[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)
Hey guys,
Longtime player here. This is my take on Soulrend. I always encourage players to adapt the build to suit their needs, so you may find a tiny bit different versions in the comments or in the videos. You can track the progress in the Changelog section. Also before asking any questions, please check the FAQ section. I won't be giving answers to things which are covered there. The character is designed to be a fast and cheap mapper with great defenses and hardcore viability in mind. Trickster brings more to the table than Occultist in terms of clear speed and ease of gearing. Should be viable in both trade and SSF leagues. Currently I've covered two different ways of building the character. Ultimately you would want to transition from the pure MoM version, which is dead cheap, to the MoM+EB one, which is overall way stronger once you have the required gear. Each section has the corresponding path of building links, information about items, gem links, jewels, flasks, labyrinths, passive skill trees and a short summary. I. Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses, 2 Aura - ~5.7k Life/2.5k Mana @LVL94
Straightforward Mind Over Matter build.
30% of the incoming damage is taken from our mana pool. Bane on 4 link with Despair and Temporal Chains. You can switch Temporal Chains for Enfeeble. Reserving some of our mana with Clarity. Malevolence is used only if socketed in Essence Worm ring. The given unique items are not required for the build to function, they are just nice to have if you don't want to transition to the MoM+EB version. You can go with full rare items in SSF. Defense: " Offense: " Gem links
6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Arcane Surge - Controlled Destruction/Unleash* - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Void Manipulation - Empower/Swift Affliction(6L)*.
*May be a bit hard to get 4 blue sockets if you are using Belly of the beast. Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Void Manipulation and Unleash to Controlled Destruction for single target. If you have only 3 blue sockets, replace Controlled Destruction with Swift Affliction. 4L: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify - Culling Strike 4L: Blight - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems - Faster Casting 4L: Bane - Despair - Efficacy - Temporal Chains/Enfeeble/Controlled Destruction* *use Controlled Destruction before you get your second curse from Whispers of Doom 3L: Cast when Damage Taken(LVL8) - Steelskin(LVL14) - Vaal Righteous Fire* * or chaos/stone golem if you don't like using Vaal Righteous Fire 2L: Vaal Haste - Vaal Grace 1L: Malevolence Aura* *Socket this in Essence Worm ring, don't use it if you don't have the ring 1L: Clarity Jewels
Two Fragility jewels to get the permanent Onslaught from Ahn's Heritage. One Spreading Rot jewel is used to apply Wither stacks through the Blight totems setup. One Transcendent Spirit(or Tempered Spirit if you can't afford the other one) is placed in the jewel socket above Herbalism. It gives ~300 mana and ~10 movement speed. The rest of the jewels are generic %life+any stat you may find useful(cast speed/spell damage/attack speed/damage over time/etc.), preferably % increased non-ailment chaos damage over time. Items
Armor: Belly of the Beast Ring: Essence Worm Shield: Ahn's Heritage Weapon: Rare wand - look for a wand that has %non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier and any other combination of %spell damage, %cast speed, %damage over time, %chaos damage. Rares: All other pieces are generic +life/+mana and resist rares. You can craft % chaos damage amulet with essence of envy or abberant fossil. Flasks
1. Seething Divine Life Flask(Instant)
2. Experimenter's Stibnite or Chemist's Basalt Flask 3. Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline 4. Experimenter's Quartz Flask 5. Experimenter's Jade Flask Be sure to roll bleed(of Staunching), freeze(of Heat) and curse(of Warding) immunities on your flasks. Ascendancy
1. Weave the Arcane
2. Swift Killer 3. Patient Reaper 4. Prolonged Pain Passive skill trees Path of Building II. Life+MoM+EB, Bane+2 Curses, 5 Auras - ~5.5k Life/2.4k ES @LVL94
This version uses Mind Over Matter and Eldritch Battery.
30% of the incoming damage is taken from our energy shield pool. Bane on 4 link with Despair and Temporal Chains. You can switch Temporal Chains for Enfeeble. 100% of our mana pool is reserved by Grace, Malevolence, Zealotry, Purity of Ice and Arctic Armour. We spend energy shield to cast spells. When we get hit, Trickster's Ghost Shroud(has 3 stacks, each stack gives 2% reduced damage taken) recovers 4% of our evasion rating back as energy shield. Overall stronger version, but needs certain items to work. The given unique items are not required for the build to function. You can go with full rare items in SSF. However before switching to this version, you will need ~1300 evasion or hybrid evasion+es chest, decent hybrid(life+es) helmet and shield in order to get ~2k energy shield pool. Play the pure MoM version before you have those items. If you really want to transition to this version without the items, a simple workaround is to use discipline aura instead of malevolence. Also without devouring diadem you won't be able to use so many auras. Defense: " Offense: " Gem links
6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction/Unleash - Void Manipulation - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Swift Affliction - Empower(6L).
Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Swift Affliction and Unleash to Controlled Destruction for single target. 4L: Bane - Despair - Efficacy - Temporal Chains/Enfeeble/Controlled Destruction* *use Controlled Destruction before you get your second curse from Whispers of Doom 4L: Vaal Grace - Purity of Ice - Zealotry - Malevolence - Those gems should be socketed in The Devouring Diadem 3L: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify 3L: Blight - Spell Totem - Multiple Totems 2L: Flame Dash - Faster Casting 1L: Blood Rage 1L: Arctic Armour Jewels
One Spreading Rot jewel is used to apply Wither stacks through Blight. Two or three Searching Eye Abyssal jewels with %chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill. Aiming for 15-20% chance. The rest of the jewels are generic %life+any stat you may find useful(cast speed/spell damage/attack speed/damage over time/etc.), preferably % increased non-ailment chaos damage over time. Items
Armor: The Perfect Form - Gives us the Phase Acrobatics keystone and free Arctic Armour. Any unique armor with 1300+ evasion will work, you can get Queen of the Forest for +50% movement speed or Cospri's Will for +1 curse. Cloak of Defiance is an exellent choice for higher effective health pool. Kintsugi gives some nice damage reduction and evasion boost the first time you get hit recently. Cherrubim's Maleficence is also a viable alternative. Helm: The Devouring Diadem - gives us the Eldritch Battery keystone(so we don't have to spend passive skill tree points) and a huge -%mana reserved multiplier, which lets us run so many auras. Shield: Lioneye's Remorse - budget shield, works with Cerberus Limb. Get rare shield with energy shield and life if you have better weapon that Cerberus Limb. Weapon: Cerberus Limb - Works only in combination with Lioneye's Remorse. We leech to both our life and energy shield pools at the same time with the combination of Cerberus Limb and Lioneye's Remorse. This is by no means the best weapon+shield combo, but a nice entry point. Rare crafted weapon and shield will outperform this. Rare wand - look for a wand that has %non-ailment chaos damage over time multiplier and any other combination of %spell damage, %cast speed, %damage over time, %chaos damage. Other items: Hybrid(life+energy shield) shield. If you don't want to use unique armor, aim for 1300+ evasion or hybrid evasion+es rare crafted chest. All other pieces are generic +life/+evasion and resist rares. You can craft % chaos damage amulet with essence of envy or abberant fossil. Flasks
1. Seething Divine Life Flask(Instant)
2. Experimenter's Stibnite Flask 3. Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline 4. Experimenter's Quartz Flask 5. Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes Be sure to roll bleed(of Staunching), freeze(of Heat) and curse(of Warding) immunities on your flasks. Ascendancy
1. Ghost Dance
2. Escape Artist 3. Patient Reaper 4. Prolonged Pain Passive skill trees Path of Building 1. Bandits
Kill all. Help Alira if you're playing in SSF and need the resistances, respec later.
2. Pantheons
Major: Soul of Solaris
Minor: Soul of Shakari, Soul of Yugul if fighting against the Elder. Fully upgrade all of them. 3. Leveling guide - trees, items, skill gems, alternative labyrinths, leveling video
I strongly recommend watching RaizQT's Essence Drain League start SSF speedrun guide, especially if you are a new player. You will learn a lot of things. There are two diagrams in the video description regarding the early gem and item progressions which I suggest following. He is a great player and this resource is all you'll need to level this build until you get Soulrend.
