[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

Ulkio schrieb:
I have a question about map clearing gem setup
I have seen a lot of different setups on the thread and on your main post.
What is the most efficient one for clearing maps as a non EB user ? (for the moment, will swap later when I get the gear I think)
I currently have
Controlled destruction
Void manipulation

I don't know if swift afflication should go there. Maybe unleash is a bit too much and not really needed ? Not sure
I tried arcane surge but I don't know if it's better than other support gems...
Ty, otherwise very nice build that melts maps :D

I'd put Arcane Surge instead of Controlled Destruction there. Gives around the same spell damage + some cast speed and mana. Everything else seems fine. Swift Affliction is put for single target on the place of gmp. Same for Unleash and Controlled Destruction.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Syreith#1099 um 13.03.2019, 08:50:55
Ulkio schrieb:
I have a question about map clearing gem setup
I have seen a lot of different setups on the thread and on your main post.
What is the most efficient one for clearing maps as a non EB user ? (for the moment, will swap later when I get the gear I think)
I currently have
Controlled destruction
Void manipulation

I don't know if swift afflication should go there. Maybe unleash is a bit too much and not really needed ? Not sure
I tried arcane surge but I don't know if it's better than other support gems...
Ty, otherwise very nice build that melts maps :D

Oef.. your passive tree is hard to look at, anyway, just try and get a 5 linked propper chest (evasion base) and a ES based helmet and you will have a much better time leveling then using a Tabula honestly.

Soulrend's damage is enought on a 5 link to get into red maps with, use all you linked apart from Unleashin that 5 link.
Also, I see you are just trying to fiddle with the build and try your own things and there is obviously nothing wrong with that, but when you do such a thing you should know what the strenghts of Soulrend are, and it is by far, not it's Projectile damage (which is near useless).

If you are really set on phase acro then atleast remove all nodes udnerneath it, since they are very inefficient (to much travel) and instead take the jewel above Blood Drinker (take the node next to Resourcefullness to travel to it, and refund the dex node below fangs of the viper), also take the Revenge of the Hunted nodes for health instead of the Herbalism Cluster.
This gives you 5 free passive points to spend elsewhere (can get the Melding Cluster if you are desperate for the Health).

But if you have a future plan of going for EB (which is highly recomended since ES and Evasion go very well with Trickster (basically build for it) then I would just save up a bunch of regrets, get a few key items (High ES helm, High Evasion 5+link chest, and either a 2nd wand or a Limb/Shield combo as noted by OP) and make the switch.

Personallt, while Phase Acro is awesome, it simply costs to much travel and with EB+MoM and alot of Evasion you are good enought on defenses.
hey, so I swapped to EB, didnt die since. uber lab easy.

my question is about unleash. is it still BiS? I run 5L atm efficiacy - GMP - Unleash - Soulrend - void manipulation. I didnt test it much but I assume with unleash our damage overlaps with each projectile? (seems like it as first cast usually deals bigger dmg then the one after)
Just switched to EB build. I have some questions. Should I keep the Essence Worm? Or can I change it to a rare ring? Also ehat are the best auras to reserve our mana with? Thanks.
Isn't empower for single target better than pretty much anything else at rank 4?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von frasdockan#5774 um 13.03.2019, 11:51:27
afryzalfd schrieb:
Just switched to EB build. I have some questions. Should I keep the Essence Worm? Or can I change it to a rare ring? Also ehat are the best auras to reserve our mana with? Thanks.

Ya don't use Essence Worm with EB, ditch it.
Question here: I got a Cospri's Will pretty early by luck. With it I've subbed out Efficacy in the Bane link for a 3rd curse. Do you think that's worth it over the increased duration?
Hello, great guide so far. Still leveling, but I have a question about using both vaal grace and vaal haste. Are you using them just for the vaal effects or using auras as well? Obviously having both auras up reserves my entire mana pool. Thanks in advance
sovereignsfall18 schrieb:
Hello, great guide so far. Still leveling, but I have a question about using both vaal grace and vaal haste. Are you using them just for the vaal effects or using auras as well? Obviously having both auras up reserves my entire mana pool. Thanks in advance

You should read the build guides in detail - there's a build for MoM, and a separate build for MoM + EB (Eldritch Battery). The idea is that you level with the first build and transition into using EB, which means we spend ES for spells rather than mana, and can therefore reserve 100% of our mana pool.
the gem links show both auras under the leveling (MoM, no EB) build. thanks for clarifying.

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