[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

donbrawler schrieb:
manipulos schrieb:
Any advice on the medium cluster jewel? Tried crafting it, quickly running out of mats. I don't see any for sale for days with Brush With Death and # to maximum energy shield

use this search. They will pop soon.

Easiest and cheapest method to craft a Brushed with Death and Vile Reinvigoration Medium Jewel is buy Scouring Orbs and Alchemy Orbs. They are super cheap this league.

Agree with scour/alc if you want to DIY


1 663 tries with a confidence interval of 63.223% looks like you'll get sore fingers. Converted costs to chaos it's still 744 which is still massive. I work off a budget usually so personally I'd wait for something on trade that's cheaper than that or just live with a second tier passive from the DIY - needless to say you'll be crafting 2-3 jewels at the same time while keeping the best option at any point.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Armisal#5804 um 26.10.2020, 00:24:03
donbrawler schrieb:

Finally crafted my gloves. Took six attempts of rolling gloves for good ES with one open suffix then Hunter Orbs.

Steps to craft are actually cheap except the hunters orb. Total cost is usually around 180-200 chaos to craft them.

How to craft them
1. Buy Ilvl 84 Fingerless Silk (2 Chaos)
2. Quality, color sockets, Link sockets
3. Use Dense fossils with Primitive Chaotic Resonator until you get the roll listed below
+ 40 - 49 to maximum Energy Shield
80-120% increased Energy Shield
Either 2 resist or 1 resist and craft the other that's needed.
Must have 1 open Suffix
4. Buy Hunter's exalted Orb, slam and pray you get t2-t1 Cold over time.
5. Divine for higher rolls.

If you don't get cold over time you can sell them for 10 - 15 exalts. the high ES is sought after

Thanks for sharing. I've had a fun morning trying to craft these haha. made some very nice gloves but nothing exactly like yours. Either you were really lucky or I am very unlucky!!

Probably worth doing perfect fossil on them too to squeeze a bit more ES from quality?
oh jeez, I need those gloves now :)
IGN: Sin
If you have a few more chaos to spend you can also try for double influence hunter/warlord gloves.

If you end up with a set that has decent ES, cold DOT mult, and an open prefix you can craft multimod and cannot roll attack modifiers to fill the suffixes, then slam a warlord ex orb and you are guaranteed % damage over time or % spell damage for that prefix. I was working on this until I found a lvl 86 vortex cooldown helm base and spent all my currency on crafting that lol. Didnt end up with exactly what I wanted but was able to sell it for a good profit to try again.
Mentosman42 schrieb:
If you have a few more chaos to spend you can also try for double influence hunter/warlord gloves.

If you end up with a set that has decent ES, cold DOT mult, and an open prefix you can craft multimod and cannot roll attack modifiers to fill the suffixes, then slam a warlord ex orb and you are guaranteed % damage over time or % spell damage for that prefix. I was working on this until I found a lvl 86 vortex cooldown helm base and spent all my currency on crafting that lol. Didnt end up with exactly what I wanted but was able to sell it for a good profit to try again.

You can't slam a warlord orb once the gloves already have a Hunter influence. You will need to use a awakener orb and have a pair of warlord gloves with the influence modifier you want to slam. This will completely reroll the hunter gloves but keep both influence modifiers and has high chance of loosing your ES rolls doing this. This would be too expensive for extra 100-200 dps increase.

Culling strike might be worth loosing ES though. Or just a pair of Boss killing gloves :D

Buy Warlord Gloves with Culling Strike and Hunter Gloves with % Cold Over Time. Slam them with them with Awakener Orb and pray you get good rolls.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 26.10.2020, 20:41:17
kingkano schrieb:
donbrawler schrieb:

Thanks for sharing. I've had a fun morning trying to craft these haha. made some very nice gloves but nothing exactly like yours. Either you were really lucky or I am very unlucky!!

Probably worth doing perfect fossil on them too to squeeze a bit more ES from quality?

