[3.8] Assassin Cobra Lash Detailed Endgame Guide | 6.5k+ Life | High DPS | All Content | Gameplay up
no matter what i do my wasp nest are seeming as they are better than anyother claws on PoB, im not sure if im doing anything right or wrong. can you guys check out my gear and let me know.
PoB Link --------> https://pastebin.com/ifGVFVtK at the moment i cant run aspect of the spider because i dont have enough mana. other then that im doing great ingame dont seem like i have mama problems while im playing, debuting if i should find another glove. |
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- Finished my chest (t2 crit but w/e) + using an assassin's mark ring now. This is just a luxury and pretty hard/expensive to get.
- The updated PoB is now my blight character with few adjustments (levels, gear I still need to get). " Mhh, maybe you are lagging? Faster Attacks always goes with whirling blades. Tested it myself and the animation is slower without FA. " Did you want to link the PoB of the build instead of yours? Anyways, I can say a few things. The delve 100% more poison mod is not calculated in PoB, that's why Wasp's Nest comes ahead damagewise. Besides the 100% more poison dmg mod, we need the despair on hit mod on one of our claws to free up a flask slot + they give us mana gain on hit. Remember that Wasp's Nest also has accuracy, so if you swap them for rare claws, without any accuracy elsewhere, you will lose damage due to hit chance. Your rings are heavily resists focused, while other gear isn't. Try to get Accuracy, Life, few resists and Added Chaos Damage on them. You can skip movementspeed on the boots since we use WB and then get resists there. Same for the belt. Sin's Rebirth not really worth it, try to get a freeze/curse removal flask. Zuletzt bearbeitet von darkix1#2899 um 06.10.2019, 20:44:53
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Did some preliminary tests with faster projectiles in place of vile toxins. First impressions are it's a big, big include. Will need to test it a bit more, but it's feeling like it's increasing the number of chains significantly since they're traveling further more quickly. There may be a balance somewhere between using the support gem, and picking up faster projectiles somewhere else, but it feels like a big improvement in practice so far.
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Just got this claw for 4ex off Trade -
I loaded up your PoB, Lunar, and dps almost stayed the same. I think I'm good on claw. Right? Also, Anyone know if Farrul's Fur would be a good armor for this build? It SEEMS quite good, but PoB doesn't do Aspect of the Cat. Shows no bonus. Anyone? (Especially with Voidwalker + Cat's Stealth Phasing, right?) Zuletzt bearbeitet von cuorebrave#6856 um 07.10.2019, 19:28:52
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This build is a lot of fun. I actually made it to maps at level 64 which is the lowest level for me. I did have a 6l -15 mana and maim support chest from level 1 which i think really helped me enjoy speed running through the content again.
Looking forward to running through maps as well. I actually scored a Solstice Vigil with Whispers of Doom already annointed on it for 2ex which is a significant savings over doing it myself. Thanks for the build guide! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mairek#5815 um 08.10.2019, 10:13:38
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I was looking at variations of this build, maybe you could clarify some things. Im quite a newbie tho. 1. Is it worth going for 2nd Claw instead of +2 socketed gems shield ? I now have 27 plague bearer in shield. 2. Is the damage output much greater with +3 chains instead of +40 cobra lash damage? |
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Current gear.. Not really having any problems with anything (not yet at least) but i'm not really sure what to upgrade. I know what i need obviously but i'm just not really sure what the order of importance is. Thanks in advance "One kills a man, one Is an assassin; one kills millions, one Is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one Is a
god" - Jean Rostand |
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" Yep! We talked about this in game already. If you have enough damage you can skip vile toxins for faster projectiles gem, which will improve your map clear. I'm still testing out different variants of the skill tree to fit in faster projectiles nodes, will update when I come up with something usable. " Claw looks good. The 20% Phys>Chaos conversion acts like having Added Chaos Damage and that's what poison scales with. Farrul's Fur is totally viable if you can manage the mana cost of Cobra Lash, through rings or so. " 1. Plague Bearer is nice but should act more like a clean up skill for leftover monsters. You need despair on hit on the claws, while also having added chaos damage, 100% more poison damage, attack speed and crit. Impossible to fit in just one claw, a 2nd claw gives you more flexibility. Also the dual whield bonuses are too nice to skip. 2. +3 Chains doesn't do much in single boss fights like Shaper. However it helps with map clear because we hit more enemies = more poisons = more damage. The build performs smoother with the enchant so definitely get it. " First, get a better 2nd claw. Then try to get a Solstice with Whispers of Doom, it will help both your defense and offense. After that you can work on the 6L. |
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Update to my previous post.. Got the amulet, crafted new claws and 6l'd my chest (All in one day surprisingly). Guessing my next upgrade would probably be +3 Cobra chains but dang that enchantment is expensive. "One kills a man, one Is an assassin; one kills millions, one Is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one Is a
god" - Jean Rostand |
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Updated PoB:
https://pastebin.com/ZwDPxyVq - PoB settings change -> Wither stacks 10 to 5, Withering Step only gives 7 stacks so it was too high, now at 5 to be more realistic - Changes to skilltree: Removed Ranger Life Nodes and specced Claws of the Pride again (felt like 7k life was overkill, went deathless from 97>98, better to get more damage and utility (Claws of Pride) Additions to the build: - Added Faster Projectiles Support as alternative to Vile Toxins for map clear. Thanks to cablemodem for mentioning it " Very nice! You could go for smaller upgrades like Lvl. 21 Cobra Lash and Added Chaos Damage first if the helmet enchant is too expensive. Claws are good for now, maybe try to side craft another pair because you usually want attackspeed on them. If you hit something nice you can just swap them for your current ones. " I played around with the skilltree but there is no worthwhile way to path through Lethal Assault (well there's one but it requires 2 additional 4 mod jewels to make up for the loss of the other nodes, not worth it). Also there's no reason to change the skilltree for projectile speed if you are just bossing. The easiest solution is to just gem swap for maps. Zuletzt bearbeitet von darkix1#2899 um 10.10.2019, 09:08:51
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