{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Hercanic schrieb:
@ Viktorious1:
Viktorious1 schrieb:
I think this guide is dead now guys. Looks like the OP abandoned it. :(

O ye of little faith...

But you still ahven't responded to a question I asked like 3 times lol:

"Ok I think I've made at least a little progress in my research for mastercrafting the claw, but there's still conflict it seems.

In the link you mentioned for method to mastercraft at https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crafting#.2B3_to_Level_Weapon_Crafting
it seems you are referring to the regal version?

Ok, so if so.. you scour a shaper claw. No Affixes.
1. You craft a prefix on it. Doesn't matter which since crafts will be removed.
2. You regal until you get maim. If you don't scour and start over.
3. When you get maim, you craft can have multiple crafted mods, maximum mana, cannot roll attack mods. (Don't need no caster mods because it doesn't have any possible)
4. This seems to be the issue. This is where you would exalt it according tot hat guide to get a "guaranteed" +1 socketed gems. However according to PoEDB, a shaper's claw has "gain #% of physical damage as extra cold/lightning damage" as potential prefix mods other than + to socketed gems since they do not have the "attack" tag.
That means you would have to spend 4 ex for a 1/3 chance at getting +1 to socketed gems. Plus all the regals and scours.

I must have something wrong somewhere.. but nothing I've come up with seems like it can guarantee the mods you want after spending multiple ex. Am I mistaken?
Plz help! It's like the last item I need to get all my BIS items! :( I would appreciate sooo much if I could get a walkthrough on the best way to crafting the claw since I have never really crafted before."

And was wondering what enchants would be best to put on:

Item can have multiple crafted mods, and what other ones?
@ everyone:
Based on the 3.6.0 teasers so far, Speaker for the Dead will be buffed a bit and have some new options:

1. Hatred is gaining a new More Cold Damage modifier. This means it'll benefit Frost Sentinels! The % Physical as Cold will be reduced, but it'll also be increased by the More Cold Damage modifier itself, likely resulting in no change for physical damage overall ("to compensate").

2. Flame Totem and Purifying Flame will both be able to create Consecrated Ground. This means for one gem socket you could remotely place Consecrated Ground on demand for your minions, like Skeletons and Zombies, helping to keep them healed when facing a boss.

3. Zealotry aura can also create Consecrated Ground automatically without any fuss from you, but it looks to reserve 50% mana. So you would need to either drop Hatred or the Agony Crawler, or obtain an Aul's Uprising that makes Hatred free.

@ Viktorious1:
Viktorious1 schrieb:
Hercanic schrieb:
@ Viktorious1:
Viktorious1 schrieb:
I think this guide is dead now guys. Looks like the OP abandoned it. :(
O ye of little faith...
But you still ahven't responded to a question I asked like 3 times lol:

Answering your question and declaring my build abandoned are two very different things. It takes time to answer questions, and some require far more time than others, so I won't always be able to respond immediately, but I do read everything with the intention of eventually responding to everything directed to me. I think I've demonstrated at least that much in all my previous massive replies, which are indexed for ease of searching in the MISCELLANEOUS category. A few have already been addressed to you before, too, no? That is why I said the above. =o)

Now, to be fair to you, you did initially ask your question back on January 23, right before my last big response. I hadn't properly addressed your question then because I had planned to do more research on the topic, so it entered into my backlog.

Viktorious1 schrieb:
"Ok I think I've made at least a little progress in my research for mastercrafting the claw, but there's still conflict it seems.

In the link you mentioned for method to mastercraft at https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Crafting#.2B3_to_Level_Weapon_Crafting
it seems you are referring to the regal version?

Ok, so if so.. you scour a shaper claw. No Affixes.
1. You craft a prefix on it. Doesn't matter which since crafts will be removed.
2. You regal until you get maim. If you don't scour and start over.
3. When you get maim, you craft can have multiple crafted mods, maximum mana, cannot roll attack mods. (Don't need no caster mods because it doesn't have any possible)
4. This seems to be the issue. This is where you would exalt it according tot hat guide to get a "guaranteed" +1 socketed gems. However according to PoEDB, a shaper's claw has "gain #% of physical damage as extra cold/lightning damage" as potential prefix mods other than + to socketed gems since they do not have the "attack" tag.
That means you would have to spend 4 ex for a 1/3 chance at getting +1 to socketed gems. Plus all the regals and scours.

