[3.12] Durimon's Ball Lightning Miner "REVIVED", 6 ex, even FASTER than pre-nerf (Updated)

this build is amasing , literality destroying every single boss of the game !

nice job

Hi, I'm very interested in this build, is this wand good enough to shred bosses (conquerors and sirus) ?

I would really destroy bosses.

Also to everyone who played the build, how is the clearing speed ? Shouldn't be better to keep an arc gem and clear with it ?

If anyone is interested, I have a build similar to this for sale.
It doesn't convert to fire, but dps is even higher. Able to 1 shot all bosses, metamorhps, and conquerors at awakening lvl8.

Price is 35 ex.
Malbini schrieb:
My Gear up to this point. i decided against the conversion to cold/fire and i rly am one shotting t16 metamorphs (well not all of them ofc due to mods):

One cheap DPS improvement for you guys: Use tempered flesh crimson jewel for more than 50 crit multi for the cost of only 3c.
Also i decided to go for lightning penetration on both weapons since POB says it does more dmg than for example + 1 to spell gems or smth like this.
When you reach a certain DMG-LvL you dont need minefield support gem cuz 1 ball lightning proj one shots packs. obviously awakened added lightning damage is better then any other alternative so if you can afford it its another upgrade

I don‘t know why but this gave like only 600 tooltip dps, shouldn‘t it be more? lol
tooltip DPS doesnt mean much imo. but yes 50+ crit multi is an upgrade and as much a the whole "throatseeker" wheel !
OneT59 schrieb:
Hi, I'm very interested in this build, is this wand good enough to shred bosses (conquerors and sirus) ?

I would really destroy bosses.

Also to everyone who played the build, how is the clearing speed ? Shouldn't be better to keep an arc gem and clear with it ?

If you go AoF, then that wand is alright. But all that flat added spell damage gets trimmed down due to ball lightning having a low effectiveness of added damage multiplier. Try to get get more universal mods like spell or mine damage and even ele pen on the weapon.
Hey man, love the build, but 2 questions:

1. for your necklace allocation what did you choose? I was trying to decide over heartseeker or annihilation

2. I have the same gear except I have doryanis boots and I am not able to run Zealotory because of a lack of reserve.

How are you running zeal, grace, skitters and precision?

thanks man!
11ninjas schrieb:

How are you running zeal, grace, skitters and precision?

thanks man!

You don't activate Grace. You only use Vaal Grace when it's ready/needed.
i kinda started playing BL miner after i saw your guide, but decided to go MoM and currently about 7.2 eHP with MoM only, and have about twice your damage, and im not even near 16ex budged, the only costly thing i bought proly 2 gold oils for annoint. (https://pastebin.com/RqGM4gdH)
so i kinda wonder why LL? is there anything except 6k es? shavrone alone proly cost more then i spent on all my gear :O
Quazarus schrieb:
i kinda started playing BL miner after i saw your guide, but decided to go MoM and currently about 7.2 eHP with MoM only, and have about twice your damage, and im not even near 16ex budged, the only costly thing i bought proly 2 gold oils for annoint. (https://pastebin.com/RqGM4gdH)
so i kinda wonder why LL? is there anything except 6k es? shavrone alone proly cost more then i spent on all my gear :O

Can you show your pastebin ? I'm tried to reproduce your build but seeing less damages than him

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