[3.16] g00fy_goober's Ball Lightning Miner Saboteur (Easily clear all content) REVAMPED
Mate my bad when I read low life I thought you went ci , too many late nights on this I think . Appologies and im using ci now haha I just find survivability a bit better thanks for the reply even if it was pointing out im a tube
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" np haha |
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Hi Goofy,
I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can give on my current build. I do like the build, but I definitely see what you were talking about with putting movement on spacebar. Depending on your advice - if it would take more than 30ex to push this build into "insta phase" territory - I might need to look for another build for the wrist pain factor alone lol. Anyways... LF build advice. I feel like I'm in an awkward spot. Tight passive tree, all upgrades that I can see are 10ex minimum, likely more when you consider they would force me to replace other pieces at the same time. First time playing a miner so I could be missing some obvious things (I know to get 21/23/woke gems, etc.)... https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/pawsuhh/characters (PAWS_HARVEST) PoB: https://pastebin.com/q2b02YEM Guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2755952 My top ideas are: * 21/23 Ball lightning * Trans Flesh in exchange for a regular jewel slot (top middle) and maybe a 20% crit node (you only take 2 of the 3 on your passive tree below that section...not sure how impactful this would be) * 10ex+ seems to be the price for most other gear slots, with about 25ex~ for a hubris with 300ES, an enchant, and -9% to lightning res. EDIT: Before this, I tried the Tremor Rod version where you had to detonate a certain way to max out DPS. I'm honestly not convinced this LL version does more damage than that variant if you detonate correctly. Is there any special way to detonate in this build? I've just been throwing mines and detonating as fast as possible. If you think my issue is more on the mechanical side, I am more than happy to upload a video for you. Thanks again for the build guide :) take care (and stream more often!) Zuletzt bearbeitet von pawsuhh#5056 um 03.07.2020, 20:59:42
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Okkar_Aung#5433 um 04.07.2020, 12:10:04
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I have two questions: 1. How am I supposed to stop dying all the time? 2. How am I supposed to deal with freaking porcupines that melt me? |
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" How is this relevant to build guide in anyway shape or form? Please think before you post. " 1. Dying shouldn't be a problem. Follow the guide. 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyYmN2dzJ18 |
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" 1. I _am_ following the guide, I wouldn't ask if I didn't. Apparently dying is a problem for me, that's why I posted my gear and asked for help - what should I change exactly. 2. This is not helpful. I guess I should've followed another guide, really. I don't have a shit ton of ex to spend on making this work for the actual end game. |
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" You need to lighten up. The porcupine thing is obviously a joke. Chars have had issues with porcupines for 5+ years now and it is not going to change anytime soon. You have to be careful how you kill them and make sure you run back and hide around stuff when possible. That being said you should have 9k+ es and block ontop of being a ranged char. Shouldn't be that hard to avoid. As for the rest your completely missing all of the key details, i don't know what to tell you. Build did everything with ease and dying with a 9k es pool was pretty hard to do. But since you gave 0 details i have no idea how to help you besides for telling you to follow the guide? What is your ES? How are you dying? Are you diving into mobs? Are you dying to bosses? Are you dying to boxes/effects? Is delirium the issue? Is chaos shit killing you? Is it the end game sirius/uber elder that is a problem? Do you have stun issues? Do you have ailment problems? Again that being said your first step is always to follow the guide. - Your wand is pretty bad. I mean +1 light gems + 100+ crit and some spell dmg is not terrible but this league you can get something like that or better while leveling. You should EASILY be able to have best base wand. +1 gem 100+ crit, light dmg to spells + a good bit of spell dmg or light dmg - In a league with almost infinite crafting your shield is a terrible base and has 240 es - Your helm isn't even on my guide - Again in a league of almost infinite crafting your rare ring doesn't even have % es and flat es on it - Your annoint on amulet is wrong - No enchant on helmet - Wrong Enchant on boots - Your gloves are about 10c gloves and again with infinite crafting league you don't even have 200+ es on them as the FIRST mod you should look for - Your CRYSTAL belt literally has 14 es on it and has had its implicit rolled over Literally making you lose god only knows how much ES - Your boots have 20 res and movespeed, they are one of the worst ES bases you can possibly get and have no mods on them what so ever outside of movespeed. I work full time, own my own home, and have all the chores and responsibilities that come along with being a home owner on top of having to do all my own cooking/cleaning. I do not have very much free time as it is and i do not spend 100% of my free time on poe. The time i do spend here i would like to play and enjoy the league myself ontop of the massive amount of work it takes to keep the build guides as up to date as possible which is more work then you will ever know. I do not mind helping or answering questions, but the first step is for those who need help to fully read the guide and follow it which clearly you have not done either. So no, you are not following the guide and you obviously did ask even though you didn't. |
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Guide has been a very useful starting point as someone who's played neither mines nor LL ES builds ever before. Thanks for that.
Decided to make a couple items since I wasn't happy with the shields I was finding on trade, and managed to put this fellow together. Harvest really is great for making ridiculous items. |
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" Imagine that, I also work full time and I also have all the chores and responsibilities. And you certainly don't have to answer stupid questions like mine's, but if you do please do that properly. Ask for all the missing information you need in order to help, point our the major weak points of the build for things that are outlined, like you eventually did. Thank you for that, much appreciated. Otherwise don't waste nobody's time arguing that you have other things to do, while others don't. |
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