I must have something wrong somewhere.. but nothing I've come up with seems like it can guarantee the mods you want after spending multiple ex. Am I mistaken?
Plz help! It's like the last item I need to get all my BIS items! :( I would appreciate sooo much if I could get a walkthrough on the best way to crafting the claw since I have never really crafted before."

I thought I had posted something about crafting +3 Maim not long before this, but I'm having trouble finding it. Maybe it's in a draft, or I just overlooked it? In any case, here it is again, which goes over doing it for a 2-handed mace rather than a 1-handed claw, but it's roughly the same minus the 6-linking:

Note: Annuls are 3:1ex on HC at the time of writing this. With SC prices (8:1ex), a different method that uses less exalts and more annulments might be more efficient.

For crafting Maim +3 mace:

1. Alt spam an ilvl 75 shaper 2 handed mace until level 20 maim (ideally by itself). Can use 18 maim, but if you're spending this much on a mace why settle for less than 20

2. Regal. If you hit +1 gems, don't annul (unless there's another affix)

3. Try to annul the affix you get. If you remove Maim, start over

4. You should now have a 1 stat rare with Maim. Craft Multimod + Cannot roll Attack Modifiers and exalt.

5. If you don't hit +1 gems, add "Suffixes can't be changed" and scour the item, then try to exalt again -- repeat until +1 gems.

6. Remove crafted mods, and add a mod with quality bonus to jeweller and 6 link the item.

7. Multimod, Minion Damage + Life (39-45%), +2 to Level of Support Gems, Minion Attack + Cast Speed (25-28%).

Q: Why multimod with the cannot roll attack mods?
A: This makes it so you can't exalt a suffix, and also enables you to scour the Cast on Melee Kill off. It saves time, although might be more expensive than other methods if exalts are really expensive and annuls are really cheap.

Q: Why the quality bonus before multimodding the rest of the stats?
A: More chance of 6 link. Will save you fuses unless you decide to force 6 link with 1500 fuses. Also might be worth using perfect fossils to get a higher base quality before working on the mace.
Source from TheUberElite

Unfortunately, claws have a couple more possible non-attack prefixes than 2H maces.

1H Claw Prefixes:
1. +# to maximum Mana
2. # to Level of Socketed Gems
3. Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage
4. Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage


2H Mace Prefixes:
1. # to Level of Socketed Gems
2. Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Cast On Melee Kill

To compensate, you can do some shenanigans with Beast Crafting:

1. Create an Imprint (Of a Magic Item)
2. Split an Item Into Two (With Half the Mods on Each Item)

So when you get a magic claw rolled with Maim, you make an Imprint, then Aug or Regal for a second mod. You then Split the item so one gets the crap mod while the other has the original Maim roll. Ideally you'll be able to restore the one with the crap mod with the Imprint to the original claw with only Maim, giving you two exact copies of the claw with Maim. Now you have a backup to further imprint and craft on.

Here's a video of Mathil explaining the process.

Viktorious1 schrieb:
And was wondering what enchants would be best to put on:

Item can have multiple crafted mods, and what other ones?

Since it has the Added Fire prefix, the choice boils down to either:

1. Prefix: Minions have 28% increased Damage/Life (4c)
2. Prefix: +2 to Socketed Support Gems (1ex)

#1 is better for Skeletons, #2 is better for Zombie survival.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 05.03.2019, 11:43:07
@ Corvvin:
Corvvin schrieb:
Greetings there,

Just to say, i followed your experience and become myself a humble necromancer.
My 57 skeletons, 10 zombies, 3 spectres, 10 phantasms, 1 agony crawler, 1 chaos golem, 1 holy relic and I discovered new areas, that my previous incarnation never saw.
We fighted ennemys my previous incarnation never fought.
Shaper got his back badly kicked by my minions, as Elder !

So just to say : thank you a lot for sharing that experience.

