[3.10] Storm Burst Trickster - The Tesla Tower
" Ok looking at your gear here's some thoughts: Weapon You've got some room to improve here. The lightning damage and attack speed mods are wasted, the int and cold res should probably be better damage affixes. Something like a +1 to lightning (or physical) spell skill gems, crit chance/multi. Also look for Adds X to Y Physical/lightning/cold damage to spells Helmet Your helmet should be an ES helmet to maximize benefit from the trickster ascendancy or at least evasion/ES. Armor isn't doing you much good since it's your only piece with any on it (while Rumi's is on cooldown). I know it's hard finding Storm Burst enchants but if you're having trouble surviving work on your Defenses first. Gloves Oskarms are good until it's time to upgrade. You need more life/res and while Assassin's mark is a strong damage bump you already get Power Charges from the ascendancy. Look for something with the increased damage against chilled enemies Incursion mod to make up for the lost damage. As a bonus it comes with a bunch of cold res. You should also try to grab more life there. Boots Get more life here. ES bases are fine. Personally my priority is Life-->Resist-->Movespeed but the breakdown is preference since I can flame dash out of danger. This is or gloves is probably your cheapest upgrade. Belt A high life roll Stygian Vise is going to be better unless you need the stats for something. You can get a silly amount of HP and damage from this slot. It looks like your current belt is bolstering your resists so I would wait to upgrade this until you have the other pieces sorted. Amulet You need to upgrade to something with life on it. A quick check on trade shows easy upgrades to this with 1 or 2 chaos. Definitely worth shopping (unless SSF). Search for Cold Damage Leeched as life and +maximum life. Other You can use Blessing Orbs to bump up the resists on your Call of the Brotherhood rings. Might not help overall but it could help free up an affix on some other gear slot. |
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Hey Blade. I've been messing around with my build trying to get it to work.
I've kept shield charge with fortify and I've stopped being lazy and started using it as my main movement skill. I put enfeeble on orb of storms which makes us a lot more tanky. I switched out oskarms for a rare glove and I also switched up my 6 link on storm burst to swap inspiration for hypothermia. Tried it on t14/15 maps. Few went smoothly but on others I now lack damage to kill the metamorph or map end boss. I kinda regret switching out inspiration as I had to take 2 mana nodes on the passive tree. I'm thinking of switching chest to 4b,1g,1r to include hypothermia and inspiration but not quite sure what to drop from the blue setup. I'm thinking controlled destruction but that adds quite a bit of extra damage. So overall survivability is great now with enfeeble and I know I can get more by getting a decent helm with higher maximum energy shield ( for the ghosts)but I need to squeeze out more damage. I need to do the last ascendancy to get the non chaos damage node which will help but any suggestions welcome on how to improve damage and the dilemma with the 6 link! Hypothermia feels so good I don't want to drop it but feel we need to run inspiration. ( Sorry for the formatting Posting on phone). Zuletzt bearbeitet von CorruptedKiller#6507 um 15.01.2020, 06:34:01
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" Hey thanks for giving it a spin! I've been working on min-maxing the build and I'm able to reliably survive T16's and Elderslayers without too much trouble. Here's a quick rundown of my current gem links. I'm still toying with my Wave of Conviction setup but the rest is pretty well set. Helmet: Shaper helm with Socketed Gems supported by level xx Innervate Orb of Storms-->Onslaught-->Blind-->Culling Strike This has been an absolutely wonderful upgrade. Mapping is much smoother, cull vs metamorphs and bosses really helps move things along, and blind is a huge survivability upgrade. Chest: 6L with as much life as I could find (Carcass Jack or Shroud of the Lightless can work too) Storm Burst-->Inspiration-->Infused Channeling-->Physical to Lightning-->Concentrated Effect-->Hypothermia As you said, inspiration is a huge Quality of Life upgrade and worth it for the extra points you save. Dropping Hypothermia is an option with Shroud but for really pushing endgame I think we need a chest upgrade to a proper 6L. Gloves: Aura setup, could go on boots too since I'm not doing anything special with an Insanity essence craft. Enlighten-->Artic Armour-->Hatred-->Herald of Purity Artic armour and HoP are big helps in keeping us alive. The purity spawns distract enemies and occasionally grab agro meaning you have more DPS uptime. Boots: Wave of Conviction setup Wave of Conviction-->Curse on Hit-->Frostbite-->Increased Duration I'm using increased AOE on my setup but only cause I can't get the red socket for ID. Enfeeble can work here for survivability or frostbite for damage. really depends on the rest of your gear. I found I need more damage so I went with frostbite. Also keep in mind increased duration means the wave goes out longer, exposure lasts longer, and the curse lasts longer. It's really nice to have. Weapon 1: Arcane Surge (6)-->Flame Dash (20) + Stone Golem I prefer to self cast the golem since I want to have aq high level golem as another distraction. Moving Arcane Surge to a lower level to keep up with flame dash worked better than having it in the main 6L setup. The loss of damage is made up by Conc Effect and the uptime is much better this way. Weapon 2: CWDT setup Cast When Damage Taken (1)-->Tempest Shield (7)-->Immortal Call (3) The extra duration we pick up on the tree helps a bit here. Tempest shield is almost always up and IC saves us from nasty spikes. Combined with Arctic armour and Infusion we're pretty well protected from physical damage/hits this way. I'm going to try enfeeble on the curse setup against the elderslayers and metamorphs. If it gets me more DPS uptime than frostbite I could see it as a huge improvement. |
