[3.9][HC/SC] Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses (League starter/All content)
Hi Syreith, thanks for the occultist ci version.
I noticed the nice interaction with the LL version of the Dreadbeak, unfortunally that wont work for CI.
Can i ask you for a good alternative for the weapon, or maybe give me your insight on the Breath of the Council sceptre.
If I'm reading the gem correctly as soulrend travels it repeatedly applies a short but powerful DoT debuff to enemies in the area. So depending on the size of the area in which it's DoT takes effect, and how quickly the DoT refreshes itself it should be applying the DoT on a target more than once per cast. Right?
What you want to do is to dish out as many casts as you can with minimal dot overlapping or downtime per one second. Faster casting is worthless in this scenario, you get high enough cast speed from the trickster ascendancy.
I agree that FC is not the best. It was just an example. I m trying to explan that:
You have 2k dot soulrend with 0.5 duration.
If you have cast time of 0.5 seconds, you get (per 1 second):
2k from dot (2 times 0.5 second parts) and damage from 2 initial hits.
If you have cast time of 0.2 seconds, you get:
2k from dot (5 times 0.2 second parts) and damage from 5 initial hits.
If you add less duration you will get 20% more dmg. In second scenario it will result in 2400 dmg from dot and 6 damages from initial hits (cause 5*1.2=6). Cool. But why dont use the gem, which gives you 40 or 45% more dmg, which still affects both parts?
I mean, look at you links:
6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Swift Affliction - Empower(6L).
Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Swift Affliction for single target.
What gem you want to remove to add Less duration?
P.S. I see: swift affliction. You can swap it for new Arcane surge. It gives 40% more spell damage now, and you dont use it in any other link.
P.P.S. Wait. Arcane surge will not work... So, now i see...
To argue with a fool means to sink to his level.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von NiobMordodrukow#5535 um 08.03.2019, 10:26:21
What you want to do is to dish out as many casts as you can with minimal dot overlapping or downtime per one second. Faster casting is worthless in this scenario, you get high enough cast speed from the trickster ascendancy.
I agree that FC is not the best. It was just an example. I m trying to explan that:
You have 2k dot soulrend with 0.5 duration.
If you have cast time of 0.5 seconds, you get (per 1 second):
2k from dot (2 times 0.5 second parts) and damage from 2 initial hits.
If you have cast time of 0.2 seconds, you get:
2k from dot (5 times 0.2 second parts) and damage from 5 initial hits.
If you add less duration you will get 20% more dmg. In second scenario it will result in 2400 dmg from dot and 6 damages from initial hits (cause 5*1.2=6). Cool. But why dont use the gem, which gives you 40 or 45% more dmg, which still affects both parts?
I mean, look at you links:
6L/5L: Soulrend - Efficacy - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Greater Multiple Projectiles/Swift Affliction - Empower(6L).
Swap Greater Multiple Projectiles to Swift Affliction for single target.
What gem you want to remove to add Less duration?
P.S. I see: swift affliction. You can swap it for new Arcane surge. It gives 40% more spell damage now, and you dont use it in any other link.
No, you can't swap it for arcane surge in the EB build as we don't use mana to cast our spells. Changing all skill gems to 45% more spell multiplier ones would be the best case scenario, but there are currently none available. Intensify and less duration are potential candidates.
shishkabob schrieb:
If I'm reading the gem correctly as soulrend travels it repeatedly applies a short but powerful DoT debuff to enemies in the area. So depending on the size of the area in which it's DoT takes effect, and how quickly the DoT refreshes itself it should be applying the DoT on a target more than once per cast. Right?
Single spell instance can't apply its damage twice to the same target, nor multiple instances of dot effects stack.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Syreith#1099 um 08.03.2019, 10:33:15
I was looking at the leveling section and wondering what to do about Bane... you say the gems mentioned should be put in from level 28 onwards and getting that second curse will take exactly 35 points if I were to walk straight towards the get +1 additional curse. I know we won't do that and expect it to be at the sixty point mark.
I was wondering if you could add a "Path of Leveling" pastebin for the guide, I know it is on quite a short notice towards the start of the league but I hope you will consider it!
Thank you for making this build available and the hard work you put into it.
I was looking at the leveling section and wondering what to do about Bane... you say the gems mentioned should be put in from level 28 onwards and getting that second curse will take exactly 35 points if I were to walk straight towards the get +1 additional curse. I know we won't do that and expect it to be at the sixty point mark.
I was wondering if you could add a "Path of Leveling" pastebin for the guide, I know it is on quite a short notice towards the start of the league but I hope you will consider it!
Thank you for making this build available and the hard work you put into it.
Sorry, I don't have the time to do this right now. You can use second support gem(efficacy/swift affliction/void manipulation) instead of second curse until you get whispers of doom.
1 other question, is there a reason you aren't taking spiritual aid and the minion nodes until you can swap to CI? Is just a matter of needing more survivability until then?
30% of the incoming damage is drained from our energy shield pool
But EB says "Spend ES before mana for Skill costs" It doesnt protect us via MoM, isnt it?
Energy shield protects mana instead of life when you get EB. In almost all damage calculations, energy shield is the first pool that gets drained. MoM makes it so that when we get hit, 30% of that damage will be drained from our mana pool, but we have energy shield protecting it. EB also allows us to freecast our spells because it doesn't interrupt the natural es regeneration(20% of the total es pool).
Kurnis schrieb:
One problem I'm concerned with, is Soulrend dot lasts for .40 seconds, but with skill duration from tree this goes up to .50 seconds. Our cast rate becomes faster than this (about .4 WITHOUT Escape Artist, which is up to 36% faster cast rate). So a lot of our dot will be wasted :/
No damage will be wasted. You don't factor in that the projectile has travel time until it reaches the target. Take the following scenario:
1. Cast soulrend once, it gets to the target, hits initially and applies the dot, the dot duration starts ticking.
2. Cast soulrend second time. It takes you X amout of time to cast the spell. Once you finish the cast, the projectile starts flying towards the target with Y travel speed. The applied dot from the first cast is still ticking and close to it's end or has already ended.
3. The second soulrend cast hits the target and the loop continues.
This is the reason why we don't take any duration nodes from the tree and use swift affliction for single target. Depending on the actual travel time and cast speed, if you are too close to the target, some of the dot instances will overlap and cause dps loss because each new overrides the previous one, but if you are too far away you won't reach the maximum potential dps because there will be a time gap with no applied dot instance on the target. Considering those things, you would want to find the sweetest spot that lets soulrend hit its target immediately after the previous dot has expired. Such timing is probably impossible to hit in reality, but the general rule of thumb should be to stay as far as you can from the target. I may draw a simple diagram later to visually express this.
In the end, Zealotry may turn out as a better dps increase than Malevolence, but gotta do some tests first. =)
Part of this is incorrect. Travel time does NOT matter unless the target is moving away from you. Since the second projectile is moving at the same speed, and over the same distance as the first, the time between the projectiles hitting your target (and thus starting the dot) is the SAME as your casting speed.
You could be a million miles away and as soon as the first projectile hits your target, the time between hits will = exactly your casting speed (against an immobile target). Imagine a million mile long string of soulrends, which would be equally spaced apart based on your cast speed.
So I'm still wondering how this dot overlap (and if your dot length is higher than your cast speed, it *will* overlap) will affect the dps.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kurnis#0620 um 08.03.2019, 11:00:12