(I didn't spend a lot of currency as i'm no pro player, but you build was really enjoyable, so much i could go level 98 without pain and finish all maps on Atlas and all boss (except Uber Elder). I could find a fun amulet which provid me an extra gem slot so i could summon a golem.
So i would recommand your build to anyone.
Just something i didnt saw in cons is : its sometimes hard to see what is happening cause there are SO MANY minions everywhere ! Other peoples don't like that kind of build cause it can make them lag or making the screen messy... Bha, who cares, you have an army of minions and THAT is so cool !)

Again, thank you a lot for giving me lot's of fun !
Have fun too !

Fantastic job getting to level 98! I myself only went up to 96. I'm happy to know you liked the build enough to play it so thoroughly!

You aren't using Faster Projectiles. This will cause Frost Sentinel projectiles to stack up and clutter your view because they fly somewhat slowly by default. I highly recommend Faster Projectiles, even though it doesn't offer much in the way of damage. It'll cause the Ice Spears to almost hit at max range before they can even fire off another shot (pre-Soul Eater, of course). That means far less visual noise and more immediate application of damage. The sooner monsters freeze or die, the less likely they are of getting off their own attacks.

Empower is fairly useless for Spectres, because they don't get much from their gem level. Since you're stuck with a red socket and are not using Phantasms, I'd suggest Cold to Fire Support if you're using Frost Sentinels. It's 29% more damage, basically.

You should also be able to use the Crafting Bench to change the color of your corrupted amulet to Blue for the Chaos Golem. Right now you have Hatred in there, which means it's not benefiting from Generosity (39% increased effect = another 14% of physical damage as cold, 40% increased AOE = minions will be in range of Hatred more often as you move around, and it prevents Hatred from affecting Charged Dash and EE). In fact, Generosity isn't doing anything now, so it's a wasted socket for you right now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 21.02.2019, 17:52:35
is this ssf?
@ g6498:
g6498 schrieb:
is this ssf?

Can this build be played in SSF? Absolutely. The recommended items make the build stronger, but none are required. The only issues would be keeping Zombies alive without level stacking and making sure you get enough life on gear. If necessary, you can sacrifice damage for defense by dropping Hatred for Mind Over Matter. You'll want to put a few more passive points into mana nodes and carry some hybrid flasks to help restore your mana.

Skip Bloodlust Support on Skeletons, since you likely won't have a source of bleed (Elder gloves with Chance to Bleed). This will make room for Minion Damage Support, since you likely won't have an Elder helmet with Minion Damage Support as an affix.

You can use Maim Support with Agony Crawler/Zombies since you likely won't have an Empower Support or a Shaper weapon with Maim Support as an affix.

Pierce Support would be better than Maim Support for the Agony Crawler, if you want to increase your clear speed, since you likely will not have a Mark of Submission ring to reliably apply the Projectile Weakness curse.

You will have enough free mana that you can run War Banner or Dread Banner. War Banner will help Phantasms for clearing, and the accuracy bonus is helpful for the Agony Crawler and Zombies who aren't level-stacked. Meanwhile, Dread Banner is only good for bosses, but provides defense. You can drop Cast When Damage Taken to make room for a banner. You can then either manually cast Spirit Offering for its buffs, or trade it out for a Stone or Chaos Golem.

Since you likely won't have Elder gloves with Poison Support as an affix, you'll need to drop Greater Multiple Projectiles on Ball Lightning. If you don't have an Abyssal Jewel (Hypnotic Eye) with flat Added Chaos to Spells, you'll need to use Lesser Poison Support, since it'll give flat Added Chaos Damage to Ball Lightning. It shouldn't be too hard to craft one once you find any Hypnotic Eye and scour it. Then you can use Poison Support instead of Lesser for the higher chance to poison.

You probably won't have a 6L for a while. With a 4L, use Raise Spectres + Summon Phantasms + GMP + Faster Projectiles Support. With a 5L, add Elemental Proliferation Support.

If Zombie deaths are too annoying, drop them if you haven't done Uber Lab for Flesh Binder, since they won't be providing much without it. They only come into their own when you can level-stack their life to 20k. If you do drop them and don't have an Unset Ring, you can place Holy Relic in the open socket.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 25.02.2019, 20:19:04
Hercanic schrieb:
@ g6498:
g6498 schrieb:
is this ssf?