Leveling trees
Leveling items
Helm: Goldrim/Skullhead(level 36)
Armour: Tabula Rasa Gloves: Lochtonial Caress Boots: Wanderlust Weapon: +1 chaos wand(vendor 1 magic wand and any skill gem with Chaos tag)/Lifesprig x2/Brightbeak/The Dark Seer or Rare weapon with spell damage/cast speed/chaos damage/damage over time Shield: Crest of Perandus/Great Old One's Ward Ring: Praxis/-mana cost Elreon ring Amulet: Karui Ward/The Aylardex Leveling gems(level 28 and onwards)
Main skill: Soulrend(1L)+Efficacy(2L)+Lesser Multiple Projectiles(3L)+Controlled Destruction(4L)+Void Manipulation(5L)*
*Swap Lesser Multiple Projectiles for Greater Multiple Projectiles once you get it in A4. Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles/Lesser Multiple Projectiles to Swift Affliction for single target. Secondary skill: Bane(1L)+Despair(2L)+Enfeeble/Temporal Chains(3L)+Controlled Destruction(4L) Movement skill: Shield Charge(1L)+Faster Attacks(2L)+Fortify(3L)+Culling Strike(4L) Movement skill N2(before you get Weave the Arcane, you can fully remove it then): Flame Dash(1L)+Arcane Surge(2L/LVL1)+Faster Casting(3L) Blight totems: Blight(1L)*+Spell Totems(2L)+Multiple Totems(3L)+Faster Casting(4L) *use wither if you don't have the Spreading Rot jewel Aura: Clarity(1L) before you get Essence Worm ring and socket in Malevolence Aura. You can use Malevolence without the ring before you get MoM. Buff: You can use Blood Rage(1L) from A2 if you feel comfortable with the degen Jewel: Spreading Rot CWDT: Immortal Call(1L)+Cast when Damage Taken(2L)+Increased Duration(3L) Alternative labyrinths
You can get Patient Reaper first if you are having hard time with the survivability while leveling or Swift Killer if you are lacking damage. Weave the Arcane gives the most attack and cast speed, so it's preferable to take it first to level faster. Prolonged Pain is taken last from the Eternal Labyrinth.
4. Videos
5. FAQ
This build is missing some str/dex/int/res in the path of building links provided. What should I do?
Get the stats required wherever you can, we're using mostly rare items so it should be really easy. The given items are placeholders with the main stats for each build.
I have Ahn's Heritage and two Fragility jewels but Onslaught doesn't work. What's the problem?
There is no visual indication about the Onslaught buff. If you have the shield equipped and two jewels socketed in, you're fine. Can easily check it if you unequip one of the jewels and see that your movement speed has gone down with 20%.
Is this build Uber Elder and Shaper viable? Why should I play the MoM version if MoM+EB is stronger?
It's intended for leveling before you get the required gear to make the switch. Easier to follow for new players, as they have to look for one to two stats on their gear. The mechanics are pretty straightforward. Also some people don't want to respec and prefer sticking with one way of building.
But I don't have the listed unique items in the guide! How can I play this in SSF?
You don't need any of the unique items for the build to function, they are just nice additions.
How can I see if any changes were made since the last time I read the guide?
Check the changelog section, any changes are mentioned there, sorted by date in descending order.
Is there any way to know if X amount of mana or Y amout of ES is enough?
In path of building, go to the tab called Calcs and hover with your mouse over Mind over Matter in the Damage Taken section. The total life that can be protected by your current mana/es pool in a one-shot situation is given after the equals sign. As a general rule of thumb, you want this value to be a little bit higher than your current hp pool. If it's lower than your current health pool, then you should increase either your mana or es, depending on which build you're playing. Effective life basically shows you what your effective health pool is, by adding your life+mana/es pool.
Where are we getting the int requirement for Spreading Rot? There's no such place available!
Read the jewel description again. The int doesn't have to be allocated. It has to be placed in a socket that has a total of 40 int around him.
