[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)

TonysGotBass schrieb:
ok i just went through all the sockets and none of them have a radius of 40 intelligence so this rot gem seems useless D:

You don't actually need to allocate the nodes (they just need to be there), so the sockets below MoM and Pain Attunement both work.
Ishabooo schrieb:
Sunex_ schrieb:
is it worth to get essence worm? i mean ... 20 chaos atm :/
Yes. Especially if you plan to stick to Life+MoM.

Run some delves and build up currency fast. It's super easy especially if you're lacking the currency to buy upgrades.

Playing this currently "I. Life+MoM, Bane+2 Curses" maybe later I'll switch to the II. when I know how. I'm really new to the game so sorry that I ask dumb questions :D
LiquidLegend schrieb:
Profatum schrieb:
By the way, how you deal with strength/dexterity requirments. I had to take dex nodes and get jade amulet just to use body armour, and then i decided to buy cerberus+remorse combination, and i dicovered that shield required 159 str. It's 70 str more than i currently have, and i've spent all my space/skill points to get enough dex.
Even on PoB you have only 70 str, with a Lioneye's Remorse equipped though, even you can't use it.

I have this same issue. Looks like an oversight?

Looks like the shield in the first build, Ahn's Heritage, has the same issue. Or am I just dumb?
LiquidLegend schrieb:
LiquidLegend schrieb:
Profatum schrieb:
By the way, how you deal with strength/dexterity requirments. I had to take dex nodes and get jade amulet just to use body armour, and then i decided to buy cerberus+remorse combination, and i dicovered that shield required 159 str. It's 70 str more than i currently have, and i've spent all my space/skill points to get enough dex.
Even on PoB you have only 70 str, with a Lioneye's Remorse equipped though, even you can't use it.

I have this same issue. Looks like an oversight?

Looks like the shield in the first build, Ahn's Heritage, has the same issue. Or am I just dumb?

It's common across many build guides to assume that if you don't have the attribute requirements in the tree... you need to get it in your gear.

Get an amulet with strength or dex or whatever
Like the one I'm currently wearing...

Zuletzt bearbeitet von ecobrie#7879 um 12.03.2019, 23:36:27

Just cleared Red Elder deathless wtih Shaper still alive. Need to crank up my life though I'm only at 4.8k with 2k unreserved mana. Got a Watcher's Eye and a Shimmeron
TonysGotBass schrieb:
ok i just went through all the sockets and none of them have a radius of 40 intelligence so this rot gem seems useless D:

uh, what? there's lots of available jewel sockets with 40 intel nearby.

Elder down Shaper alive, easy peasy. Fucker only dropped a Nebuloch though.

Havnt even bothered with shield charge set up yet, just clears so fast just swallowing quicksilver and casting Soulrend.
I'm over capped on resists in preparation to replace my rings.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von DamageIncorporated#7815 um 13.03.2019, 00:16:55
The build so far is amazing, really fast clear fun to watch and satisfies me how you can kill half of map with one spell
So far my items

I saw someone asking how you deal with STR just use HP rings and craft it on something else.

Also I'm using Unleashed for a faster clear on easy maps, tho atm I Have only 5L been unsing tabula for a while before Queen but it's a lot faster with the MS.
There's a common misconception running around here about why we take EB. It's not because we can reserve all of our mana, that's just a bonus. The major drawback of pure MoM build is that you may not be able to recover your mana fast enough if you take few consecutive big hits. This is incredibly dangerous because you basically lose 2-3k ehp. EB fixes that problem, ghost shroud recovers your es pool instantly after you take a hit. Because of the nature of ghost shroud(has 3 stacks and replenishes quite fast), you will never find yourself in such a situation. The ES leech from Soulrend is helpful to negate DoT damage and the mana cost.
Uber Elder down in softcore synthesis!

Unlucky loot but the build is very fun and good. Initially my mindset was just to spam soulrend but the build felt much better once I focused on movement and weaving in totems/bane inbetween soulrends. Thanks for the build guide!

Do it! Totally worth it. ( ignore the lone Soulrend gem, leveling a total of 7 of them for level 21)

Vendered my GMP for 20% quality too, now I got 30% increased cast speed I didn't have before, feels really good.

And ya, as OP says, Ghost Shrouds and EB...it's very tanky. MoM alone...not so much.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von DamageIncorporated#7815 um 13.03.2019, 02:44:52

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