[3.16] g00fy_goober's Ball Lightning Miner Saboteur (Easily clear all content) REVAMPED
Note: If you have any questions pertaining to the build. Please post them here or feel free to ask on stream. Please do not PM me in game or on forum as you will not get a response.
Stream: Feel free to stop by my stream at twitch.tv/goof1313 if you have any questions about builds or guides. Always happy to discuss them on stream or answer any questions you may have. ALWAYS READ THIS FIRST!!
3.16 - Due to the massive amount of changes listed in the unreveal and patch notes it will be impossible to update right now. Generally most things should be a little bit BUFFED (like passives/masterys) then before. Best I can say at this moment is with a little bit of experimenting on your guys end the build should work as good or better than it did previously. Full update in guide won't come until much later after launch when everything can be thoroughly planned and tested.
3.15 Just general nerfs from flasks/gems that all builds got hit with 3.14 Completely Revamped the build. Literally have like 4-5x the damage we did previously and previously it was pretty damn good. Single target is a complete joke, clear is super easy. Qol + gems have gone up as well, the only thing that went down at all was ES. You lost about 500 ES with revamp but obviously it is pretty easy to give up 500 ES for 5x the damage and extra Qol and such.
- Very fun to play
- Completely insane single target damage. - Shock/Ignite/Freeze/Chill immune - Blinds nearby enemies - Decent Es regen + defences - Can do literally all map mods - Able to do all content in game - Amazing defensive capabilities - Easy/Cheap to gear with room for lots of improvements as you get more currency
- Can be pretty expensive to fully min/max yourself for end game gear
- Low Life so hard to do at start of league, though easy to go pure life and transition later on - Requires a lot of key spamming for flasks + single target + detonate (helps to set detonate to left click)
www.poeurl.com/cUjW (Will update another day as site seems to be all messed up atm. For now just use POB.
Quick Leveling Guide
- *VERY IMPORTANT* Build & guide is set up as a low life ES based miner. For leaguestart or leveling, it is MUCH better to do a life version. Ignore ES nodes, pick up some extra life nodes and go for life rolls on gear.
- Explosive Trap super early and then icicle mines for Act 1. (Or can do w/e you want honestly). - At level 12/merveil grab arc and link them with blastchain mine support, trap and mine damage, and swift assembly. - At level 28 grab ball lightning and make sure to replace or throw in a slower projectiles. - Run Ball lightning + High-Impact mine + any combination of trap and mine dmg, slower proj. Feel free to use swift assembly or minefield as you prefer, though later on minefield becomes much better.
Gear Breakdown and Stat Prioritization
Crown of the inward eye is the best option here. Ball lightning fires an additional projectile is the enchant you want as well, just feels a lot better while playing though the % dmg is a smidge more dmg but you lose the qol. Between the 21% global es, and transigurations to beat out this helm you need some super omega crazy rare helm with tons of es, ele dmg, - light res and even then there is barely a difference. Just stick with crown.
Wand/Dagger with 100%+ crit chance for spells and +1 level of all spell gems along with a bit of spell damage is ideal. If you pour in exalts you can get some pretty crazy weapons with like +1 lightning gems AND +1 spell gems and some other stuff. Not needed at all, but the option is there. Having a mod to craft trigger helps a lot as you get free curse and wave of conviction and such later on.
Prism Guardian is the only way to go. An absolutely insane ES shield with all kinds of dmg rolls and minus reseervation and es on block would probably be doable but you would lose an aura as well so unless you have hundreds of exalts to put in to get something that is a minor upgrade just stick with prism guardian. Plus if you get a +2 or +4 corrupted prism it will still out perform the crazy rare.
Shav's Wrappings is the only way to go. We are a low life build after all. Getting a corrupted one with + gems, dmg or w/e would be great if you have the money.
Fingerless silk gloves for the spell dmg implicit. Get a good amount of ES and some resistances. A big dex roll really helps.
Rare Sorcerer boots. Best to try to get a pair with 3 suffix and a good ES roll. Then get a aisling in catarina and add veiled mods. The chance of getting some kind of movespeed is incredibly high. Personally I would like to try and get move speed + cannot be chilled, but anything works if you prefer. Then simply craft on cannot be frozen on top of it.
Crystal belt base with essence spam for high dex roll. Pretty easy to get the dex roll + flat es + a bit of res.
Circle of Regret Topaz Ring. Go for herald of thunder buff effect and inc lightning dmg while affected by herald of thunder. These rolls can be divined to your pleasure. Going for any kind of attributes or str/dex implicits or w/e else you like could be great but can get very expensive. Damage mods or + es% or whatnot can also be great for implicits as well. Then a rare moonstone ring with crusader influence on it. Gives a ES% along with a nice flat ES roll and some res. Try to be able to craft some kind of lightning + fire damage on it. The fire damage allows your traps to ignite enemies and lets cinderswallow give you the 10% increased damage to ignited enemies. Also good place to put on your aspect of the spider and some strength if needed. Finally for Amulet presence of chayula is the way to go because once again we are low life so it gives a ton of ES especially catalyst up. With Divine Judgement annoint.