You definitely could!! I wouldn't recommend it though since it took me crafting the gloves six times my total for fossils and hunter orbs was around 1,300 Chaos. I have made 600 chaos back from my crafts so far. Adding in Perfect Fossil increases cost by to much for so little ES.
donbrawler schrieb:
kingkano schrieb:
donbrawler schrieb:

Thanks for sharing. I've had a fun morning trying to craft these haha. made some very nice gloves but nothing exactly like yours. Either you were really lucky or I am very unlucky!!

Probably worth doing perfect fossil on them too to squeeze a bit more ES from quality?

You definitely could!! I wouldn't recommend it though since it took me crafting the gloves six times my total for fossils and hunter orbs was around 1,300 Chaos. I have made 600 chaos back from my crafts so far. Adding in Perfect Fossil increases cost by to much for so little ES.

Yes - I realised the same. Perfect fossil too expensive, once I got addicted to rolling dense!

I have made about 10 or 12 pairs of gloves today haha - all good ES but faulty in some way, no suffix, 1 resist, etc. I already sold almost half of them to recoup costs. Only used 3 Hunter orbs which all missed, % dex twice and 16% chaos DOT - which seems like a really sick item? Not sure what to price it at tho! If only it had hit the same roll on cold DOT!

Its T1 +es, T1 %ES, T2 %ES with stun block,

Zuletzt bearbeitet von kingkano#6857 um 26.10.2020, 20:29:47
Yep, I also got % dex on two pairs. It's a fun craft and you can just do this for major profit to buy + 2 Shav's is what I used my extra EX for!! I sold my Chaos gloves for 15 ex super quick you could get maybe 20ex and craft more :D.

The ones that will sell are Chaos and Fire Dot Multi.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 26.10.2020, 20:51:53
posting what I found on reddit

[–]TheSennosenMan 5 points 4 months ago
People have already mentioned some great things. Here are some other fairly easy improvements I can see that don't have a massive pricetag:

1) Rime Gaze. If you can buy it corrupted +2 AOE/Cold gems or just corrupt it yourself, it's a massive improvement to Cold Snap's damage, and gives solid ES and generic cold DoT. A well rolled corrupted one should go for less than an exalt in a typical trade league. I ran with Cold Snap+Swift Affliction+Ele Focus+Efficacy+pseudo Conc Effect in my build.

2) Even adding +1 to Cold Gems to the wand you already have improves your DPS significantly. Doesn't need to be perfect to be an improvement.

3) Put more ES on your gear. Your rings, amulet, gloves and belt are almost completely lacking in significant ES. Getting T2-3 flat ES on all of these and some % ES on your amulet will be a massive boost, freeing up defensive passives on the tree for offense. This also sets you up to replace your shield with a second wand, per below. Having more ES gives you flexibility, which is key when optimizing.

4) Dual wield two wands with good DPS stats, ONLY IF your survivability still feels good after improving the above. The stat description Silver059 made in his comment is right what I would go for in a wand, but even having half of those stats is a massive improvement over what you got. This also allows you to remove the shield-specific passives on your tree and put them towards either a Cluster Jewel setup or more damage nodes.

5) Fit Vaal Righteous Fire somewhere in your build. It's an enormous boost to DPS for map bosses, harder map encounters, Conquerors or any boss that has adds.

6) If you can fit a second wand in vs the shield, make sure it also has "Triggers socketed spells". Move Bonechill off of Cold Snap. Have an Arctic Breath+Hypothermia+Bonechill setup in your second wand (see POB below). Arctic Breath alone adds some decent DPS, has good AOE, and frees another hefty DPS support gem for Cold Snap.

7) You have both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms on your primary wand. Pick one. Replace the other with Culling Strike support for bossing and tougher map mobs like Betrayal encounters.

8) No anointment on your amulet. Prodigal Perfection is one of your best affordable DPS increase at 8.2% with your current tree, and is a pretty cheap anointment (two Azure, one black). Also gives more mana, which never hurts.

