[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
i cant buy any decent amulets so i am trying to craft one
i have a question, how do i tell that there is only 1 influenced mod on the item? " Thx |
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" There are two icons top left and right of an item. So on a hunter amulet you would see a image of 4 squiggly lines and the amulet looks green. If it had two influences those images would be different representing the two influences. Best bet for an amulet is to buy a hunter agate amulet (can have +1 gems and cdot) or just elder (only cdot) and just abberant fossil spam with solo resonator until you get +1 to chaos gems, or +16% cdot. usually I buy 2 when i am crafting and use 1 while trying to perfect another. You'll get something usable on them, may take around 10 tries, but thats still pretty cheap tbh. |
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" Attention, double influence is something different than two influenced mods! If you search on trade, you can hover all the mods and make sure there is only one "of the hunt"/"Hunter's" mod (the one you aim for!) on an Hunter influenced Item or "eldrich"/"Elder" on th Elder influenced Item. Other wise its not guaranteed the right mod gets transfered. Its still true that you should also avoid double influenced items as craft base! Neither double influence nor with more than one desired influenced mod! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gernegroß#3262 um 12.05.2020, 06:14:14
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thanks mate
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So i crafted the amulet.. was hoping for much better results...
What would you do now? add the endurance charges and life or is there more i can do? I have only 2 prefixes thanks |
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Alright, I bought an ilvl 84 hunter amulet, spammed a few aberants and got one with +1 chaos skill gems and 14% to DOT multiplier. I hit 3 annuls in a row and now I just have those. How should I proceed from here? Multi-mod craft and then catalyst and exalt slam?
EDIT: Nevermind I referred to page 1 and got my answer. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceColdPorkSoda#4143 um 12.05.2020, 12:26:16
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Does it make sense to have 20 quality on all gems or only linked to ED?
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Need suggestions for what to get next, my current problem is my hp, i have only 4k hp but other than that everything is good. I have nearly 2k ES and 1m dps. I still dont have the currency to get the watchers eye. What can I do to boost my HP and DPS
Heres my setup: My POB: https://pastebin.com/jLKuQmgq Zuletzt bearbeitet von beatsiscool#2534 um 12.05.2020, 14:05:29
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"Wiki each gems and check what the quality does. It it useful? Then yes, quality it (lvl to 20 then sell with gcp for lvl 1 20% qual and relevel, or just dump gcps in it if you don't care for currency and care for time). Example of useless quality: - most auras only gain radius, irrelevant outside of party play unless the aura affects enemies - flesh & stone if you run it doesn't even get radius, it gets faster cooldown which is mega useless because we never stance dance with it - empower / enlighten only get faster xp gain, useless once levelled - CWDT gains "Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage" per quality, useless if you just run defensive spells linked to it or curses "The amulet looks pretty good, not sure what did you expect, most outcomes end up with 2 target mods + 4 complete rubbish, what you can do is either craft endurance charge and call it a day or try to annul 1 of the crappy stuff risking bricking the whole item and all the exalts that went into making it. 50/50 chance to throw 6ex or what is it down the drain. How do you have 2 prefixes btw when I'd swear mana, es and gems take 1 each so that's 3. Unless I didn't understand what you meant. |
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" I think it's time to upgrade soul strike and spreading rot to less "budget" options. The guide says swap spreading rot for a good rare jewel once you get out of league start level of damage. Then you can get life on that gem. You could even unspec that socket for now and pick herbalism, then get the jewel socket back once you lvl up and get currency for watcher's eye. Btw dunno if you know but the jewel you have below method to the madness, "increased damage with bows" doesn't work for spells, so it's a dead mod, wondering if you could get 3-mod jewel with better rolls on a budget because the other mods have 10% and 8% only. Also this: craft anything else on that ring, damage "to attacks" doesn't work on spells, so it's also a dead mod. Soul strike should be upgraded to life + chaos dot multi quiver once your budget allows it. Also you shouldn't need to spend a point on getting 30 str from tree, you could get it on random rare and get that point back to spend into life nodes. There's 1 above cruel preparation and 2 to pick herbalism. That will get you around 500 more life. I'd also look into getting better gloves, yours have maybe 2 good mods (chaos dot and the fact they're fingerless base) the rest are filler. P.S. Dump 20 gcps into your awakened swift affliction, bet they're less than 20c cost nowadays... It's free damage, same for the other awakened gem but swift affliction has better quality mod. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Viktranka#3883 um 12.05.2020, 16:27:29
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