[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Neurik schrieb:
Crafted this bow on Talisman but did not get my masters high enough to master craft it. Once it converted to standard I finally got around to it and I have a few quick questions.

First, can I "remove crafted mods" without removing "can have multiple crafted mods"? (low crafted rolls :( )

If not, what last crafted mod should I add, wep ele dam or attack projectiles return to you?


1) Use Devines to get better rolls,
2) and WED for the last mod.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von basta1982#7340 um 06.03.2016, 06:58:59
alexandrubenza schrieb:
has anyone run this high enough to pick ascendancy classes?

i got my TS setup, and i know his recommendation for TS is deadeye, but i'm not sure about chain passive on TS... it says "skills chain +1," does that mean that the entire animation of the skill counts? cos obv the big aoe explosions don't, but do the secondary arrows?

just confused cos raider still looks mighty tempting...

lots of people have.

TS first attack is 100% pierce. so will not chain. The secondary arrows from the explosions will.

Honestly... I really can't decide myself.
went ranger. so scion option out.

Pathfinders surgeons/stauching/quicksilver on every flask is really really op. Neversinks says "wait till 90+. But honestly I don't think that is even true.
Even without unique flasks, we have all these new ones added. Onslaught flask, diamond flask, granite. you should be running around with 100% uptime on onslaught and diamond likely. when the right unique come into play it just gets silly.

When first looking, I took, just kindof assumed avatar of frenzy with raider. 8 frenzy charges! got to be great right?
the 36% duration is overkill. the 30% evasion is ok. 10% chance of frenzy on kill is pointless, given easy of frenzy elsewhere. bloodrage or frenzy. Avatar of frenzy. 2% move per frenzy. 8 charges=16% 21%attack speed, 21% attack damage.. its all additive. this is ok.. but not amazing.
Rapid assault is pretty good. but also, while its better to go avatar of onslaught outright.
Onslaught is 20% move, and attack. with avatar, 30% move, attack, and 20% damage, 25% more melee evade, and 15% more proj evade.
Onslaught flask of course, a given.

Deadeye is pretty.. boring.
20% faster attack, 60% damage. (alot.. but additive.) up to 30% more damage with farshot. situational imho. great for mapping. terrible for izaro, who will be up in your face far too often.
richochet. kindof the same deal. great for mapping and packs. not great for reflect, or izaro(single target), when you need it.
Since the trees were down and i wanted to play i end up trying my own based off the info.


Looking at it now - its quite a bit different - but is there any major mistakes i should clear out (got 3 passive reset points left and i guess a few more from merciless last 3 acts)?

Zuletzt bearbeitet von dustofdeath#7022 um 06.03.2016, 08:48:39
A great part of scion option (assassin and raider) is the charge generation.
But I don't have sure about that, 10% of chance on full life (which I don't know how this work) for power charges and 10% for frenzy.
Is that enough to sustain full charges?
3portas schrieb:
A great part of scion option (assassin and raider) is the charge generation.
But I don't have sure about that, 10% of chance on full life (which I don't know how this work) for power charges and 10% for frenzy.
Is that enough to sustain full charges?

Easily, - plus generating power charges are quite uninteresting here anyway, cause you'll use most likely AM anyway.
Hello all!
I'm sorry for the following wall of text but i'm completely new to anything PoE related that is not a caster and i was hoping that someone could find some time from their busy new league schedule to give an aspiring Huntress some advice.

But let's start from the beginning, shall we!?

Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away... there was a league called Warbands. In it lived a Templar named Morgon who was a Flame Totem summoner. He did his job quite well but he never liked being so very slow. When gods graced us with a chance for rebirth in a new world called Perandus, Morgon decided that enough is enough - He's rerolling a ranger! And not just any ranger but a fast one. Really, really fast. So he happened on this topic and decided that nothing sounds faster and deadlier than Tornado Shot Ranger! When the league launched she, Merandriel, (Yes, strange but wonderful things had happened during the rebirth) was as excited as on her imaginary wedding day! She killed and killed and killed...and... then came today!

You see, as we learned earlier, Merandriel's goal had always been to travel with supersonic speed so she took Neversink's wonderful build and made some tiny changes to it (They are really quite tiny, honest!) and came up with this:
She also learned about some wonderful items that are made for people who just have to go fast. Notably Queen of the Forest (I mean really, who doesn't want to be queen of the forest?) and Alpha's Howl combo. So she went to the market and got herself pretty little dress
for 1 fuse orb and
for 25 chaos.

