EU Latency/Connectivity Issues [Deutsche Telekom/1&1]

last official ggg post here from start of april. 0 fucks given. guess im offline till next league maybe they care till then #HC Racer / #worldfirst wow player

Guess Im out too. I came in late to this league (a month) just to find out its unplayable.

:( I was really enjoying the new mechanic but the server issues are insane.

Before anyone says its on our end I tried playing on 3 different ISP's and different servers.

Either Im getting sling shotted around or Im using cyclone and literally just not hitting the enemy.

As soon as primetime starts .. servers are unplayable every day.

ISP: Deutsche Telekom
Servers with problems : all

No more money for a non enjoyable/playable game!
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
they sadly said during syntheshit league that its out of their control.

people playing longer may rember that this problem was there years ago and suddenly it went away or got fixed. the thread back then had hundreds of pages when i remember correctly...

still lagging - game is unplayable.
Found an intersting article written in a "non-tech" language (german language only, but i assume many people in this thread can read/understand german) which highlights the issue here, especially in the afternoon/evening, when everybody starts watching Netflix / Prime and co.

In a recent post i already mentioned that and send a tracerote from my PC at home (Telekom DSL) to one of the game servers i had massive lags.

It was:


C:\Users\as69>tracert AS46562 TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS

Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms []
2 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms AS3320 DTAG
3 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms d-ed5-i.D.DE.NET.DTAG.DE [] AS3320 DTAG
4 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms AS3320 DTAG
5 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms [] AS3257 GTT-BACKBONE
6 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms [] AS3257 GTT-BACKBONE
7 17 ms 16 ms 15 ms AS46562 TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS
8 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms [] AS46562 TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS

Note: Both the AS3320 (DTAG) and the AS3257 (GTT) are Tier 1 providers, meaning they are not interested in providing a "good" transit traffic for you as end consumer, because the want others (in that case AS46562, TOTAL-Server-Solutions) to pay for extra peering with them. Seems AS46562 has no direct peering with DTAG.

When i use a VPN to my server located in Dusseldorf (i´m located near munich) i get the following trace to the same server, where i was totally able to play without lags using my VPn:



Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:

1 15 ms 15 ms 15 ms
2 15 ms 15 ms 16 ms AS29141 BKVG-AS
3 16 ms 15 ms 74 ms AS29141 BKVG-AS
4 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
5 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
6 20 ms 19 ms 20 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
7 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
8 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
9 20 ms 20 ms 25 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
10 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] AS174 COGENT-174
11 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms AS46562 TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS
12 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms [] AS46562 TOTAL-SERVER-SOLUTIONS

Both AS29141 (BKVG-AS, which is the network of my Hosting provider for my server) and the AS46562 (TOTAL-Server-Solutions, where the Game servers of GGG are located in this particular case) seem to be a customer with a direct peering with AS174 (Cogent) and therefore get a more or less "guaranteed" service level in terms of latency/packet loss. There is no other Tier1 (Transit only) provider involved who transmits traffic in a best effort manner, calculating with oversubscriptions.

As i can see a lot of other threads as well mentioning that there are latency peaks during peak hours with special ISPs even in other regions- i assume this can only be solved if the hosting providers of the GGG servers buy additional peerings with other providers who are not willing to change anything on their own (aka DTAG in this case).

Found another article about that "DTAG" issue (also from 2015, but the political/financial game playing should not have changed...)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von as_69#6169 um 04.07.2019, 13:12:43
Same. Problem still exists. Had been hoping for improvement since the patch yesterday but no. There are a few 'playable' moments followed by a looong time of lag, rubberbanding, screen freezes and more... which makes it pretty much unplayable. So sad. Been so long. Pls fix already.
GGG just doesnt give a f*ck. No reply and literally no change at all. This is literally EA standard customer service level if not worse.
I´m not the expert on this whole routing stuff, but the case that this is always and only occur on Path of exile, it tells me the problem should be fixed on GGG Side.
Even if they have to change theyre Provider or Hosts, whatsoever.

For my side POE isn´t playable like a lot of times before and i´m still not playing it until this shit get fixed.

May they notice it, when a lot of people stop playing and finally do something.

Since the start of 3.7, I experience longer and more frequent lags, freezes and disconnects than ever before. I don´t play this league content, only standard.

I cannot count the number of deaths to disconnects any more. Lab runs, long delves or simply one portal zana maps become a risk.
I don´t need to mention the risk playing uber elder with latencies jumping between 10 and 1500 ms....

The thing is, I play from 2 different locations. A small 16MBit connection via O2 and a much faster 200MBit via UnityMedia.
Both ISPs seem fine in general, although O2 seems a little unstable during some times of the day.

My point to post is: I have met and talked to so many people from different places of the earth ingame...from the US, sout america, europe, australia, even Asia recently. Almost everyone seems to have problems with lags and disconnects.

So even IF (!) all those issues ARE based on bad ISPs and connections, GGG should start working on a solution, that at least minimised the risk for solo players. There could be solutions, and we all know that. The amount of data being calculated on the servers could be drastically reduced, letting the local machine / PC do most of the critical calculations. Loot, crafting, drops etc. cannot be locally computed for cheating reasons, but temporarily storing the instance including the calculations of damage numbers and all battle related data could at least "force pause" the game, if the connection between PC and server breaks. (for solo mode)
Or having a "safety net" that would store and restore "backup points" as fallbacks in case a disconnect or strong lag occurs. It´s well possible to notice delays in traffic, e.g. by ping-ponging small packages of data in short frequency.
There are and were dozens and hundreds of suggestions how to at least reduce lags and risks for players, but GGG hasn´t replied to one of those.
They seems to be fine with telling people to check their own ISPs.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von IamLoco#3766 um 08.07.2019, 03:42:16

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