[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
"The essence drain has a projectile that "hits" and will trigger culling strike. You can also trigger culling strike with flame dash. All in all it's equivalent to 10% more damage if you hit an enemy when their health is at exactly 10%, but you won't notice it's effect unless it's a tanky boss. |
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How does this build compare to a LL or CI variation? Progressed pretty far with this build, but not happy with how it deals with end game content ie. Sirus, uber elder, 100% delirious maps.
The build does hold up in that it can do it, but usually takes a few portals. If anyone has any thoughts or advice that would be helpful as I've been considering switching to a LL/CI variation for a while but haven't gotten a clear idea if it will be any better. |
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" LL has a lot more damage, more eHP, and costs more for end game gear, but it lacks all the dodge and evasion. CI idk, but from what I hear they're very expensive to scale damage. This build isn't very expensive to gear, can do all content, and it’s layers of defense scale really well making it only die to one shots or random delirium corpse explosions. Once you get the BiS bow your damage really explodes. If you want to compare this to optimized LL and CI essence drain builds, check out the Poe.ninja builds section. Keep in mind that those builds are highly min-maxed with incredibly expensive items like bottled faith and watchers eye jewels worth 50ex. Zuletzt bearbeitet von IceColdPorkSoda#4143 um 11.05.2020, 13:30:09
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"ES build with shield is expensive because high ES shields with ES on block are the bottleneck of the build and it costs a lot to get a perfect shield. The build is more tanky but lower damage. If you want good damage you'll need double corrupted suitable chest with gem levels and that is VERY expensive. ES build with bow as CI should have similar damage, but more spiky damage taken (you have more ES than life but you get hit for more). You will also have to spec zealot's oath to keep ED inbuilt regen useful. Low life will have more damage from pain attunement / extra aura, but you will not be chaos immune while you'll have to worry more about stuff that ruins ES recharge (ignite, dots), not have the dodge and get annoyed by no mana regen maps. |
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" Last league I played CI Vortex and just had to learn all the fights until I could do them deathless. The damage on this build is definitely there, I have a few videos I could post - but there's enough in this guide. Sirus fight just needs you to stay close so you can see what he doing all the time in the final fight. Further away from him you are the more attacks he will do that can really mess you up. Uber Elder is the same. Circle them both so you know what they are doing at all times and just damage at appropriate times. Elder is a joke tbh, he melts through phases pretty fast - keep close nearly all the time, just dash away when he blinks or does degen on the ground; Shaper is just a drawn out fight once you know it and is more of arena control battle. |
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Hi everyone.
So this is actually the second time I played ed/contagion. First was in blight. I got level 95 36\40 this league withoit any big problems. Beat 20\20 Simulacrum, UElder, A8 Sirus, Shaper, HOGM deathless and everything else except delve (I just don't like it at all). It was my only build this league so I just progressed until the end. Ended up with 1 big, 2 medium and 1 small cluster jewels. IMO it's more damage and survivability than just 1 medium and 1 small. I highly recommend this build just for everyone at any league point. Big thanks to @Darkxellmc |
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Just attempted Aul at depth 283. What's the strategy here? Don't get hit? lol
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This is my first real try at a league and I really enjoyed this build. Kind of at a standstill with my gear because of the costs of upgrades (I have 20ex) unless I am missing something. Sirus A8 is really difficult for me, always takes a few portals. Going to try deep delving and see how far I can get I think until league ends
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"For 20 ex (or less) you can probably get a better quiver than soul strike. |
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anbody selling endgame gear?
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