding me! I forgot to look at the SSF and HC Betrayal ladders! I almost missed your character since Raise Spectre wasn't your 5+ skill. Top Speakers in SSF Betrayal League:
Congratulations, everyone! Many more Speakers made it into the top 20,000 rankings of SSF than SC, likely due to the smaller userbase (only 10,544 according to poe.ninja). It doesn't appear anyone played Speaker in HC or SSF HC Betrayal, unless the build was modified to not use either Herald of Agony or Raise Spectre on a Necromancer. " You have two Minion Damage Supports on Skeletons. Support Gems don't stack, so only one of those is working. What Spectre were you using? Damage on Full Life Support will only work for minions who use attacks, just so you know. Culling Strike seems like an odd choice, what was your reason? I'm curious why you chose to stay on the left side of the tree. Let's work out the differences: For 26 points, you were able to get four life clusters for a total of 64% increased life, 170 STR, 1.8% regen, 1% max fire res, 20% life flask effect, 5% cast speed, one jewel socket, and used up a jewel socket to convert 40 STR into DEX. For 37 points, going to the right instead would net you 60% increased life, 30 STR, 150 DEX, two jewel sockets, 20% life flask effect + duration, 12% attack speed, 6% cast speed, Acrobatics + Phase Acrobatics, access to Grave Intentions (Revenge of the Hunted, Melding, and Written in Blood also options), and no need to convert stats. The difference of 11 points = two 3pt jewel sockets, a 4% life node, and the Acrobatics cluster. So washing those out (since you could drop them and take the same life nodes in the Scion & Templar clusters), the difference comparison becomes: Left vs. Right side 8% vs. 0% increased life 100 vs. 0 STR (= 50 flat life) 0 vs. 110 DEX 0% vs. 20% life flask duration 1.8% vs. 0% life regen 1% vs. 0% max fire resistance 0% vs. 12% attack speed (Shield Charge) 0% vs. 1% cast speed (Skeleton deployment) 25% increased life (~540 total life) vs. 40%/30% attack/spell dodge Left also gets +6% elemental resistances and +8% fire resistance, but the value of this depends on your gear and how under/overcapped you already are. I also ignored the increased armor and reduced mana cost since their contribution will be minuscule. In conclusion, they're fairly close with their tradeoffs. The valuation therefore depends on how you rate Acrobatics, jewel sockets, and Grave Intentions compared to increased life, and whether you can get enough DEX on gear to make up the difference. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 05.03.2019, 01:46:28
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A Hall of Fame section has been added to MISCELLANEOUS, to record and honor the top Speaker for the Dead players of each league. Thank you all for giving my build a shot. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to take it so far! ![]() Art by Luke "Mr--Jack" Mancini Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 05.03.2019, 02:47:49
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Looking forward to running it again in 3.6!
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Thanks for your great build.
This build was my league starter and it was great. It was my first league ever and I killed the Uber Elder with this build. I think I will run it again as my starter next league. Ps: I don't know why I am not at Poe Ninja. :-( |
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This is my build for SC 3.6. I've loved it on 3.5.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von CapetaDoMal#7099 um 05.03.2019, 09:50:18
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" Ignore those gems, I had been vaaling gems and lost a few key level 20 supports and trying out the new helm and chest piece I recently 6 linked. I was also pushing elder / guardians and end game maps, and found the 6 link skeles stronger then 6 link specters with phantasms for bossing. " The Full life support was previously used for Herald of Agony before I leveled up an Empower. I was running 2 frost sentinels and 1 solar guard. Again I was just moving gems and gear around and vaaling right at the end of league, Specters were running in helm 4 link as RS-MD-EP-CS. I found Culling Strike significantly helped with finishing off bosses (which was their weak point since they don't contribute much damage wise during boss fights) and adding stacks when clearing for Unending Hunger. They turn into shotguns and keep everything frozen even with the lower damage. " I did rough numbers and came up with same conclusion. It's pretty close overall. I predicted it was going to be a one shot mechanic league, and I honestly suffered at the hands of many Fortification towers before I got above 7.4k life and started using fortify and after the much needed nerfs to some of the masters. Many one shots were still happening and unavoidable. The 40%/30% attack/spell dodge would have helped a fair amount, but I was hoping the 550+ life was enough of a buffer. I think the sell point for me was I could add a couple extra endurance charges for 4 points end game if I deemed it necessary. Next league I will seriously be looking at 3 + min endurance charges from ring/ring/amulet enchant since the aggro from enduring cry is dangerous and removes minion taunt. I most likely would stay to right side if I go SSF again since maintaining dex was pretty rough with no purchasable gear. |
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WOW Hercanic.
