[3.8] Assassin Cobra Lash Detailed Endgame Guide | 6.5k+ Life | High DPS | All Content | Gameplay up

maxor182 schrieb:
In the jewel where you have all the new stuff, what are the first three lines from?

It's just a normal abyssal jewel with 3 mods on it. Randomly picked it to write the new stuff.

matto77 schrieb:
Those damage numbers are looking insane, WAY higher than the other build on here - not sure what you are doing so much better

Man I really wish we got an updated POB earlier so we could have a better idea of reality

Most other build don't put the new stuff in there or forget stuff. Real numbers come as soon as cobra lash is in PoB. Until then we have to make a rough estimate.

OloloKozlina31 schrieb:
Whoa! PoB damage is insane! Is it really correct?

Planning to start with cobra lash assassin, looking nice.

Yes and no. The setup uses many mechanics to boost it's dps. How "real" it is, in a normal situation, is hard to answer.

Some things to consider for reaching these numbers:
- 3 web enemies
- curses = despair + temp chains
- flask uptime
- ignited enemies
- wither
- poison stacks

_Vinicius_ schrieb:
remember you also need GMP on your main 6L for clear.

Correct. Either GMP or Chain. Just swap it for any green gem for map clear. Will have to try the skill first before I can tell what the best setup is.

Enox124 schrieb:
Insane PoB dmg and life its looking rly nice :P!

But i have 3 max gems on single weapon so where im going to find to connect 4L

Malevolence + Precision (lowlvl) (+ Herald of Agony) + Enlighten (lvl 3 atleast)


Thanks, fixed. Removed inc duration from Orb of Storms (it was just QoL).

suriuken schrieb:
can pestilent stike be used as well?

Probably needs another setup with melee nodes. Most of my PoB is generic damage though and not specialized for projectile skills. So it could work but it's not perfect. Putting Viper Strike instead of ST, puts the PoB over 20m damage.

Enox124 schrieb:

Are these items endgamic or could it be strengthened? It should be added that 20% of people will probably play assassins, so prices will be very high for items.

The items are kept "realistic". So just these Mods: Delve Poison, Attack Speed and Added chaos are the most important ones. Better weapons include Critical Strike Chance, Crit Multi, Physical Damage.

Also I'm using Gemini claws for Mana on Hit. One claw can probably be Imperial for better attack speed. Have to test it out after the league start.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von darkix1#2899 um 06.09.2019, 08:05:25
How are you gonna deal with the curses? Am I missing something?
explaiz schrieb:
How are you gonna deal with the curses? Am I missing something?

Nope, you aren't. You can always swap out Cinderswallow and instead use a blue silver flask with curse immunity.

I will edit it, so it's more clear.
So, I fucked around with your build for a bit and made it a lot cheaper and starter friendly. Still looks completely insane.


Also, can you explain one more thing: where is that 10% ias in last lines of new stuff comes from?

Isn't added base = damage effectiveness for attack skills and you have nonexistent extra 1.25 multiplier?
NVM under the spoiler, found out how it works, still don't think those multipliers work like you did them in your math because one is affecting weapon's damage and other added (gem, rings, etc)

edit: fixed pob a bit
edit2: one more question
edit3L nvm
Zuletzt bearbeitet von explaiz#7643 um 06.09.2019, 10:13:05
How would you say this build would do for uber elder? I feel like this will be the much cheaper approach for a league starter vs a minion build. That being said I usually farm uber elder a few days in.
Will using spec throw drop the dps by a lot?


Hello :3
explaiz schrieb:
So, I fucked around with your build for a bit and made it a lot cheaper and starter friendly. Still looks completely insane.


Also, can you explain one more thing: where is that 10% ias in last lines of new stuff comes from?

Isn't added base = damage effectiveness for attack skills and you have nonexistent extra 1.25 multiplier?

edit: fixed pob a bit
edit2: one more question

It's the closest build of mine that going to try , i thought i c/p'd my own tree once more :)
explaiz schrieb:
So, I fucked around with your build for a bit and made it a lot cheaper and starter friendly. Still looks completely insane.

Thanks dude! That looks much more realistic for a league start and still pretty damn decent.
hey dude, can you add some lvling trees or at least tell how would u path, what to take first and so?

are the links sorted in the priority order? what we drop for 5l?

Also at what poin u recommend picking perfect agony? I mean we wont have the flask at the begining and it may be a little expensive this league.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hejti#4526 um 06.09.2019, 11:36:13

Updated pob link.
- Changed the gear and mods a bit around. Added another option for flasks. You can use despair on hit on your claws instead of witchfire, opening up another flask slot.

explaiz schrieb:
So, I fucked around with your build for a bit and made it a lot cheaper and starter friendly. Still looks completely insane.


Also, can you explain one more thing: where is that 10% ias in last lines of new stuff comes from?

Isn't added base = damage effectiveness for attack skills and you have nonexistent extra 1.25 multiplier?
NVM under the spoiler, found out how it works, still don't think those multipliers work like you did them in your math because one is affecting weapon's damage and other added (gem, rings, etc)

edit: fixed pob a bit
edit2: one more question
edit3L nvm

Yeah, you might be right. Some multipliers might do not work like it's in the POB. At worst it's probably around 25% less damage. Have to wait for the POB update. The setup still won't change much and damage will still be insane.

ezyanfarihin schrieb:
Will using spec throw drop the dps by a lot?

Cobra Lash is focused for crit poison specifiacally (new modifiers etc.) So you will probably lose damage by using ST.

Arcimis schrieb:
How would you say this build would do for uber elder? I feel like this will be the much cheaper approach for a league starter vs a minion build. That being said I usually farm uber elder a few days in.

It's hard to tell how it will perform on pure budget gear. You probably want to have atleast 2x wasp nest and coralito's. Damage should be enough. Since a lot of people will play assassin, gear is gonna be expensive on league start.

Hejti schrieb:
hey dude, can you add some lvling trees or at
least tell how would u path, what to take first and so?

are the links sorted in the priority order? what we drop for 5l?

Also at what poin u recommend picking perfect agony? I mean we wont have the flask at the begining and it may be a little expensive this league.

Hi, sorry but this is more like an endgame setup. Build is gonna be expensive. Pathing to Perfect Agony is never really worth it and messes around with a lot of other stuff. Maybe check other guides that go about leveling and gem choices. I currently don't have the time to add much more stuff. I'm sorry!

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