Watcher's eye. Es Clarity one along with lightning pen wrath is best. Ton of options from here though if you want to go all out. Crit or lightning dmg wrath on top of those or es regen or anything would be godly.
Transcendant Flesh is the next one. Gets socketed at the jewel socket over by the templar start. Gives like 56% crit multi Next is an Energy from within jewel which should be socketed over right at the shadow start (above and a little to the left) so all the life from Melding is turned into ES. For the couple rare jewels we go %ES + any kind of crit multi, multi with spells, multi with lightning skills etc etc. Not to hard to buy or spam harvest reforges on till something nice pops. Lastly a thread of hope with -10 res if possible and LARGE ring. This let's us pick up our last few nodes for heart of thunder, deep wisdom, arcane focus, and utmost intellect. All really good nodes for lots of dmg or tons of es.
Gems & Links
Body Armor 4L: Ball Lightning - High-Impact Mine - Minefield - Slower Projectiles
5L Trap and Mine Damage 6L Awakened Added Lightning Damage 3L Setup: Clarity - Wave of conviction (level 1) - sniper's mark 3L Setup (shield) : Wrath - Zealotry - Vaal Discipline 4L Setup: Summon Skitterbots - Herald of Thunder - Arrogance - Precision 4L Setup: Dash - Second Wind - Arcane Surge (level 6) - Portal 4L Setup: Storm Brand - Awakened Hextouch - Ele Weakness - Culling Strike *Note 1: Feel free to pull minefield out and run controlled destruction, run swift assembly instead of minefield early on, or do w/e combination you feel is better, I swapped a LOT and played around with things. For endgame all passives/gear and such minefield cast time is perfectly fine and throwing 5 mines in sequence will add a LOT of damage. I still think it is best way to go. *Note 2: Wave of conviction should stay at level 1 as it does a lot of phys dmg when leveled and can become a huge issue for phys reflect maps. *Note 3: Make sure arrogance is ONLY linked to precision in helm.
- Diamond Flask - Bottled Faith - Cinderswallow with high crit (recover does not work sadly) - Wise Oak (make sure lightning res is the highest even with all flasks on) - Can either use quicksilver for movement speed or dying sun. Mostly I prefered to just dash/walk and use dying sun for lots of more cool projectileds which really helped clear ultimatums. Without ultimatum I probably would have stuck with quicksilver though.
Crit Chance with Diamond Flask
Here is a nifty little table that explains it better than I ever could while using diamond flask:
Gloves - W/e you want.
Boots - Adds 1 to 160 lightning dmg if you haven't killed recently (100% uptime because you are mines). Actually outperforms the dmg pen by like 1.7% and is much easier to get. Helm - Additional Projectile for ball lightning
+2 passives by killing all
Ascendancy Points
Pyromaniac - Born in the Shadows - Bomb Specialist - Explosives Expert
Minor God - Abberath. Just for immune to burning ground and 50% reduction of ignite on you.
Major God - Soul of Solaris is the one I run. Usually either do lunaris or solaris on my chars. You can use w/e you want though, doesn't matter much.
Divine Judgement is the best one to go.
PoB link
https://youtu.be/m1KLDF9oa9c (Video is old before revamp haven't had a chance to update yet. Mechanics are the same but you fire more projectiles and do a lot more damage after revamp. Revamp literally just made everything better except you have a bit less ES.
Can we use swift assembly over minefield support? Completely up to you. Personally I swapped around with trying no minefield or swift assembly and using another support gem, dying sun vs no dying sun, swift assembly vs minefield and changed them constantly. More projectiles were amazing for things that spawned a ton of mobs like ultimatums, legions, breaches etc. Single target didn't really matter. Minefield still felt the best once you had quality on gem and all the minespeed stuff.
