[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

So I ahven't played in a long time, trying out this explosive arrow ranger on BHC as I am a HC type player in all games I play... I know it's probably not the right way and if I get dropped ot SC I will finish the game in SC so that I can learn the things I've missed. However, I am curious where I can find the gems required for this build and the order to grab them in... seeing as I haven't played in years (since 2014) I'm really behind the swing.

Edit : Also, if I don't need the gem for the build are gems worth keeping?

Edit 2 : Also, what's a good/expected clear time for someone knowledgeable to clear norm/nm/hell (I know that's not the names, sorry ex D2 player) as I want to start benchmarking and learning quickly so I can play in the next league and not be so far behind.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Disposition96#5177 um 20.01.2017, 16:28:52
Draconianpr schrieb:
yongsoo schrieb:
Not sure what you are asking...?

Are you asking what build you should do around that ring?

No,I'm asking what would be better for let's say this EA build, Grand spectrum, normal jewels. What other equipment I should aim for.
I tried finding here which enchant was better but couldn't on another EA build it looked like it was AoE.
I'd imagine corrupting a bunch of tiki ammy to get +1 curse?

The ring is just one of the things that I already use that won't be needing to upgrade.

Life overall what would be the best gear for single target.

I think i'm also seeing here that elemental damage with weapons doesn't work with this build?

If you can fit 12ish grandspectrums that's a lot of damage, but you don't need it, normal jewels work just fine. increased damage is fine, if you manage to get grandspectrums aoe is probably better at that point.

Yeah if you can buy one at a good price +1 curse tik is probably the best. 1 6link quill rain is good, you can try to do the whole +3 bow and weapon swap after the first arrow since that's the damage that gets scaled with EA, but that's really annoying in the end and won't benefit you a huge amount at the current state of the game.

Rest of the gear is pretty much what I show.

Yeah only generic damage applies to the explosion of ea, it's not an attack or a spell (these stats also double dip on burns so that's a +)

So I ahven't played in a long time, trying out this explosive arrow ranger on BHC as I am a HC type player in all games I play... I know it's probably not the right way and if I get dropped ot SC I will finish the game in SC so that I can learn the things I've missed. However, I am curious where I can find the gems required for this build and the order to grab them in... seeing as I haven't played in years (since 2014) I'm really behind the swing.

Edit : Also, if I don't need the gem for the build are gems worth keeping?

Edit 2 : Also, what's a good/expected clear time for someone knowledgeable to clear norm/nm/hell (I know that's not the names, sorry ex D2 player) as I want to start benchmarking and learning quickly so I can play in the next league and not be so far behind.

you can wiki where you can get all the gems in the game, I already messaged you about which ones are not avaialble to ranger. Everything else you can buy off the vendor that sells you currency/rings on page 2 if you complete the right quests for them.

most gems are not worth keeping at this point unless they're high quality or are empower/enlighten.

Clear time for the game to get to merciless depends on your access to gear and if you have people to rush you. I'm not a racer so I don't know these numbers myself. Generally leveling for me is just go straight through the game till cruel dried lake (unless I really wanted certain gear early I'd grind dried lake in normal), grind dried lake till 58-60 and then run straight through to merciless dried lake. That's what I'd recommend for this build, but I don't know how much of this game you don't know so I'd just get comfortable with the game first before worrying about keeping up with the ladder.
Im just about to buy a Vinktar's Flask and will lose my health potion that removes freeze. This is a noob question but should I be worrying about freeze? I wont have any flasks that will remove it anymore.
As a pathfinder you are immune to elemental status when using a flask.
Draconianpr schrieb:
As a pathfinder you are immune to elemental status when using a flask.

Ah, I never read that ascendency node. Thanks!
Zaphkier schrieb:
Orbitalx schrieb:
MusicalMind schrieb:
@Lvl 94. i did all t15s with -max which are joke actually and cleared grand masters also with ez. now i got 8k life with the gear below. I will try guardians and see how it goes. and yeh i ripped 3 gems vaaling :D and No luck in vaaling EA for 21, tried 5 gems so far. i might buy one actually now. let me know which gear needs upgrade now.

I feel kaom extra life and 90% dmg reduction better than that chest. kaom def save us from 1 shots ;)



Yeah I mean I agree that Kaom's will save you from one shots better. No doubt. I just think that chest is a very nice cheap alternative to it, since it is so expensive :) In some ways..mostly against burst spell damage like in breaches or bosses that do a lot of little/medium spell damage hits, that chest is better than Kaom's imo.

After a few days running TPF i can assure you that the "OS protection" is on par with Kaom's. True that Kaom feel and maybe IS actually a bit safer thanks to a higher LP.
During my "test" i never got OS by anything that wasn't supposed to do so. (high lvl dumb reflect, boss mechanics etc...)

TPF can perform maybe even better tho. I did a corrupted Chimera a few minutes ago and could tank it "ez". Keeping in mind that we're not supposed to really tank anything "on purpose" and that trying to do so "for science" will 99% of the time get you killed.

Without arctic armor it wouldn't be that efficient but the high eva+free arctic armor make it strategically superior to Kaom imo. And of course the fact that you get 5/6L out of it too.
I definitelly would put it in the alternative items for the build.

Yeah the perfect form is super underestimated imo. It works pretty good in this build imo. AA leaves chilled ground so when you kite something all the mobs running towards you get chilled too. It is a great mechanic.
Does anyone here have some spare leveling gear for this build? Presently level 37, been going hard solo as my first hero, leveling in the first area of A4 right now but some people the same level are 1-shotting literally everything and I'm 5-6, I don't think my gear is terrible but it could use some ease of life improvements. :)
If I can't afford both, which would I rather have for BHC survivability? Vinktar or Taste of Hate?

I am currently running 2 health pots, rumi's, basalt and quicksilver. I definitely wont be able to ever afford dying sun. What should I replace that 2nd health pot with, vinktar or taste of hate?

jhals11 schrieb:
If I can't afford both, which would I rather have for BHC survivability? Vinktar or Taste of Hate?

I am currently running 2 health pots, rumi's, basalt and quicksilver. I definitely wont be able to ever afford dying sun. What should I replace that 2nd health pot with, vinktar or taste of hate?


Basalt does the job of taste of hate, vinktars isn't necessary, but I tend to make the cost of vinktars cheaper buy running the map and selling the clear. if you get the expensive vinktar (I think it's pen this league for howa) you sell that for a lot of money. If you're really scared of cold breaches you can get taste of hate, but I like saving the taste of hate money for dying sun.

In other news, I ripped at 97 doing hall of the grandmasters again, I forgot to swap the right gear for my last run and got hit by a crazy ED with less chaos res and forgot to put on my curse immune flask. I was done leveling at that point though, the grind to 100 didn't appeal to me so I just wanted to hit 97 and just mess around.

gear right now, killed chimera (with aurabot tho, but i belive i can solo)
t15 dark forest, under 10 sec.
died 3 times since i respec'd (standard, lvl 88 character, 91lvl right now)
so far, recommend.

IS GODLY, if you have flask effectivness on tree, it gives 3 projectiles... YOOO... thats.. overpowered.. i just offscreen everything...

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