Can this build be played in SSF? Absolutely. The recommended items make the build stronger, but none are required. The only issues would be keeping Zombies alive without level stacking and making sure you get enough life on gear. If necessary, you can sacrifice damage for defense by dropping Hatred for Mind Over Matter. You'll want to put a few more passive points into mana nodes and carry some hybrid flasks to help restore your mana.

Skip Bloodlust Support on Skeletons, since you likely won't have a source of bleed (Elder gloves with Chance to Bleed). This will make room for Minion Damage Support, since you likely won't have an Elder helmet with Minion Damage Support as an affix.

You can use Maim Support with Agony Crawler/Zombies since you likely won't have an Empower Support or a Shaper weapon with Maim Support as an affix.

Pierce Support would be better than Maim Support for the Agony Crawler, if you want to increase your clear speed, since you likely will not have a Mark of Submission ring to reliably apply the Projectile Weakness curse.

You will have enough free mana that you can run War Banner or Dread Banner. War Banner will help Phantasms for clearing, and the accuracy bonus is helpful for the Agony Crawler and Zombies who aren't level-stacked. Meanwhile, Dread Banner is only good for bosses, but provides defense. You can drop Cast When Damage Taken to make room for a banner. You can then either manually cast Spirit Offering for its buffs, or trade it out for a Stone or Chaos Golem.

Since you likely won't have Elder gloves with Poison Support as an affix, you'll need to drop Greater Multiple Projectiles on Ball Lightning. If you don't have an Abyssal Jewel (Hypnotic Eye) with flat Added Chaos to Spells, you'll need to use Lesser Poison Support, since it'll give flat Added Chaos Damage to Ball Lightning. It shouldn't be too hard to craft one once you find any Hypnotic Eye and scour it. Then you can use Poison Support instead of Lesser for the higher chance to poison.

You probably won't have a 6L for a while. With a 4L, use Raise Spectres + Summon Phantasms + GMP + Faster Projectiles Support. With a 5L, add Elemental Proliferation Support.

If Zombie deaths are too annoying, drop them if you haven't done Uber Lab for Flesh Binder, since they won't be providing much without it. They only come into their own when you can level-stack their life to 20k. If you do drop them and don't have an Unset Ring, you can place Holy Relic in the open socket.

nice! thanks for the guide btw, never seen this level of detail
Hercanic schrieb:

To compensate, you can do some shenanigans with Beast Crafting:

1. Create an Imprint (Of a Magic Item)
2. Split an Item Into Two (With Half the Mods on Each Item)

You cannot split shaper items
@ allana:
allana schrieb:
Hercanic schrieb:

To compensate, you can do some shenanigans with Beast Crafting:

1. Create an Imprint (Of a Magic Item)
2. Split an Item Into Two (With Half the Mods on Each Item)

You cannot split shaper items

Oh? I see, apparently it was a bug. The wiki also makes note of this restriction. I assume even after the reintroduction and simplification of beast crafting this is still the case?

Thank you for the heads-up. Do you know if it simply returns an error, or (unlikely) do you get a non-influenced base item instead?

At least Imprinting still works. A Craicic Chimeral currently costs 130c on BSC and 2.5ex on Standard, though, so Alteration spamming would probably be better overall, if not more time-consuming. Well, scratch Beast Crafting, then.

Another approach, to improve your odds, is to change the base weapon from a claw. You'd lose the Life Gain on Hit for Charged Dash, but that's not too bad.

Swords, Rapiers, and Axes have no risk of Mana:
1. # to Level of Socketed Gems
2. Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
3. Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage

Maces are even better:
1. # to Level of Socketed Gems
2. Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage

Scepters and Daggers are no good.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 26.02.2019, 15:30:21
Last day of League and managed to get to 100 with this build.

First level 100 ever. Great league for it.
@ ArmedCiv:
ArmedCiv schrieb:
Last day of League and managed to get to 100 with this build.

First level 100 ever. Great league for it.

Congratulations! You are the very first person to reach max level with Speaker for the Dead. I'll have to make a Hall of Fame or something. =o)

Runners up in Betrayal League are (not including private characters):

Great job everyone!

ArmedCiv schrieb:

That is awesome that you are looking at some new build ideas.