Why extra proj enchant instead of % dmg enchant? Ball lightning has a certain amount of times it can hit per second. Every 150ms to be precise. This is PER target and is shared with all projectiles. However The balls do not literally sit on top of each other, the range is spread out. Clearspeed feels INFINITELY better with more projectiles (which is also why we use dying sun) but 40% inc dmg does not really change much for single target. Literally maven/sirus and shit get instant phased so fast with BL mines that it really feels so much better QOL wise to increase your clear than it does to very minutely increase single target damage. How do I do crazy amounts of single target damage? With High-Impact mine support and minefield it is very easy to toss out a bunch of mines and "pregame" the fight b4 it spawns. After you start detonation you continue to hold down right click to toss mines and they all detonate in the same sequence (or feel free to continue to hold right click and continue to spam detonate) I don't like this or that with your build. Do I have to do it? 100% Absolutely Not. This is a build that I tweaked specifically to fit me. Do to you what feels right and looks good for YOU. YOU are the one that has to play it and enjoy it. Trust me when I say if you change your damage by a few hundred or even a few thousand or swap your defenses around it will not make or break the build for the most part. However keep in mind that I will always advise people to do what I have laid out in the build. How can you stand playing mines? Mines is definitely a very unique playstyle and takes a bit of getting used to. However almost everything in a map only needs one click of mines to wipe it off the face of the earth. Right clicking once at mid of pack to throw mines and then clicking "d" for detonate is pretty easy. That being said it feels infinitely better to set detonate mines to left click as well. This means that while mapping you just right click one time on mobs and when you automatically left click to walk and move away the mines detonate all by themselves. It is instant, does not hang you up and is not even noticed anymore. Why is my tooltip damage not even close to real dps? There are so many things in POE that do not effect tooltip damage. This is why POB is the way to go and even then, a ton of your dps is not shown. Ball lightning dps even in POB seems super small, but that is per tick, which hits like almost 7x a second and still does not include a bunch of things. Just trust me, the dmg is insane.
Other Builds of Mine
Elebuzzsaw Raider - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1839087
Reave/Bflurry Champion - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2129351/page/1 Cyclone Slayer - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2604024 Arc Trapper Saboteur - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2920807 Toxic Rain Occultist - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3077610 Hope you all enjoyed the guide and hope it allows many players to enjoy this wonderful game even more. If you have any questions/comments/vouches you are encouraged to post up. As long as you have FULLY read the guide. Also again feel free to catch me on my stream. Happy farming my fellow exiles! Zuletzt bearbeitet von g00fy_goober#7177 um 15.10.2021, 08:58:31 Zuletzt angestoßen am 24.01.2022, 22:46:17
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Video added!
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Nice Guide, i will probably change my gear to come close to this..Where do you get the different Damage types to use the Full potential of explosives expert „chill/ignite/shock“ ? Jewels?
Why don‘t you use Wrath instead of Herald of Thunder? Whats your opinion to wrath? Zuletzt bearbeitet von diCastro90#9278 um 28.01.2020, 12:15:36
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Running this build, very fun
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Medown#1656 um 02.02.2020, 04:29:14
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Build updated/tweaked for 3.10 minus any changes that come out in patchnotes.
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Hello, this is my attempt on tuning the tree towards a life based/league starter setup, brought the tree down to level 90. Any glaring mistakes? https://pastebin.com/zjsTDbMG
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So many mine guides suggest using Cinderswallow Urn even though almost all of its mods don't even work with mines...
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" Don't have the time atm to look through it, (if you remind me later today i could probably do it). But converting ES builds to life builds is pretty easy. Just pick up the life clusters instead of ES, skip things like pain attunement/arcane vision and then obviously go for typical life on gear instead of ES. Build is pretty safe/defensive overall so i can't see there being many issues even with 5kish life. " That's because it is not SUPPOSED to work but it does. In one of the topics even some of the GGG guys (mark maybe?) talked about it working. Even if it didn't work though, a crit roll + onslaught is still going to be used. Then you still recover es/life/mana as normal. The only thing you need is to make sure mobs take 10% inc dmg, they have to be ignited. That is why we have an abyss jewel that gives fire dmg to spells (or u can have it on a ring or something). When you do, you can see the effect from the flask work. |
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You can also have this for gloves later on for a bit of leech, it does come at a cost, but it can free up a flask slot.
I would like to give a ball lightning miner another go for this league, I still have no idea what to pick,a cycloner,some generic agony crawler build,RF build. It's still to be decided. I am curious as to where the new cluster jewels would go in this build, and what we would gain and what we would lose with them. Surprise Sabotage and Arcane Pyrotechnics sound interesting. Btw why no ele focus? Is added lightning damage better? Ele focus no ailments, sure, but the skitterbots give ailments and that negates the no ailment from ele focus, as far as I understand anyway. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nosferat#4431 um 11.03.2020, 09:04:31
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" Don't think i would ever use those gloves, lose a good chunk of es and decent amount of res just to get leech. Kind of a waste of a glove slot IMO. Especially since we rocking like 9k+ ES and don't really need leech. As for me going to start with normal zambie/slave driver summoner to build currency and go full impale phys cyclone slayer with a saviour (since i never used one yet). Awakened added lightning (at level 5) gives a huge amount of lightning dmg AND +1 to supported lightning gems. Best gem you can use by far. |
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