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Interesting stuff. Based on your post I might try
- orb of storms- onslaught- arcane surge- culling strike. I don't need blind as I'm running flesh and stone in the sand option. That will let me move to your wave of conviction- curse on hit- enfeeble ( instead of frostbite) - increased duration setup. Do you just spam wave in every pack you face with this? For auras I'm using wrath, herald of ice, flesh and stone with enlighten. Do you think it's better/more dps to use hatred instead and would you swap that for wrath or Herald? I'm also using precision at rank 1 for the extra crit and Vaal grace for the oh shit moments. Cwdt I'm using steelskin- tempest shield- wave of conviction. This will free up one gem if i move wave to the above setup. Not sure what I can put here instead, I'll have a think. I'm still a touch confused about the priority of spell damage. I though it would be physical- lightning- cold is that correct? Cheers mate. |
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" For Wrath vs Hatred it's important to look closely at what each aura provides. Hatred grants physical damage as extra cold. This is strictly better than Wrath's Lightning damage with attacks since we're using spells and since Storm Burst's base damage type is physical, and while Hatred's more cold damage bonus (18%) is less than Wrath's more lightning damage bonus (21%) we get more overall damage from Hatred. Check Path of Building to confirm but I'm confident Hatred is the better damage aura. For Herald of Ice vs Purity I like purity for the safety, but ice is better for damage and clear by a mile. If you get a white socket on your Aura gear it may be worth swapping in/out for mapping/delving as needed. For Storm Burst damage, priority is Physical or Lightning (since it's all converted to lightning anyway) then Cold (since only 80-96% is converted to cold depending on how many Turbulent Catalysts you use on the Call of the Brotherhood rings). I use Wave of Conviction against any hard target. So Metamorphs, bosses, the occasional chunky rare mob, etc. I'll usually cast it when I drop orb of storms in a one-->two fashion before channeling Storm Burst. Anything less than those mobs die without needing the extra bump from frostbite. You could replace the Increased duration with CWDT there. I just prefer to have control over when it gets cast. With your free slot you could cast Chaos Golem for more phys damage reduction or Stone Golem for more life regen? |
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Sadly even with putting some exalts on weapon/helm/Eternity shroud/asenath's this build feels insanely week on red maps. Clear is okay but man finishing off rare mobs and dealing with bosses is yikes
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Loving the build! Just had a question about orb of storms. I catch myself having to cast storm burst to help clear adds while mapping (T15-16) that normal for the higher maps? My gear is pretty high end game as I've killed Sirus awakened 8 pretty easily. Thanks again for the build though it's so much fun
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" Glad you're enjoying it! It's normal that you'll occasionally need to hit Storm Burst when clearing, especially if the map has more monster life and elemental resist. " Thanks for giving it a spin! Mind if you post your gear? I'm curious if there's some easy improvement that can be made to help your bossing damage. If you're not using mostly/all shaper gear then Eternity Shroud isn't going to be doing you too much good. |
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Thanks for the updates, I am leveling using this guide and it's the most current and easy to use guide for Storm Burst that I have read. I wanted to try this skill for a while, but am not very good at building.
I'm 65 and have been leveling with the Frost Bomb instead of Wave of Conviction. Should I go ahead and change? Any tips for using Shield Charge effectively? I always end up moving away from using it because I just find the dead zones too large for my reaction time (I'm kind of bad at video games :P) |
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" I actually agree about shield charge. I swapped over to flame dash + arcane surge and used Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Tempest Shield. Shield Charge's "no move zone" is just too large for how I play and after a while I just gave up on it. Between that and getting hung up on any loose rock in a map and I was just too frustrated. I think it's probably still mathematically the better defensive option but personally I live longer with flame dash than shield charge. Regarding Frost Bomb vs Wave of Conviction, Frost Bomb is easier to grant Exposure but any "on hit" effects will only trigger when the bomb explodes. If you only care about Exposure Frost Bomb is better. EDIT: My recording setup is still kind of borked but I added a T15 Awakener level 5 Baran clear video: https://youtu.be/nX-5Hrivjj4?t=6 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bladeslaw#5273 um 15.01.2020, 21:54:05
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