[3.10] Storm Burst Trickster - The Tesla Tower
" we dont really scale cold damage but in one single passive. actually the second call of the brotherhood doesnt really add too much damage.. im actually using a ring with 130life and res. |
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This is true. If you can find better gear definitely go for it.
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This looks like a variant of Esoro's storm burst trickster, of which im currently running. I was considering shroud as an alternate body armour as opposed to Carcass jack which the guides suggest. Does the AOE really effect DPS as you stated for single target?
I would have assumed it just widens the damage are of the burst itself. |
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AOE affects Storm Burst in a few ways this reddit thread goes into it WAY more than I will but the takeaway is there's a sweet spot with AOE to maximize area and damage (overlapping orbs) and it's around 30% increased AOE.
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soooooooo what are you doing for defenses?
storm burst doesnt seem to be in a good spot to be honest. we cant sustain with leech, we dont regenerate much, we dont have uber max resists or armour.. some evesion which and dodge wich is grounded in luck but doesnt mitigate any damage. this season t14+ metamorphs and elderslayers are kicking so much ass i cant even sit anymore. And dont even get me started on sirus..... i can hop and dodge around but i dont get big enough channels started if i wanna stay alive. i tried using a life on hit ring which does well since storm burst really hits a lot. but for one it costs me about 200k pob damage and its not enough to facetank. maybe 2 of those rings but that still doesnt save us from big hits. at this point i tried a lot already and it seems this build hits a wall this league. you CAN kill everything but not without dying once every while. also i dont see it doing the last boss... at all. plz help. |
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Again tonight all i could do was run around a metamorph for 10 minutes and couldn't kill it cause it had regen and life leech but most importantly summoned tons of explosive minions wich made me unable to stand and attack, it was at this moment i ragequitted if anyone know how to fix that plz tell us lol.
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Build is really amazing to play and I am in red maps (T11-12) and do not have any issues; nor offense or defense wise.
For people having trouble with survivability: 1) Get Shroud of Lightness asap, it really helps 2) Get as much energy shield and evasion on gear (I have 4700 life and 2200 ES) 3) Get "Cold damage leeched as life" on amulet 4) I am using Oskarm gloves for assassin mark, it tremendously helps with mana and life sustain during mapping. You can then also drop "Arcane Surge" on chest (I chose inspiration support) 5) I use "wrath" instead of hatred and use it in combination with a watchers eye jewel with "%of lightning damage is leeched as energy shield". This helps again for survivability. Price for watchers was 40c, so very much afforable Offense wise I have a storm burst gem at lvl 21 and +1 level from Wand (+1 level of all physical spell skill gems), so storm burst is level 22. Also I am using Vaal Haste for bosses. For bosses, this build is not a facetank build so keep moving... |
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" ye t12 is only where the damage dropoff begins, t14+ is where metamorphs and elderslayer begin doing crazy damage. shroud of lightness shouldnt really help much more than carcass jack? 3seconds every 45seconds isnt that good. Also l o l on the "keep moving" with a channeling build C: if you have cold damage leeched as life AND the spell damage ES leech from the tree (soul thief) you are already at MAX LEECH for both. Sadly leech is easily capped. Which is the problem of the whole build, pretty much. getting flesh and stone plus rumis is another layer helping. You can also add Vaal Grace for bosses and big packs. Adding Phase acro even can get you at 75% dodge AND spelldodge (maybe even add atziri's steps) but doesnt mitigate any damage WHEN you get hit. I pretty much gave up making this build bullet proof, its just not possible. when you see ppl with 8khp or 10k ES and way more generation or leech getting pretty much oneshot in a second its not really the builds fault tho. im trying another thing right now with assassins mark AND life on hit on the ring instead of oskarms and soul tether gives you way more leech for life AND ES giving the nature of storm burst is a lot of hits per second EACH ball. (Tried it with 2 rings for even more leech but not being able to freeze and chill is REALLY not worth it). protip: Turbulent Catalyst on Call of the Brotherhood adds up to 8% more conversion. so one more thing that would make the belt + ring thingy work would be Atziri's Acuity but those gloves are CRAZY expensive and im not sure if they are even worth it but i will try. in the end these seem to be the only two ways making this build as surviveble as possible. either get crazy on dodge and evasion or try to build up real leech. small edit to clarify leech. Zuletzt bearbeitet von suc4m#4238 um 26.12.2019, 11:34:50
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Shourd has so many benefits in my opinion, gives shade form, increased evasion and energy shield, life and mana. I havent tried carcass yet but I feel I do have enough area damage for clearing, so I prefer Shroud of the lightness.
Soul thief gives energy shield leech and and on amu you get life leech. There is no life leech from soul thief, or do I misunderstand here something? Going the soul tether way is sure possible, but I don't wanna drop the call of the brotherhood rings yet. I am at lvl 91, 4850 life and 2100 energy shield and die very seldom. Metamorph bosses are hard but normally i do not have any big issues yet. Moving is the key I believe, you can't face tank monsters anymore. I have to add that i am only at 12-13 maps yet, so will see how it performs at very end game. I also got the 40% storm burst increase on helmet from lab. And i dropped wrath for hatred, will need to gather some money for watcher's eye now to get elemental penetration. Added as well vaal grace and vaal hate into the build for boss fights. |
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" carcass jack and concentrated effect is about the best and cheapest damage boost (if you dont wanna give away 3 passive points) https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/b5loyh/storm_burst_aoe_testing/ you end up with 20% using both + 15 with the lethas assault node we use and the one next to it. So pretty close to optimal. also "Gain XX% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage while affected by Wrath" is actually better than COLD pen with hatred. even more if you dont want to be nailed down to TWO call of the brotherhood rings. but how about you actually progress some more before we talk. the tier jumps arent as easy as they were. Zuletzt bearbeitet von suc4m#4238 um 28.12.2019, 02:22:34
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