[3.6] [HC-SC] [10 Blades] Tankster Crit BV MoM Fake Poison Build [Damage from 1,5 mi DPS]
this is a great leveling guide. keep up the good work OP 1!
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" Yo, yes smth like that. It will take a while because you are basically starting from ground zero, but put in some effort, stick to the guide, ask help from people ingame/do your research and you should find enough gear to get by, then when you have cash you build into the potential of those builds. Once you're used to the builds and have farmed some cash from drops and selling good items, you start on the builds you saved like this one. For example, for this build I was able to find a Cospri's Will, 5l it and colour it to the gems specified here, while I bought items when I had enough cash to spare so for this build I've got some parts down. However what I did is build up 2 characters beforehand, both for fun and because they were cheapish and could survive most things well enough for me to farm. This is just my method and I am a super casual player, but you should be able to try it out as well without much issues. Zuletzt bearbeitet von samlzy1993#3197 um 23.06.2017, 12:05:39
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Yo Carrasco how's the testing coming along?
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" Hello, I did not test enough the build, I did several builds and every time I completed Act 7 I started a new build. But what I can tell you is the following, it is still a relatively strong build, but the main feature of it, which is stack more than 20 poisons with 20 stacks lasting several following actually gotten lost. This loss was not only of this builds, but several others that used the poison as main damage were nerfed very strong. One of the best things that this build had was to use "Skill Effect Duration" that affected not only the duration of the blades but also the duration of the poison, it does not have any more. Perfect Agony is only good with builds that have high critical chance (75% or more), so this is very bad for this build. That damage from the beginning of the topic that came to around 500k against bosses using Concentrated Effect you will not get more, but you can get around 283K, using Vaal Lightning Trap, Wither, Rallying Cry, 2 Ming's Heart and Atziri's Promise. Considering the use of frenzy charges can reach 329k. Being most of the damage done by hits, not by poison. :/ Simulation for anyone who wants to see: https://pastebin.com/iBFp5wUt Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 01.07.2017, 12:52:15
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I find it hilarious that despite you admitting to the fact that you didn't test the build enough, it didn't stop you from putting 3.0 in the title.
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" I did not test because I did not want to spend all the time on the pre-wipe just with this build. With this build I made all the content until Act 7 with no problem, of all I did this is in the top 2 (along with Decay Essence Drain pre-nerf) of stronger builds. But do not worry, this time I will not do so many and I will focus on 2 builds after the wipe: Essence Drain (with or without decay - depends on nerf) and this build. I intend to test both builds to at least yellow maps before trying other builds. Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 02.07.2017, 08:43:55
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I have been leveling the Crit version in 3.0 HC beta. I've done 5 builds into maps so far this beta, This is by far the slowest as far as leveling (however I had to change gems around due to poison not performing I struggled with gearing until act 7 when i finally started getting lucky on a few drops) Overall I am sure this can be leveled quicker then my luck would allow. However with a 5 link and proper gems it has gotten alot faster as far as clearing goes. Defensively it has been great. Warlords Mark + MOM + Weave the arcane as well as max resist with a decent life pool I have had 0 close calls.
Poison Support just got hit way too hard , The best 4 link set up for leveling and early end game seems to be: AOE/Conc - BV - Spell Echo - Increased Duration or Controlled Destruction (increased Duration is my Pref) until you start getting the nodes on the tree then work towards controlled destruction. for a 5 Link however using his skill tree This seems to be working pretty well. Aoe/Conc - BV - Spell Echo - Decay - Efficiency I will test a few 5 link Combos later, Including Controlled destruction Inc Crit strikes + Crit Damage Added Chaos Poison Support (I am still leveling this in hopes it will start to shine later on) and any other gems you guys can recommend or want to see. I will update as far as clear speeds and boss kills etcetc later on. Anything else you guys would like to know or would like to see let me know will check back when i get a chance. |
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" Just so long as you update it to 3.0, I'm a happy man, I've already gotten a Divinarius and Cospri's Will for this T_T Would you say 2 Ming's Heart and Atziri's Promise is now mandatory for this build? " Could you test BV - Spell Echo - Void Manipulation - Added Chaos - Vile Toxins? I've got a Cospri's Will and I'd like to do this with it. Or is conc effect a must? Also hasn't Decay been nerfed into the ground? I thought Vile Toxins would be a more viable option. |
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" I do not know if it would be mandatory, but it will certainly be quite essential to achieve very high levels of damage. It will depend on your resistances, because as you are going to use many unique items you will need good items with good elemental resistances. An item that will actually be needed to achieve high damage around 450k against bosses is Cospri's Will, the simulations in PoB indicate this using Concentrated Effect. But again, using Conc Effect most of the damage will be for hits, not for poison, because double dips is dead. Simulations (using Cospri's Will and removing Poison gem): Concentrated Effect: 459k Controlled Destruction: 409K Void Manipulation: 408K Efficacy: 388K Increased Critical Strike: 385K https://pastebin.com/PzDmN6q6 Guides made by me: Unnamed's CoC CI Discharge Trickster, Tankster BV MoM Poison, Saboquisitor MoM Pure Cold damage with Hrimburn, Trickster Critical Flameblast Zuletzt bearbeitet von Carrasco_Santo#1203 um 02.07.2017, 22:08:06
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" Is it possible to change the build from poison to something else then? Something else that GGG hasn't destroyed yet XD Also since I have a Cospri's, would this link make sense? BV - Spell Echo - Con.Dest/Conc Eff - Added Chaos - Vile Toxins |
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