I am definitely envious of monsters exploding on death (Profane Bloom, Herald of Ice, Inpulsa). Winter Orb becomes particularly great because of it, due to its fantastic range and rapid auto-targeting. It's a shame that the only ways for Summoners to have death explosions is Occultist, Mon'tregul's Grasp, or some Speaker's Wreath shenanigans (which would've suited this build's name, but alas the helm slot is just too important).

So far, among those new builds I made and tested, all have fallen short on single target. They would need far more investment than what I had laying around in my Standard League stash to make work. This means they're tenuous at best as league starters, being too expensive to be practical.

Adding Arakaali's Fang to the Occultist build helped it immensely with map bosses, but maintaining the Spiders was a finicky chore that relied on a flask with limited charges (Writhing Jar). I didn't quite like that, if only on principle. But I made some further refinements and came up with:

The idea is similar to Speaker, where we automate everything into one action for a smooth playstyle. I channel Winter Orb to apply Virulence for an Agony Crawler (using Golden Rule jewel to double Virulence gain), and Cast While Channeling alternates between Unearth and Bodyswap to constantly move me around while ensuring I always have corpses around for Raise Spiders. If my Spiders aren't up through an incidental kill (gems are leveled to deal at least some damage, since I don't have space for Culling Strike and degen kills are too unreliable with Profane Bloom snatching whole packs), then all I need to do is hit the flask button while teleporting around and the worms are highly likely to be killed by Winter Orb, Bodyswap, or Unearth. It works surprisingly well. There is a chance for the Agony Crawler to kill-steal, so some awareness on timing is crucial.

A problem arises where my minions seem to develop stage fright when I'm teleporting around. The Agony Crawler sometimes just stands there not doing anything until I walk around. Other times the minions just get stuck behind terrain obstacles. I miss the range of Frost Sentinels and Phantasms, but I was trying to make immortal minions work to save on passive points for minion survival.

You could potentially make this movement solution work in a Soulwrest build. If you dropped the Agony Crawler, it could fit on a 4L as Winter Orb + CwC + Unearth + Bodyswap (perhaps Avatar of Fire for EE + Hatred/Grip of the Council). Not as many corpses without GMP, but you'd be auto-generating Phantasms without Bubonic Trail boots. Whether this mobility approach is any better than the more standard Phase Run + Quicksilver remains to be seen, but it does allow you to hit while staying in motion. The upcoming rework of Storm Barrier might make this shine even brighter, depending on what GGG changes.

ArmedCiv schrieb:
Here are some things that have crossed my mind when considering future builds.

-Something that is either strong enough for Uber Elder and Pure Breachstone Bosses and other tougher boss fights that usually cause a death, or can easily transform to focus on an Uber Elder (other tough bosses) easier Kills. I just found some fights to be too painful with this build. Even if you make slight adjustments for that fight specifically. The minions die too easily, and it is a significant loss in DPS and therefore survive-ability.

As for Uber Elder, it's possible to beat him deathless with a level 36 character. Hana Rayn has done several videos where they take down Uber Elder using some of the worst possible skills, like Desecrate, Frost Wall, and Freeze Mine.

Given how mechanical the Uber Elder fight is, so long as you have the minimum DPS to kill Uber Elder within ~five-ten minutes, practically any build should be capable of beating Uber Elder in skilled hands. So rather than, "Can this beat Uber Elder?" a more apt question would be, "How many mistakes does this let you get away with?"

The scale would be between "Stand Your Ground Facetanking" to "Don't Get Hit".

How many hits were your Skeletons able to get in before dying? If they last just one or two seconds, and deal between 200-300k DPS each, then a single cast would net you 600k-1.8M damage. Not bad for a 0.43 second commitment on your part.

I interpret Skeleton deaths as equivalent to the DPS loss other builds suffer when they must dodge boss mechanics. Any time we're able to dodge while our Skeletons continue hacking away is an advantage over those builds.

If Skeletons die before getting even a single hit in, then that is a wall for the build. Luckily, we don't solely rely on Skeletons. The Agony Crawler is there as long as we land Ball Lightning, and Spectres are there as long as they aren't wiped out (which is pretty rare).

ArmedCiv schrieb:
-Something that is easier on the eyes. The bright effects from the Frost Sentinels are brutal on the eyes. I've been looking at skills and effects that are purple, they are so much nicer on the eyes. Just have to find something that can also meet the Uber Elder requirement. One build I looked at uses the Agony Crawler alone and others use Golems or Spiders, so those are interesting, though super expensive. So would have to find a way to make it work in a more affordable manner like this build.