This is difficult to put into words, the respect, admiration and appreciation I have for you is just quietly very high. Thank you for the acknowledgement with this HOF, it hardly feels that big of a deal since this league broke all kinds of records for the most level 100s, but it was an achievement nevertheless and was hard work for me personally anyway being my first ever. although i'm sure SSF and hardcore is far more prestigious. The reason why I never switched the Projectile Weakness and never went for the movement skill, was just wanting to have more survive ability (namely higher resists to do map mods that dropped them considerably without worrying about it). I just hate dying. And I can say that outside of couple huge bosses, I did not die very much with this build, and that is a HUGE credit to you and what you did with the build in allowing these little bits of breathing spaces for us to make slight adjustments. But like everything else in your messages here to myself and other users of your build, you are completely 100% right and I agree completely with you. I should have known to change that for Incursions, I guess you just get spoiled with a good thing and want to do it all with it all the time. But that's just not how POE works, sometimes you do have to make adjustments according to situations, as I did with Bosses thanks to your advice I would switch out Phantasms for Hypothermia for those single big bosses. The way I see our relation is that you are the Engineer and I am a driver of your vehicle, like a Formula 1 team. So just want to say what a pleasure it was playing your build and having you here for support and help. You do such an amazing job keeping us all well informed about the build and our options and the nuances of the build. Really top notch. With your build and your help I achieved the most ever in a League, got all the League rewards for the first time ever. I was able to purchase theseWorth around 60ex so I can have some fun in Standard with some cool mechanics that were prior to this build out of my reach. So thank you for that. And thank you for a Build that highly compensates my lack of skill in the actual game. I must be one of the least skilled people out there at this game, so this achievement again is a huge credit to you, because me, I couldn't do it alone or with inferior builds. Your build, bridges the gap of my lack of skill with its features. And that is one of the things that attracted me to your build, and it Delivered in Full. But most importantly I had fun, probably the most fun I've ever had in poe. Most leagues I get bored with the build and the game. Now part of that was this league had more things to do, but also I think your build also helped. And part of it, was that I also never played as full Minion build before. But now I think I got spoiled. I can't imagine myself going to anything inferior. So I do hope what ever you come up with on the engineers drawing board can improve upon your master piece here. Much Love your Fan. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArmedCiv#5560 um 05.03.2019, 12:21:39
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" SO SO GOOD! My main complaint for bossing gone! " I used these for leveling up before I could use victarios shield, not sure how much of a nerf this is. " This is nice for leveling & resummoning as required if tight on reserved mana. " Negligible (and not sure why was increased along with SRS?) " May be possible to self cast Ball lightning with some of the new supports. Will have to test out. " big buff for Frost sentinel specters, small nerf to skeles/zombies and HOA damage! " New Kingmaker may be worth running animated guardian for crit damage and fortify? |
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3.6 Patch Notes for Synthesis League were released today. Skill tree changes. TL;DR Phantasms buffed, Projectile Weakness buffed, Hatred nerfed. ![]() Art by Toraji . " This is a HUGE buff. We can now count on having our Phantasms up against bosses. No need to gem-swap. Well, you'd still probably want to trade Elemental Proliferation for Controlled Destruction versus Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder. Minion cast speed will be more important now. So scratch Controlled Destruction, Spell Echo is the better pick. " This is another great buff for Spectres and Phantasms (and Agony Crawler), as it makes Projectile Weakness far stronger than before on bosses. Before vs. After 54% vs. 54% more projectile damage against normal monsters 21% vs. 36% more projectile damage against map bosses 10% vs. 18% more projectile damage against Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder The downside is knockback can subtract DPS from our Skeletons and Zombies. --- As for Temporal Chains and Enfeeble, it's a mixed bag. Effect Expiration on Temp Chains is effectively buffed against bosses, but the Action