[3.10] Storm Burst Trickster - The Tesla Tower
" Interesting feedback, appreciated your thoughts. Specially the storm burst AOE testing is very interesting, so I will give Carcass a try now. I really want to min/max my char now. It is still performing very well, I am now at High Tier red maps and really only have partly problems getting 1-shotted by Metamorph bosses with crazy mods. You are right, Wrath with "physical damage as extra lightning damage" from Watcher's is slightly better than Hatred with Watcher's eye (And prices are even cheaper xd). Going to change probably and test this out. |
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if you like stuff like that have some more to read:
https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/aydlvx/premature_evaluation_reworked_storm_burst/ |
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Hey, so looking at the feedback I'm gonna rebuild this in the Metamorph league. I did some testing in standard with my existing dude and was still effective against Shaper and Elder. I'm thinking with the new catalysts you can enhance call of the brotherhood to convert 48% of lightning to cold (at 20% quality). Then you can use a Circle of Fear (or whatever the cold version of those synth rings are) to reduce Herald of Ice's Mana reservation, this should allow you to run MoM to help bolster the effective life pool.
Still basic though. Once I have something more substantial to show I'll update again. Thanks for the interest, I'm glad folks are getting some use out of it. |
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Hey there, thanks for the build and the interesting discussion in this thread. Been following some parts of it up to lvl 85, running pretty smooth so far.
I'm currently running Stormburst-InfusedChanneling-Phystolight-ConcEffect-Inspiration-LightningPen And I'm not planning to get the Callofthebrotherhood Rings for the coldconversion. Have been playing something similar a couple of leagues ago with that lightning-coldconversion... Can you tell me what I'm missing out on, if I'm not going that conversion route? Is it just the cold-ailments or is it massive dps I'm missing? Currently on around 150k dps fully buffed, with pretty cheap gear. Still trying to figure out that conversion stuff :) |
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The initial plan of the build was to manage blighted maps using the chill ailment along with herald of ice to clear larger packs. The guaranteed shock against frozen enemies means ideally we want to do as much cold damage as possible to freeze enemies then do just enough lightning damage to proc the shock since cold damage can't shock natively.
The advantage to conversion in general means you can grab damage boosting nodes from multiple damage types (Physical, cold, and Lightning for us) and see much if not all the benefit. For example we're converting 100% physical to lightning. This means any increases to physical damage will boost our lightning damage instead, so things like herald of purity would boost our lightning damage because the added physical damage is converted to lightning. This is super helpful with lightning damage because it helps mitigate the otherwise large damage range on lightning based spells. The double convert it mostly for ailment coverage and opening up some especially useful items or passive nodes. Between Metamorph and the damage/enemy HP/Resistance overhaul it looks like the build needs to be a bit more robust in the HP department. If you can find rings that are more beneficial to you than call of the brotherhood go for it, just keep in mind the cold passive nodes are much less valuable in that instance so you'll want to grab their Lightning equivalents. I'm looking at replacing a Call with a Circle of Fear to free up some mana to allow us to run Mind Over Matter. This will mean the tree turns out a bit different since I'll be grabbing more mana nodes or changing gear around to take full advantage of MoM. I'll still be using Shroud of the Lightless, Light of Lunaris, and at least 1 Call of the Brotherhood and using Turbulent Catalysts to bump up the ele conversion of Call to 48% instead of 40. Between that, Herald of Ice, and Hatred I suspect we'll still do more cold than lightning. In PoB it doesn't appear to do much to our overall DPS I'm not sure what that'll mean long term for damage though. |
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Tested "Carcass" as well and I do have to say I like it more than "Shroud". The overall mapping as well as the single target damage with Carcass feels better. I also see as mentioned by "suc4m" an damage boost using concentrated effect support gem together with Carcass.
Overall this build is breezing T16 maps and has an insanely good clear speed. For mapping I would even say, one of the best builds I played in POE, just fantastic. For metamorph bosses: The single target is definetly very good but you need to keep moving and moving. It is not the perfect boss killer build for this league compared to other builds, but it is hell of fun to play; and this is it all about xd. I also believe have quite a decent wand (At least couldn't find any better according POE yet unless I spent a huge amount of money). The wand has +1 level of all physical spell skill gems, so I get level 22 with a 21/20 gem for storm burst. Wand has also over 100% spell damage, 9% increased cold damage, 43% crit chance and 5% gain of non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage. On top of that, adding 3-112 lightning damage to speels rounds this wand up quite well. Regarding "Call of the brotherhood" rings: I like it, the benefit is too big to give up imo. Everything is frozen / chilled immediatley in maps which increases your survivability drastically. Personally I believe too good to give up. I have now combined life / es of 6800 which is enough for me. If we die in boss encounters, it is mostly our own fault. Defense wise, the real only problem i see is the weakness against chaos type of damage. And in this league we have a lot of it. I am sitting at -50%, need to work on at. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Joybringer75#6579 um 30.12.2019, 03:31:26
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What are the best weapon mods to look for in this build? This is what i'm thinking in this order:
+1 to physical/lightning gems 5% non-chaos as extra chaos 15%+ phys/lightning/cold/ele as extra chaos 30%+ crit multi 80%+ crit chance 70%+ inc spell damage |
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Played this build since league start but I didn't really like it. Managed to get some currency and swaped to Essence Drain- I got worse eq and still do 3 times more damage with 10 times more fun. Nothing to do with your guide, I just hated the gameplay.
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" Yes this makes sense playing around a little in POB. Depending on your actual stats, crit chance may have to be preferred before crit multiplier but overall your list is exactly what I would aim for. I still haven't found a better wand as my existing one. |
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" cast speed. we already couldnt kill trashmobs any faster so what we can add is always singletarget. And we just dont get a faster rev-up of our balls but we can have more out at once with higher cast speed. I dont think PoB will show the true benefit the same as it doesnt with skill duration with gives us a huge boost but we dont see anywhere in damage numbers. |
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