I finally hit 10k es with my LL version. I'm using a low level clarity for watcher's eye ES bonus. Still trying to save up for a corrupted shav's!
Nice! My ideal Watcher's eye would be 50% damage cold while affected by Hatred, 22% damage overtime while affect by Malevolence and 10% Mana Gained as Energy shield while affted by Clarity. One can dream :D
I have 6 linked 2 shav's my self and divined them to 150% energy shield, double corrupted them and both went poof.
I finally hit 10k es with my LL version. I'm using a low level clarity for watcher's eye ES bonus. Still trying to save up for a corrupted shav's!
Nice! My ideal Watcher's eye would be 50% damage cold while affected by Hatred, 22% damage overtime while affect by Malevolence and 10% Mana Gained as Energy shield while affted by Clarity. One can dream :D
I have 6 linked 2 shav's my self and divined them to 150% energy shield, double corrupted them and both went poof.
Yikes! I guess that's my ideal "end game goal".. grab an insane watcher's eye and double corrupt a shav's, but I don't know if I'll get that much play time in haha
One other important thing for anyone. LL surely does more dps, double infact. But does it clear faster? not necessarily - sure it might kill bosses twice as fast, but does it clear mobs as fast? I don't think so, i'd actually argue at T16 maps or 83 heists it's the same speed or SLOWER. 1.5M dot dps and profane bloom kills everything in 1 hit anyway and you need to play safer as LL, you aren't running into a full room of ranged mobs and vortexing - you can as the tankier CI build. As LL, and on 7.5k ES, and as the author says, you need to learn to serpent approach large groups of ranged mobs, and learn to avoid stuff (i.e. not run into the middle of a big pack to vortex). You'll surely die here and there playing balls to the wall on the most juiced up content without learning to avoid stuff. As CI with 10k ES, I'd argue you can play as greedy as you want and go into those same conditions fine to maximise the vortex AoE and thus you'll clear faster. I'd also say 10k ES CI has made me overconfident in thinking I can't die in 83 heists which is also a bad thing as I have died once or twice being so over confident.
I disagree that LL can't be tanky and is way faster clear than CI (Can do t17 Delirious maps just as fast as Headhunter builds). I think you should try LL and you will be surprised how a little difference there is compared to CI as far and the tankiness that you suggest CI is. Its just better for fitting in any Aura your playstyle desires and it just requires adjusting the skills in the trees.
This can't done with CI without alot of currency. You mention you have to sacrifice your amulet just to get free mana for Malevolence to fit in Discipline. Not worth it, you can get just as high ES without discipline as CI. I understand though as that would cost a lot of currency in upgrades to get higher ES. CI cost more because the gear is shared with tricksters and more demand = higher cost.
Learning mechanics is more important than trying to build a tanky character and LL can have 10k ES, can have 75% Chaos with one aura switched to Purity of Elements with a watchers Eye that give 60% Chaos res (still cheaper than CI and still triple the dps). CI is overrated for Occultist and much better suited for trickster builds, but this is my opinion and not trying to attack yours.
I played CI last league and the 100% chaos resistance and extra energy shield I was able to fit in really isn't that good and not that tanky. You can still easily be one shot and DPS is pretty garbage in my opinion. Plus trying to scale damage as CI cost way too much.
Benefits of LL vs CI. 1. I have 9.5k ES as Low Life and more than triple the DPS of CI and should reach 10k ES easily once min maxed.
2. LL can be just as tanky, easily get 75% Chaos resistance by switching one aura to Purity of Elements and cheap Watcher's Eye. I used this early in the league to level and get to 98 for my endgame build I am using now.
3. Conqueror's die in 3 - 5 seconds (not that much investment needed to reach this level of dps compared to CI).
4. Vaal Clarity will give 15+ seconds of a free mana that allows spamming through the map with Cold Snap and Vortex.(Huge Clear speed Bonus)
5. Vaal Discipline will help with those situations with chaos Damage.
6. Scaling DPS with LL is way cheaper than CI.
I'm going by the author's PoB. He lands on 7.5k ES on the LL build, his CI build lands on 8.5k ES, and I added Aul to land on 10k ES.
It's quite possible to hit 10k ES with expensive items (i know this is a relative term), my LL miner has 10k ES but his items aren't cheap. The reason I didn't want to make LL again, was because I've been running LL for the past few leagues - trickster, saboteur, aura-abuse etc. So i decided to stick with CI as it looks silly when they say PoE is a highly customisable game yet all my characters are rocking shavs, chayula, prism and alpha howl.