Those are pretty much the two major things for the next build I will be looking to play, hopefully you can come up with something, I will miss the frost sentinels and the minions. But I do need a build that can also finish the Pure Breachstone Bosses deathless and with minimal risk.

As a third thing, it would be nice if it was a build that I could just respec my witch into. I've put so much work into this character, i'd like it to max out and truly dominate all the content. Right now it just falls short of that goal even at level 99.

It does take some mental filtering. I come from playing Starcraft, so I'm pretty comfortable scanning through a chaotic ball of friends, foes, and explosions, but I can understand how it can be overwhelming and distracting for others. Faster Projectiles helps, but in the end this build won't be for everyone.

In my experience, every build has had its own issues. Relying on just an Agony Crawler will have times where monsters aren't dying simply because the Crawler has derped, gotten stuck, or fired in a non-optimal direction.

Speaker overcomes this by having so many minions that even if one is derping, the others are pulling their weight, so you never feel the impact of one minion's inefficiencies.

Spiders, no matter how fast they may be, have the downside of being melee. I was just in a Courtyard map, the garden tileset gridded out with waist-high stone fences, and all of my Spiders got themselves stuck in the corner of one grid. They were able to see all the monsters on the other side of the fence, but unable to engage them. Convocation would have helped, but it has a frustratingly long 8 second cooldown.

Speaker overcomes these sorts of issues by having many different types of minions, be it melee, projectile, or AOE, so even if Zombies are stuck on a fence, the ranged minions are there to handle things, and vice versa with Proximity Shield mobs. Some minions follow and can get stuck, while others are created on the spot (Crawler, Phantasms, Skeletons), giving positional flexibility.

Spiders also require conscious management. You cannot refresh their duration nor replace them. Their duration must fully expire before you can create new ones (or purge them all with weapon swap), which inevitably creates gaps where your Spiders are down and there're no enemies to kill or corpses around from which they could spawn. So you have to manually create those conditions when the gap occurs. If you run out of charges for your Writhing Jar(s), then you have no way to manually raise Spiders.

Of the golems, Fire, Lightning, or Ice are your best bet.

Fire Golems are powerful with their AOE overlap, but all of their skills are limited in range, so clear speed is hindered by having less coverage.

Ice Golems engage super-fast with cyclone, but the overall AOE is small, so they can miss stragglers and can be slower when dealing with multiple packs. Since they are attackers, accuracy can cause them to miss, furthering the likelihood of stragglers that might distract them from engaging a larger pack.

Lightning Golems have the range of projectiles, allowing them to hit multiple packs with Pierce, but they may take several rounds to clear everything due to the wide damage range of lightning (168 to 1511 damage @ monster level 73). This leaves you open to monster retaliation for a longer period.

All these builds can be, as you said, super expensive. Golems need their pricey Anima Stone and a dozen Harmony jewels, Spiders are only available from a unique dagger that can easily cost several Exalted Orbs, and if you go Bow and ES with Agony Crawler it'll greedily eat up many Exalts. Speaker for the Dead is quite modest by comparison.

ArmedCiv schrieb:
This build also struggles doing Alva at T16 just doesn't kill the mobs fast enough

You did make some changes to the build that would affect its performance in Incursions.

By putting Projectile Weakness on CWDT, you made the Pierce it gives unreliable for Spectres and the Agony Crawler, which are more than half your clear DPS when paired with Phantasms. The damage boost is ordinarily overkill during normal mapping, but in Incursions where monsters have over 5x life, it's actually very helpful.

You also dropped Shield Charge, which is faster than pure Charged Dash when moving across open areas. Even a few seconds saved when backtracking can be the difference between unlocking a passageway or not.

If you don't want to go back on those changes, you can quicken Incursion clearing with Melee Splash on Skeletons (replace Bloodlust). Try to disperse them to three corners of the screen while you focus on the last corner for maximized area coverage. They are especially helpful when worming around corners and doorways that restrict your projectile-firing minions.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hercanic#3982 um 04.03.2019, 13:25:25

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