[3.12] Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner "REVIVED", 6 ex, even FASTER than pre-nerf (Updated)
" Im trying this out for the first time aswell. I have played mines before, but never something like this and never LL. I mostly followed i think he was called LutherPokks build, since OP seems to have abandoned the thread and his build did not seem very tanky at all. Looks like you are not going for fire conversion. Any advantage to that or just a preference? |
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" Getting rid of the conversion frees your ring slots, that's it basically :D |
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" Ah makes sense :) Still low level, but im enjoying this so far. Thinking of maybe trying out arc for clearing maps, not sure how, but seems like it would clear better than ball lightning. |
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" Ball Lightning clears very good, no problem there. |
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The clear is "meh", as in it's ok,but you simply can't "zoom-zoom" in maps, it's not as fast as bow skills,or arc or something like that.
I will try out another variant of this build. This one is ok,but it's neither ultra damage, nor is it ultra tanky,nor does it have a good balance between damage and tankiness. As of now I have 7,1K ES, it's still nowhere near what a more balanced build should have. 8K would be a minimum, also the damage from this fire conversion variant does not melt stuff as fast as I had hoped and I am not willing to throw dozens of ex into it just to make it somewhat viable. It can easily melt T16 maps, that's not my issue with this build, it's that some metamorphs do take a while till you kill them,delving can be risky, and not having decent defenses makes this difficult to push past 93-94,as in any mistake will instantly get you killed. |
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My biggest investment was the shavs, but i also want to try out a vortex occultist this league, so i can use that with both. Clear seems alright with ball lightning, but no, its not by any means the fastest.
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" Your doing something wrong then. I 1shot meta's and map bosses, I wreck Awakener 8 sirus, uber elder, and every other boss in the game. I farmed 75 exalts (after putting a solid 60 into my build) and started an autobomber. If you can't clear maps and farm currency with this build than your literally doing something wrong. My gear is below, granted I use the 3.8 build where you don't convert dmg to fire... https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Kasspa420/MinerKasspa?i=0&search=name%3Dminerkasspa Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kasspa420#0252 um 13.01.2020, 12:24:37
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Thanks a lot for this build. all bosses is so easy.
this is my stuff for clearing map i use |
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" Well that's unfair. This build costs just about 5-6 ex , which may not even enough to buy the unique ring of yours. With your gear, yes you definitely can kill all bosses with one punch. I am also playing ball lightning sob but no dmg conversion (more like your build but much cheaper). I would say 6k ES is not enough for T13 or highter. I got 5.5k ES, 100+ all res and 30 chaos res but still can die because of one-shot of projectile (mostly the arrows dealing chaos/fire dmg) in T12. With any mistake I die and I feel hard to push to Lv90. Don't know how to do. Under T13, I can kill most bosses in 5 sec. But they can kill me in 1 sec as well. I fell like I am playing a cowboy duel game. In T14 or higher map my dps is not high enough for some bosses such as in Core Map. So I am wondering if I can get higher dps via this dmg conversion. after all it does not cost very much. Here is my gear: Zuletzt bearbeitet von sykbod#2369 um 13.01.2020, 16:46:56
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Can someone help me out and tell me what i need to upgrade, any improvement or mistake i'm doing?
https://pastebin.com/C9UKYkK3 |
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