I know you are all tired already bit good news is we're finally getting to the point of this story.

When she turns on her Hatred and Grace Auras she has only 30-something mana left (Total mana pool si 445) and 4link Tornado shot costs 21 mana to use. It was impossible to spam TS like this so she had to equip a terrible
which leaves her with 44 mana, barely enough to get 2 Tornado shots off. Luckily Essence Sap cluster works well when firing into big packs of mobs but when dealing with one or few mobs she run out of mana and has to wait between each shot, which really hurts my damage output. At the same time she is really happy with the 47% passive move speed bonus she currently has thanks to Queen of the Forest and Alpha's howl + Grace.
So what could she do to improve her situation. You should also consider her following preferences:

1) She wants to have as much movespeed (To a certain limit, about 70% with Grace active and 30% movespeed boots should be the upper limit) while 55-60% is the bare minimum) as possible and is willing to sacrifice some damage and even survivability to make it happen.
2) She will be mostly running around in the wilds (maps) solo and wants to possibly do Atziri every now and then but mapping is her priority for sure.
3) She also has
which you probably figured already based on the Piercing Shots cluster.
4)She runs on a relatively low budget (for now) after spending her entire fortune on that Alpha's Howl.
5)She is a Deadeye Ranger.

So in conclusion, Merandriel would like to ask your help to see
1) If some improvements could be made to the talent tree
2) How to solve a problem like Mana? She really doesn't want to keep using that dreadfully useless Jewel for only it's 2% reduced mana reserved.
3) How to choose a better bow to replace her crappy

Which is more important, base crit or Pdps? Is 300pdps bow with 6% crit better or worse than 250 pdps bow with 7% base crit?
4) Rest of her gear is absolutely terrible:

With the exception of half-decent boots that she got for 6 chaos.

Which of these awful items are most important to be replaced as priority and which can be left for little later? She is severly undercapped when it comes to resists and virtually anything that does elemental damage one-shots her at this point. So she takes a day off to figure out what to do next before continuing in act 3 Merciless.
5) She uses frenzy, just frenzy, no links, for charges. Then the tornado shot setup, grace+hatred and vaal haste in the helmet and Blink arrow for movement. It leaves a lot of open skills, what should she use in addition to those?
6)Any other advice you might have.

Oh, and i forgot to mention that she is lvl 64 at the moment.

I feel really stuck with this character and i'm starting to lose my motivation so any help will be most appreciated.

Thank you for reading this long post and sorry!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gunteraz#3129 um 06.03.2016, 11:32:48

In your OP, you've added a new paragraph for Ascendancy, stating:
NeverSink schrieb:
Do NOT use Deadeye for ok-high gear lightning arrow. Lightning arrow has enough damage and clear-speed as it is with the chain gem. Giving it extra chain or replacing the chain gem will not help you much. Your primary concerns are single target, speed, utility and survival, which Chain Deadeye doesn't provide.

What Ascendancy path would you recommend for someone who's about to go the Voltaxic Rift - Lightning Arrow route?

I'm aware of Mathil's guide, though would appreciate your PoV as well.

gotta go fast. hehe.

swap to haste, instead of grace.
Your build is right NEXT to charisma, if you are really worried about how tight your mana is.
4 points for 12% mana reservation reduction, and 6% inc aura effect.

and/or poachers mark instead of assassins.
The frenzy on kill is not as great as power charges, given the ease of frenzy charge gain elsewhere. however, the life and mana on HIT is far far better, then assassins life/mana on kill.

Your AH has a blue slot.. and Enlighten is blue..
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia#1093 um 06.03.2016, 12:35:49
I don't see the "more" word in the assassin's mark description. Just "increased". Was it nerfed with 2.2?
zankioh schrieb:
I don't see the "more" word in the assassin's mark description. Just "increased". Was it nerfed with 2.2?

Debuffs are separate from buffs. So, it all adds/multiplies separate.
Its a 9% more crit flat, and 20% more damage on crits.

For example projectile weakness.
level 16 for 40% increased damage.

if you have 100 base damage, +300% phys damage from passives/gear etc, you deal 400 damage.
proj weakness is then 40% increased damage debuff. it does not add into your other "increased damage" passive and buffs.
400x1.4=560 damage.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Casia#1093 um 06.03.2016, 13:31:36

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