I think to make the comparison fair though, is to not include all the super expensive rares. On a normal budget, you'll probably still land on the author's stats. 7.5k ES, 3M dot dps for LL, 10k ES, 1.5M dot dps for Aul CI.
On 10K ES on LL, with good items, sure you'll feel tanky. You agree 7.5k ES is too low right? and 10K feels alot nicer.
If we goto the top end where currency is no issue, LL hits 10k ES and CI hits 12-13k ES?. I think 10K is a nice sweet spot for ES and i too would recommend LL on the high budget.
p.s. looking at your last league's CI vortex, that was a crazy crafting league, they look like 100ex-mirror items to me lol. That shield! +1 and block recovery and 300 ES!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Armisal#5804 um 25.10.2020, 05:50:05
Hey guys, do you have any crafting thoughts on this amulet?
I was kind of thinking of crafting "suffixes can't be changed" then scouring the # to # cold damage to attacks and es leech then crafting multi craft > something
If you have any better thoughts let me know!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Brigand#6447 um 25.10.2020, 09:58:28
Any advice on the medium cluster jewel? Tried crafting it, quickly running out of mats. I don't see any for sale for days with Brush With Death and # to maximum energy shield
I'm going by the author's PoB. He lands on 7.5k ES on the LL build, his CI build lands on 8.5k ES, and I added Aul to land on 10k ES.
It's quite possible to hit 10k ES with expensive items (i know this is a relative term), my LL miner has 10k ES but his items aren't cheap. The reason I didn't want to make LL again, was because I've been running LL for the past few leagues - trickster, saboteur, aura-abuse etc. So i decided to stick with CI as it looks silly when they say PoE is a highly customisable game yet all my characters are rocking shavs, chayula, prism and alpha howl.
I think to make the comparison fair though, is to not include all the super expensive rares. On a normal budget, you'll probably still land on the author's stats. 7.5k ES, 3M dot dps for LL, 10k ES, 1.5M dot dps for Aul CI.
On 10K ES on LL, with good items, sure you'll feel tanky. You agree 7.5k ES is too low right? and 10K feels alot nicer.
If we goto the top end where currency is no issue, LL hits 10k ES and CI hits 12-13k ES?. I think 10K is a nice sweet spot for ES and i too would recommend LL on the high budget.
p.s. looking at your last league's CI vortex, that was a crazy crafting league, they look like 100ex-mirror items to me lol. That shield! +1 and block recovery and 300 ES!
Aww Gotcha, Shak PoB is in the lower end of ES. I usually use his as guide and go from there and I completely agree that 7.5k ES is low. My preferred is 8.5k+ and 10k is definitely what you want to achieve for end game though :)
My CI Vortex character was nuts last league with harvest :O.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 25.10.2020, 23:38:26
Finally crafted my gloves. Took six attempts of rolling gloves for good ES with one open suffix then Hunter Orbs.
Steps to craft are actually cheap except the hunters orb. Total cost is usually around 180-200 chaos to craft them.
How to craft them 1. Buy Ilvl 84 Fingerless Silk (2 Chaos) 2. Quality, color sockets, Link sockets 3. Use Dense fossils with Primitive Chaotic Resonator until you get the roll listed below
+ 40 - 49 to maximum Energy Shield
80-120% increased Energy Shield
Either 2 resist or 1 resist and craft the other that's needed.
Must have 1 open Suffix 4. Buy Hunter's exalted Orb, slam and pray you get t2-t1 Cold over time. 5. Divine for higher rolls.
If you don't get cold over time you can sell them for 10 - 15 exalts. the high ES is sought after
Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 25.10.2020, 23:40:47
Hey guys, do you have any crafting thoughts on this amulet?
I was kind of thinking of crafting "suffixes can't be changed" then scouring the # to # cold damage to attacks and es leech then crafting multi craft > something
If you have any better thoughts let me know!
yep, Multimod for Maximum Energy shield and % increased Energy shield.
or Maximum Energy shield and Increased Area damage and Area Affect
Any advice on the medium cluster jewel? Tried crafting it, quickly running out of mats. I don't see any for sale for days with Brush With Death and # to maximum energy shield
Easiest and cheapest method to craft a Brushed with Death and Vile Reinvigoration Medium Jewel is buy Scouring Orbs and Alchemy Orbs. They are super cheap this league.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von donbrawler#1981 um 25.10.2020, 22:15:25