Not a single one of those int nodes has to be allocated. ![]() 6. Patch notes
3.9 changes
Trickster is unchanged. Soulrend got a small duration buff(from 0.4s base duration to 0.6s), which is a nice QoL in situations where you have to move a lot. 3.8 changes
Ghost shrouds got nerfed a bit, evasion got buffed(Monster accuracy rating has been reduced game-wide), overall damage was increased by a significant margin due to the passive skill tree rework. Ghost Dance: Now grants +3% to chance to evade while you have Energy Shield (from +5%), 2% reduced damage taken per Ghost Shroud (from 3%), and when hit, causes you to lose a Ghost Shroud and recover Energy Shield equal to 4% of your Evasion Rating (from 5%). TL;DR: Small defensive nerf, but gained a lot of damage. Viable for 3.8. 3.7 changes
Well-deserved nerfs. Overall they won't greatly impact the build and the playstyle will remain the same. We lost: " Another thing worth noting is that we can use Shield Charge with a wand now. This means that we will never use daggers again, as wands provide more damage, which should overall negate all damage nerfs to this build in 3.7. 7. Changelog
Date format: d/mm/yy
5/09/19 -All pob links were updated -Added patch notes section -Written guide updated 6/06/19 -MoM+EB version got updated, added Zealotry and Purity of Ice in the build, damage went up, using The Perfect Form now, survivability is pretty much the same -MoM version updated, pretty much the same, slight mana regen nerf 5/06/19 -All Occultist versions were removed as I have no intention on updating them, there are already too many things to keep track of in the main guide 18/03/19 -Slightly improved the CI version, changed empower for arcane surge in the main link, added cwdt+ic+bv+blind setup -Added Perandus Signet as the 2nd ring, it's harder to cap resistances now, but the mana regen is ~220 18/03/19 -Added new video -Added CI version of the build, many people wanted one 15/03/19 -Added new version of the build in the main guide 14/03/19 -Added new video with all 8 guardians+shaper+uber elder kill 13/03/19 -Tiny pathing improvement near the EB zone, opens up one more 2-point jewel socket -Pob links updated to reflect this change, damage there went down beacause it doesn't factor in the wither stacks applied through blight, this change is an overall damage increase -Added Unleash in the main links for improved clearspeed -Removed Breath of The Council as a budget weapon, it turned out to be quite expensive(80c in hardcore and 40c in softcore). You can get a way better rare weapon for that amount of currency. -Added a common question in the FAQ section regarding the int requirement of Spreading Rot 12/03/19 -Changed Wither to Blight in the spell totems setup -Added Spreading Rot jewel in all builds, it's used to apply Wither stacks through the Blight totems setup -Fixed some typos and structured some of the information -Added a common question in the FAQ section regarding how much mana or es you should have 11/03/19 -Deleted the CI version of the build, too many things to keep track on. Also I personally don't recommend it, MoM+EB seems stronger to me. Go occultist if you want CI 10/03/19 -All passive skill trees are updated -Fixed life+mom and life+mom+eb trickster pob links -Arcane Surge added as a main support skill on the place of Controlled Destruction for the MoM version -Clarity aura added in the MoM version, one jewel socket was sacrificed in order to get some mana nodes -Summaries updated -Added rare weapon crafting section in each items section -Occultist pob links updated -Added rare crafted weapons in the pob links -Added Controlled Destruction as an option in the 4L Bane until you get Whispers of Doom for +1 curse -Added frequently asked questions section -Updated both pob links once again because I put wrong mod on the rare crafted weapons earlier -Edited the rare weapon crafting section with the new changes 9/03/19 -Added two new videos If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask or share them in the comments! =) When you are posting a huge list of items or quoting a really long text, please use the [spoiler]*INSERT TEXT HERE*[/spoiler] tags. The comment section gets too cluttered. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Syreith#1099 um 13.12.2019, 01:16:38 Zuletzt angestoßen am 12.04.2020, 03:34:54
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Do you think this will be a decent league starter for someone who has only run a few leagues?
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" Yes, the playstyle should be pretty straightforward and there are no complicated mechanics behind the build. The unique items are also really cheap and if you play in ssf, you can easily do well without them. |
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Well, it sounds great. You've done a decent job with it so far, I think this is my league starter. Thank you for the guide!
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Ha! It's already being made.
Thank you. I was kinda following the red tree on https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Trickster&skill=!Arc&weapon=!Bow&allskill=Despair,!Righteous-Fire&heatmap&dps=Righteous-Fire as it might be very similar. Also looking at Impressence and Circle of Nostalgia. Also I wonder if Storms Gift Assassin Mitts https://i.imgur.com/h4MwwuK.png or The Embalmer Carnal Mitts are where I can have my Herald of Agony Minion Question: Are there good supports for bane if put inside a full hungry loop? Zuletzt bearbeitet von ThunderBiome#0813 um 04.03.2019, 20:04:44
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obviously its too early for a lot of this info to even be accurate without patch notes but i cant imagine not using the reworked ghost dance/escape artist for a build like this
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Was thinking about something similar. But i was looking to use a staff instead of one-handed+shield. Don't know if this will be a good choice, but there are some nice chaos-mods on staves like temple-mods. And using onslaught after kill on abyss-jewels is giving a good onslaught-time too.
What about https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cane_of_Unravelling Zuletzt bearbeitet von HoschiBro#4248 um 05.03.2019, 05:14:09
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" Nice idea. Let's wait for the tags :) |
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" I am working on a life-only version with kaom's heart and this staff as well, will post it after we get the patchnotes. =) |
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