{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Could you tell me if "commandment of the spite" will mess up with EE ?
PtitBiscuit22 schrieb:
Could you tell me if "commandment of the spite" will mess up with EE ?

Pretty sure it will
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AliveFD#7078 um 06.02.2019, 10:53:45
So I got this build to level 90 on Xbox One as my first and only build! I appreciate this guide so much for that as it enabled me to do that. I haven't finished all the Zana quests get as that seems to take FOREVER as the maps continue to change from Shaped to Elder or whatever but I will slowly keep working on that.

My question of the day is can someone who understands this game and build give me some ideas of how you would alter this setup if you wanted to mess around with the Soulwrest staff and create phantoms that way on top of this build? I don't have time to start over and create a new one so I simply want to change out my weapon and shield for the Soulwrest staff and then whatever else I have to do to make an alternate version of this with more phantoms. I get that it won't be as good and all that, just looking to mix it up a little when doing some lower tiered maps and collecting currency. If you guys could throw some ideas at me for important item swap outs as well as the skills I should use I would appreciate it. Realistically I will only be able to get a 5 socket Staff as Xbox One is so broken when it comes to trading.

Appreciate the strange request and again I really like this build. I will be forever trying to get more HPs but it gives me something to trade up for.
KeyserSoze15 schrieb:
give me some ideas of how you would alter this setup if you wanted to mess around with the Soulwrest staff and create phantoms that way on top of this build?

The above highlights the problem with what you are asking.

First of all, you wouldn't want to alter it that way. Because it would ruin the build. The weapon we use is a key component of the build with specific mods for the build. So replacing it with a weapon that does not give the same benefits completely ruins the build. And you would lose the shield too, so not only are you losing all the stats of the recommended weapon, you are also losing the stats of the shield, and what you get back in return by using the soulwrest staff does not even come close to something worthwhile replacing. So I wouldn't alter that and I wouldn't use the soulwrest.

The extra phantasms you would get would not be worth the sacrifice of all you are giving up for that.

If you want to build around Soulwrest, maybe you should go look at a build that uses that as a key component. But in this build it's just not an effective alternative.

I don't know what the economy of the platform you are on is like. But on pc, at the time of this message, there are about 200 weapons with the maim stats and life gain on hit stats you need at cheap prices. Even if you don't get one with + to socketed gems, they will be just so much better than that soulwrest staff you are talking about.

There is one on there for 1 chaos orb that has also bonus poison on hit and extra mana, which is excellent until you can get better. I would buy that one if I were you.

I would recommend you do that if you are trying to actually follow this build. And use the recommended shield.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArmedCiv#5560 um 11.02.2019, 14:55:19
is it normal that the LEVELING GEAR, GEMS, STARTER PACK and BUDGET VERSION sections are empty ?
I think this guide is dead now guys. Looks like the OP abandoned it. :(
Well it was good while it lasted. I can vouch for it as this is my one and only character and I pretty much play solo only and I am at T-15 and can run T-10 maps pretty quickly. I play on Xbox One and my gear is FAR from ideal...
@ Viktorious1:
Viktorious1 schrieb:
I think this guide is dead now guys. Looks like the OP abandoned it. :(

O ye of little faith...

This is a mockup of some ideas I've had for new minion gems and items. I posted it on Reddit and it's now hilariously the top Controversial post right now, at a pure 50% vote split. Ouch. Apparently it looked too real and the "Suggestion" flair that preceded the post title wasn't enough, so it made many people irate at being "duped", I guess.

EDIT: Updated suggestion in Feedback forum.

@ PtitBiscuit22:
PtitBiscuit22 schrieb:
Could you tell me if "commandment of the spite" will mess up with EE ?

It will, but not to a meaningful degree. Every hit completely overwrites the previous EE, so an enchantment with a 5 second cooldown is no match for Ball Lightning that is hitting every 0.15 seconds.

@ kwicket:
kwicket schrieb:
is it normal that the LEVELING GEAR, GEMS, STARTER PACK and BUDGET VERSION sections are empty ?

The section is incomplete. That's why is says "(~2% complete)" in the spoiler box title.

@ KeyserSoze15:
KeyserSoze15 schrieb:
So I got this build to level 90 on Xbox One as my first and only build! I appreciate this guide so much for that as it enabled me to do that. I haven't finished all the Zana quests get as that seems to take FOREVER as the maps continue to change from Shaped to Elder or whatever but I will slowly keep working on that.

Awesome! PoE has kept me entertained for more than five years. It's a game with a huge amount of depth, to an overwhelming and even paralyzing extent at times. After years of biting frustration and stubborn determination, you will eventually break through the knowledge event horizon. Everything begins to make sense, and you are washed over with its soothing, cathartic embrace. Interspersed between bouts of anger and disgust when a build idea flops, only to be reinvigorated when an alternative occurs to you in the middle of the night. Sleep be damned!

