[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" If you want to be tanky and go Divine Flesh you should switch to Darkscorn for the phys dmg taken as chaos. Rare bow will be more damage. But in the end with enough gear damage won't really be a consideration anymore, because everything melts anyway (at least it wasn't for me) and surviving is of much higher priority. |
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" I’m writing from my phone, so can’t do any detailed comparison atm, but I would suspect my main damage gain comes from: - My own Thread of Hope approach to this build, facilitating e.g. equipping more jewels. - All my jewels are extremely good. - My two nostalgias have very good explicit rolls and strong damage implicits. - I’m running Vaal Haste (plays well with my Watcher’s Eye). - My Darkscorn has very good explicit rolls. - My Fenumus gloves has very good explicit rolls (and an OK corruption). Yours, on the other hand, have a sick corruption but not perfect implicits. The +1 frenzy charges on yours should easily eat up any gain from my own corruption and better explicits though. - And I just noticed: your Coralito’s is far from optimal. The damage boost from Coralito’s is huge, and you are running a 61% roll when perfect rolls (75%) are just a spare change investment at our level. I haven’t checked your PoB as I’m on my phone, but I would want to double check that your chance to hit is 100%. Finally note that my figures are without tailwind boots and other strong damage improvements (and only level 95), so I do believe my Thread of Hope approach facilitates a very strong min-maxing possibility. I hope to land at 23-25mil Shaper DPS for Mirage Archer before I’m done. Zuletzt bearbeitet von artradis#5458 um 06.02.2020, 05:34:11
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" I don't think it's the "more" jewels or the thread of hope, since you lose out on major DPS nodes with your setup for more jewel slots, which you fill up with mostly IAS and resists. I'm at 99% hitchance and have 2 chaos multi jewels with resists and life, which aren't a lot worse compared to IAS + Poison damage (I checked when I bought my chaos multi ones, it's negligible). Phasing from your watcher's eye is nice, but doesn't do anything for damage. Isn't it also kinda unnecessary when using a quartz flask? Are you sure you don't have "the enemie is shocked" checked in PoB? Maybe it's just vaal haste? Do you just use the vaal buff? No way there's enough mana left to run around with haste itself active? All the little improvements like the implicits on the rings are nice, but not that big of a difference compared to my implicits, I think, since it's just more of the same to already quite large increases / multis. And as you say, I have + Frenzy charge corruption, which should make up quite a lot. But comparing gear and damage is really annoying in this game anyways....all the multis etc are not properly listed in your character panel and PoB is kind of shitty with it's need for workarounds for so many things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: Shouldn't it be possible to inflict shock, by just adding lighning damage to our attacks? That would be a pretty huge (by far the highest) dps increase for me and my dmg would go up to 18.7M Zuletzt bearbeitet von Schmocke#2525 um 06.02.2020, 05:53:50
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" I’m pretty sure I don’t include enemies are shocked (I prompted this myself on another player’s blown up DPS values), but you could double check my PoB pastebin if you’d like (I’m on my phone another 8 hrs :) ). And I don’t think I miss out on too many damage nodes (at least no huge ones) in my approach. I’ve spent quite some time playing around in PoB, and I think it’s the min-maxing combined with my Thread of Hope that explains the damage increase. If you see my ”future improvements” you already have some of these yourself (tailwind boots, frenzy charges), but once I get these my (Mirage Archer variation) Shaper DPS will be above 20mil, and then, unless I’ve totally messed up my PoB, apparently my different approach (mainly skill tree and jewels?) are resulting in a lot more DPS. Notice that all my jewels have the IAS+Life roll bit in addition to this ~50% res each, which is mainly a huge facilitator for dmg gear elsewhere. And yes I’m running Vaal Haste, it may contribute at least partly to the dmg diff. The phasing note was just about a good motivation for Vaal Haste instead of Vaal Grace. I rely on the Forbidden Taste mainly for dodge and life, the phasing is no longer it’s main importance for me. Zuletzt bearbeitet von artradis#5458 um 06.02.2020, 06:06:45
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Hm shock doesn't work just by using lightning damage, the hits need to be high enough...From the wiki:
" Couldn't wen just switch Nature's Adrenalin to Master Alchemist for 20% chance to shock during any flask? Would also remove the need for fire damage on jewel. The 40% increased elemental damage doesn't do anything, but 20% chance to shock / ignite / freeze and immunity to elemental ailments is more damage and utility than 20% IAS and 15% MS. I would still be at 137% MS but my DPS would go up considerably with shock. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Schmocke#2525 um 06.02.2020, 06:24:36
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" Even with chance to shock, ignite etc, that still requires you to have source of fire/lightning etc. The chance to inflict ailment is just in case you are not critting (as crits simply have 100% chance to inflict ele ailments). And the HP thresholds for freeze/chill and shock still apply. So only thing you will gain from that node is ele ailment immunity for yourself, what is definitely pretty good, but I personally never needed it. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hm ... that sucks, was getting excited to continue with the build. Well...no shock then
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I don't see the point of all this paper damage. If you want to compare builds post videos of what they can do.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Johny_Snow#4778 um 06.02.2020, 07:14:28
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" I think all of us gets joy from PoE in different ways :) I, for example, really like min-maxing the POB numbers of a single character (even if I know 14 or 18 mil DPS makes little difference in the overall ”build quality”) whereas my friend is all for leveling up new characters. I can afford a headhunter, for example, but don’t want to buy one as I really like the more deterministic build calculations. So for those of us that enjoy the former, these ”paper damage” values can be interesting to threshold against eachother. My guess is that all of our builds (including yours) melt and cruise through most content without any problems, so for me video of my build is not of much interest (whereas it likely is for others). Zuletzt bearbeitet von artradis#5458 um 06.02.2020, 07:40:31
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can i use my old quiver without one important mod? how much will I lose damage.
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