9) If you can manage to get good enough mapping DPS with the above changes and ones others have mentioned, try to swap Vortex's Hypothermia with Inc AOE for clear. Gem swap to Conc Effect for bosses like Guardians/Shaper etc.

10) Fit 'Shock Nearby Enemies for 4 secs when you Focus' on to one of your rings. Focus is an instant skill. Pop this when you're wanting to melt something.

11) Now that the new cold brand is coming out, definitely look into how this will fit in the build next league. Even if the numbers on it are shit, it's still damage you didn't have before.

Back when I played this, my cast sequence for single target was the following:

Cast Vaal Righteous Fire and Vaal Cold Snap if vaal souls available. If none available, skip
Cast Focus, debuffing enemies. If not available, skip
Cast Vortex, triggering Storm Brand and EE. Also trggers Arctic Breath/Bonechill proc if you have that second wand
Cast Cold Snap, triggering Frost Bomb
Maintain Vortex and Cold Snap when cooldowns allow. Make sure Storm Brand stays active on a target after hitting it with Vortex or Cold Snap to maintain EE.
Watch things die
The above happens in the span of about a second, as the only spells with cast time are Cold Snap/Vaal Cold Snap. Everything else triggers like clockwork.

Here is the POB of my first real endgame attempt at the CI version of this build from back in 3.5. A lot of possible improvements have become available since then. My wands lack +1 to Cold Gems, no cluster jewels, no anointment. But Occultist has been nerfed heavily since then, so it balances out. https://pastebin.com/SdMeNSk7

Good luck! This build can be awesome with enough investment.
Why bother finding a Mirror of Kalandra if it can be [Removed by Support]
Killing the Elder or Shaper while following someone's build is like finding a street using google maps - such an achievement!
Prostitute4Money schrieb:
posting what I found on reddit

7) You have both Storm Brand and Orb of Storms on your primary wand. Pick one. Replace the other with Culling Strike support for bossing and tougher map mobs like Betrayal encounters.

While I would love to use culling strike in the trigger link. Please anyone using EE (Elemental Equilibrium) don't follow this advice in point 7.

There is a reason why we use Storm brand and Orb of Storms in the trigger link to keep -50 Cold resistance up at 100% of the time. The Sequence in the links matter in the weapon too. Storm brand, Frost Bomb, Orb Of Storms. ShakCentral explains this in his guide.

Taken Directly from ShakCentral
Step 3: Kill everything.

Once you have EE and this mod, every time you do anything, either Storm Brand, Orb of Storms, or Frost Bomb will be cast automatically. If Storm Brand or Orb of Storms is cast, they will hit enemies repeatedly with lightning damage, constantly ensuring that enemies have -50% to their Cold Resistance. If Frost Bomb is cast, there is a delay before it detonates. During this time, Frost Bomb reduces enemy Cold Resistance even further. Once Frost Bomb hits, Storm Brand or Orb of Storms will still be going off, meaning that the cold hit of Frost Bomb is almost immediately overridden with a fresh -50 cold res.

So the overall progression is as follows:

-Cast Vortex/Cold Snap. Enemies have +25% Cold Res from the hit. Not good.

-Storm Brand casts and begins hitting. Enemies in the Vortex/CS DoT effect now have -50 Cold Res. Very good.

-Cast Vortex/Cold Snap. Enemies have +25% Cold Res for a fraction of a second, but Storm Brand resets this to -50. Very good.

-OoS casts and begins hitting. Enemies in the Vortex/CS DoT effect continue to have -50 Cold Res. Very good.

-Cast Vortex/Cold Snap. Enemies have +25% Cold Res for a fraction of a second, but Storm Brand/OoS resets this to -50. Very good.

-Frost Bomb casts. Enemies in its area have a total of -75% Cold Res. Frost Bomb explodes, and enemies have +25% Cold Res for a fraction of a second, but Storm Brand/OoS resets this to -50. Very good.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 27.10.2020, 02:41:42

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