I've been trying out a few different character ideas in Standard for these past couple weeks:

1. A Poet's Pen Volatile Dead Juggernaut who heals with a CWDT Ignite loop using an Eye of Innocence. Rat Cage paired with Vaal Molten Shell adds to single target shenanigans. Super fast map clear, but lacking in single target without better gear. Vaal Molten Shell works, except when the boss moves or has stages and you have to recharge the skill, so it's not reliable.

2. Cospri's Malice Scion that was initially a Flicker Strike CoC Ice Nova/Frostbolt/Vortex, but proc rate sucked so I switched to Cyclone. Still wasn't that great; I needed better gear for more reliable crits.

3. Elementalist Winter Orb CwC Blade Vortex with Herald of Ice + Inpulsa's Broken Heart to chain explode the screen. Winter Orb is surprisingly nice, and its range is a huge QoL to clear for what used to be a pure BV build.

4. An ES Occultist version of Speaker for the Dead using a bunch of Quantity gear I had lying around. Profane Bloom is phenomenal for clearing, but Skeletons are too weak on Occultist to carry the burden of single target. However, I did easily hit 8.3k ES despite mostly crap ES on gear:

A 700-900 ES body armor would easily let me surpass 10k, and pushing beyond that would just be a matter of trading out my Quant gear. To solve single target, I will be trying Arakaali's Fang, which showed promising DPS numbers in PoB.

KeyserSoze15 schrieb:
My question of the day is can someone who understands this game and build give me some ideas of how you would alter this setup if you wanted to mess around with the Soulwrest staff and create phantoms that way on top of this build? I don't have time to start over and create a new one so I simply want to change out my weapon and shield for the Soulwrest staff and then whatever else I have to do to make an alternate version of this with more phantoms. I get that it won't be as good and all that, just looking to mix it up a little when doing some lower tiered maps and collecting currency. If you guys could throw some ideas at me for important item swap outs as well as the skills I should use I would appreciate it. Realistically I will only be able to get a 5 socket Staff as Xbox One is so broken when it comes to trading.

Appreciate the strange request and again I really like this build. I will be forever trying to get more HPs but it gives me something to trade up for.

That's a pretty complicated question to answer, and far outside the scope of this build. You'd have to drop Shield Charge for another mobility solution (e.g. Leap Slam, Flame Dash, Phase Run), you'd need to incorporate a reliable way to consume corpses to continuously replace Phantasms (e.g. Bubonic Trail boots, self-cast Offering), Phantasms will often be lagging behind you instead of being created out in front of you by your Spectres, Herald of Agony and Zombies would no longer have a home, and the loss of Frenzy Charges is like losing a whole support gem on all your minions (12% more damage, +45% cast/attack speed, +15% movement speed).

Still, go for it and have fun! Trying new things is a great way to compare and grow with experience.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 15.03.2019, 15:17:39
Greetings there,

Just to say, i followed your experience and become myself a humble necromancer.
My 57 skeletons, 10 zombies, 3 spectres, 10 phantasms, 1 agony crawler, 1 chaos golem, 1 holy relic and I discovered new areas, that my previous incarnation never saw.
We fighted ennemys my previous incarnation never fought.
Shaper got his back badly kicked by my minions, as Elder !

So just to say : thank you a lot for sharing that experience.

(I didn't spend a lot of currency as i'm no pro player, but you build was really enjoyable, so much i could go level 98 without pain and finish all maps on Atlas and all boss (except Uber Elder). I could find a fun amulet which provid me an extra gem slot so i could summon a golem.
So i would recommand your build to anyone.
Just something i didnt saw in cons is : its sometimes hard to see what is happening cause there are SO MANY minions everywhere ! Other peoples don't like that kind of build cause it can make them lag or making the screen messy... Bha, who cares, you have an army of minions and THAT is so cool !)

Again, thank you a lot for giving me lot's of fun !
Have fun too !

That is awesome that you are looking at some new build ideas.

Here are some things that have crossed my mind when considering future builds.

-Something that is either strong enough for Uber Elder and Pure Breachstone Bosses and other tougher boss fights that usually cause a death, or can easily transform to focus on an Uber Elder (other tough bosses) easier Kills. I just found some fights to be too painful with this build. Even if you make slight adjustments for that fight specifically. The minions die too easily, and it is a significant loss in DPS and therefore survive-ability.

-Something that is easier on the eyes. The bright effects from the Frost Sentinels are brutal on the eyes. I've been looking at skills and effects that are purple, they are so much nicer on the eyes. Just have to find something that can also meet the Uber Elder requirement. One build I looked at uses the Agony Crawler alone and others use Golems or Spiders, so those are interesting, though super expensive. So would have to find a way to make it work in a more affordable manner like this build.

Those are pretty much the two major things for the next build I will be looking to play, hopefully you can come up with something, I will miss the frost sentinels and the minions. But I do need a build that can also finish the Pure Breachstone Bosses deathless and with minimal risk.

As a third thing, it would be nice if it was a build that I could just respec my witch into. I've put so much work into this character, i'd like it to max out and truly dominate all the content. Right now it just falls short of that goal even at level 99.

This build also struggles doing Alva at T16 just doesn't kill the mobs fast enough
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArmedCiv#5560 um 17.02.2019, 23:27:55

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