[2.6] Explosive Arrow Pathfinder W/Videos -HC Endgame Mapping, Grandmasters, T16 Guardian Guides

BowlOFruit schrieb:

Just want to say great guide I've been following it on Breach HC and achieved most of my goals.

I'm looking to do the guardians as I missed the whole last league. Since I've never done them which one would you recommend as easiest? Your videos seemed to point at Minotaur but he seemed to chunk you more than Chimera. Thanks again for the great guide.

Yeah, I think over all the chimera is probably less likely to one shot you if you put any damage mod on it. Minotaur takes less time and mechanically simpler, but I've done more chimera than minotaur.
dingis schrieb:
Im wondering if lava lash would work as well? It seems way to good to work, im assuming it only scales the initial hit dmg and not the 2ndary explosion, right?

lava lash is fire damage with weapons, doesn't work for EA's explosion.

HighBlow schrieb:
hey guys, first of all thanks to Dingis for the build ,its alot of fun and i want to ask you guys if i'm not using so many unique flasks (just rumi) is it really worth going Pathfinder or what ascendacy would you consider to give most dps ? i see ppl playing most Elementalist and Chieftain.

Chieftan doesn't get a lot of play becuse it messes with EE. The gear is pretty much the same on all classes, except for vinktars if you run that. You don't need unique flasks, your regular flasks are better as pathfinder as well (better rumi's, better basalt, better quick silver, better sulphur, etc)

DPS is kinda weird to calculate, you between ele and pathfinder you trade aoe(without dying sun) with movement speed for general clear. for single target you trade gurenteed ignite with pathfinder for some increased damage (pathfinder only gets 40 in tree). The increased damage difference can be negligable at the highest end of gear. for example, if you have say 400% increased damage, getting 20% increased damage is actually just a 5% damage increase over all. That and a lot of it is conditional (golem, 4 out of every 10 seconds, if you got hit by fire damage etc.)

you will likely run chance to ignite on elementalist because waiting for 8 seconds for the ignite gurentee is wasted dps and on that end pathfinder gets the 100% chance when you have any flask up and your curse on hit without any additional gear. You both have access to shock, pretty sure you'd run vaal lightning trap to gurentee the shock on the boss, which you can run on pathfinder in any case.

I think at the highest end of gear the differences won't matter much in the end though, even if pathfinder is better with more currency invested. So in the end it'll really depend on your play style. I like the things pathfinder provides (status immunity, bleed removal, extra speed, higher block etc). Ele is nice for reflect and prolif though.

HighBlow schrieb:
Kanses schrieb:
wich auras should i use on bhc?

i would use Vitality or Grace depends on gear.

What? I use no auras. I don't use essence worm, I get rings with life res and damage.

tx for the fast reply dingis , i will have to buy the "god" bottle (dying sun)hopefully will worth 5ex but now instead i bought a 6l first .
i am a littel prob with your tree need a 20 DEX Quill for a lvl20 EA ^^^132 dex on tree.
stauch3r schrieb:
i am a littel prob with your tree need a 20 DEX Quill for a lvl20 EA ^^^132 dex on tree.

Run a Devoto if you are on SC, you are still gonna be 8k+ life with 60 dex, attack speed and 20 movement speed. Solves all of your dex issues even for 21/20 EA and makes you super duper fast.
xecutable schrieb:
stauch3r schrieb:
i am a littel prob with your tree need a 20 DEX Quill for a lvl20 EA ^^^132 dex on tree.

Run a Devoto if you are on SC, you are still gonna be 8k+ life with 60 dex, attack speed and 20 movement speed. Solves all of your dex issues even for 21/20 EA and makes you super duper fast.

yea its a good idea i found a Devoto with 40% EA DMG its OP with this movespeed and Quicksilver flask ^^ nicebuild.

its cool play style as Flameblast Elementalist
Zuletzt bearbeitet von stauch3r um 22.12.2016, 15:29:26
Killed Shaper deathless! Was super easy! Love this build!!!! Killed all the guardians up to him deathless as well. Honestly found Chimera the hardest.

My Gear:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von lurker14ownz um 22.12.2016, 20:56:31
lurker14ownz schrieb:
Killed Shaper deathless! Was super easy! Love this build!!!! Killed all the guardians up to him deathless as well. Honestly found Chimera the hardest.

My Gear:

gratz, I expect to see level 4 empower level 21 gems and a second curse, but nice that you found it easy without pushing the extreme gear.
thanks for the quick reply went ahead and downed chimera seemed pretty easy on to the other ones and maybe shaper.. aka death :P
IGN: BowlOFruit
I finished my grind to 100 on BHC. Nothing special gear wise, did like 45 uber lab runs without getting anything even remotely useful so ended up just playing without any enchant. I wanted to buy devoto's with an enchant at like level 97 since I was focusing on mapping but I would have needed to get better resistances on jewelry and no one selling stuff I needed was online so I never bothered doing it. Was running normal ruby flask before dying sun and granite before rumi's. Overall was pretty safe and was really good for breaches. Closest call was probably getting hit by a volatile in t15 with added ele damage for like 7.5k, oops.

Bonus vaal after doing chayula run
sss111 schrieb:
I finished my grind to 100 on BHC. Nothing special gear wise, did like 45 uber lab runs without getting anything even remotely useful so ended up just playing without any enchant. I wanted to buy devoto's with an enchant at like level 97 since I was focusing on mapping but I would have needed to get better resistances on jewelry and no one selling stuff I needed was online so I never bothered doing it. Was running normal ruby flask before dying sun and granite before rumi's. Overall was pretty safe and was really good for breaches. Closest call was probably getting hit by a volatile in t15 with added ele damage for like 7.5k, oops.

Bonus vaal after doing chayula run

ooo I saw the post on reddit about the chayula and was like he uses EA hope it's pathfinder. And you pointed to this topic too!

And you're fourth on the ladder, fourth person to hit 100 in BHC, gratz. How is the grind to 100? I mean this is a fun mapping build but I've never done a grind to 100. I usually start playing less effeciently around 90, and start doing random things that get me killed.

How was chayula's breach domain on the build?

And you're right about enchants, there weren't that many good ones on BHC. I only wore one last league because I got it randomly on a helmet when I was doing lab runs.

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