Speed part has been nerfed even when accounting for the weaker curse resistance of bosses. However, if Quality remains the same it becomes a buff. Before vs. After for Temporal Chains 29% vs. 14% less Action Speed against Rare/Unique monsters 5.8% vs. 4.8% less Action Speed against Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder w/ 20% Quality (assuming no change) 39% vs. 24% less Action Speed against Rare/Unique monsters 7.8% vs. 8.2% less Action Speed against Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder --- Enfeeble's lessened damage is nerfed, but all its other effects are significantly buffed against bosses. If Quality remains the same, there's still no change in lessened damage. Before vs. After for Enfeeble 30/37/25/30% vs. 15/37/25/30% less/reduced Damage/Accuracy/CritChance/CritMulti against Rare/Unique monsters 6/7.4/5/6% vs. 5.1/12.6/8.5/10.2% less/reduced Damage/Accuracy/CritChance/CritMulti against Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder w/ 20% Quality (assuming no change) 30/47/35/30% vs. 15/47/35/30% less/reduced Damage/Accuracy/CritChance/CritMulti against Rare/Unique monsters 6/9.4/7/6% vs. 5.1/16/12/10.2% less/reduced Damage/Accuracy/CritChance/CritMulti against Guardians/Shaper/Uber Elder --- Overall, these changes are a great triumph for all curses. Update: Quality is not changing, but it also doesn't apply at all to the Rare/Unique portion of the skill now. So this is an even bigger nerf for those specific effects. " Another Frost Sentinel buff! 18% more Cold Damage with Generosity becomes 25% more Cold Damage. However, this is a nerf to the rest of our minions. 25% Physical as Cold with Generosity becomes 35%. Multiplied by 25% more Cold Damage it becomes 43%. We used to get 50% Physical as Cold with Generosity. We would need another three 6% increased aura effect nodes (18%) to reach 50% Physical as Cold with Generosity. Something like the Grip of the Council gloves would gain another 5% with Hatred + Generosity. " A potential nerf if your weapon affixes push Herald of Agony's reservation too high. " This means more Life Gain on Hit with a Shaper ring! 105 LGoH per sec per target becomes 120. " Animated Guardian might be on the table now, depending on how far "nearby" turns out to be. Perma-Fortify? Yes please. The crit multiplier would also be excellent for minions when they get Power Charges, since they only have a base 30% crit multi and three Power Charges boosts them to 35% chance to crit. The contribution of three Power Charges would go from 10.5% more damage to 28% (plus any elemental ailments). At the very least, it'd be a strong way to increase Skeleton and Zombie survival. " Reduced? Current Storm Barrier is Less, so if it has changed to Reduced then it'll stack with other sources of Reduced Damage for an amplifying effect. Since they referred to the old version as having Reduced as well, this may just be a typo. If Kingmaker works as well as I hope it does on an Animated Guardian, we could put Infused Channelling on Charged Dash instead of Fortify or GMP. " The Physical Damage Reduction while Channelling would stack with Flesh Binder, a Chaos Golem, and +minimum Endurance Charges. It costs 3 points for 4%, compared to Grave Intentions for 2% (w/ Flesh Binder). " Finally! Although we don't really need to use Convocation in our build, this change is an immense improvement for summoners in general. " No effect on us, but this really bites for SRS players. I feel for you. Update: GGG is reverting this change and even doubling SRS' accuracy. " Finally! I really like these changes. Chain is simply fantastic for clear. Is it a potential candidate for the Agony Crawler? Something to consider. Stygian Revenant, is that you I hear in the distance? It's been a long, long time. Order of operation for projectiles goes: 1. Pierce 2. Fork 3. Chain A Stygian Revenant with Fork and Chain? Its 3 sequenced projectiles could fork into 6, which if those hit then they'll bounce to two more targets, for a possible total of 21 targets. A Frost Sentinel with GMP can fire between 5-7 projectiles, so with Chain they too could hit up to 21 targets. Sadly, Phantasms don't benefit from either, since they Pierce by default. " Were Discharge builds exploiting this or something? I hope the cooldown isn't ridiculous. We should be able to see how much it is by checking PoeDB after they datamine the patch. It's thanks to this site that we can see Tukohama Vanguards now have a GlobalCooldown of 500 in its AI for placing totems when they're Spectres, as well as 15% less Totem Damage per Totem (so Multiple Totems Support only works out to be around 35% more damage for them). " Finally! This'll help alleviate loot fatigue when glancing over an item to determine its potential worth. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 08.06.2019, 09:57:37
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