[3.8] Scourge Arrow Ignite prolif Elementalist 🏹 Melt the Atlas on a budget, 1M+ Shaper Ignite DPS

Swiks schrieb:
Fireball will be really strong with the buff it received, so I would say Fireball is going to ba a way better league starter.

Single target will still be meh in high tier maps and it doesn't scale very well with investment.

Both playstyle will be different too, one is a caster the other one a bow so one with Flame Dash and pretty low movement speed the other with Blink Arrow and medium to high movement speed.

Clear speed/Pack clearing will be comparable, probable a tad better on Scourge Arrow because of it's single target damage on Rare mobs with lots of hp.

Fireball may be a bit tankier than the full damage version of this build.

So it really depends on what you like.

Thanks a lot for the answer! Gonna use the next few days to see if i can find or create any fork fireball builds i can get behind :P
Maggot123666 schrieb:

Thanks a lot for the answer! Gonna use the next few days to see if i can find or create any fork fireball builds i can get behind :P

Gl on that :D

I updated the guide, it's not complete as PoB isn't fully updated for 3.6 yet and not all uniques/new mods are known so I'll keep updating asap. It's still complete enough for Friday's League start !

On the menu, not much changed, a few points in the tree and indirect buffs so it will be at least as strong as it was previously !
[3.7] Scourge Arrow, Ignite Proliferation Elementalist. Melt T15 on a budget, All content viable.
[3.7] Shocking Elementalist, Lightning Tendrils Cast when Channeling Arc. Budget version included
Is this a good league starter? also blade vortex got nerfed. Is blade vortex still good for leveling
Zatangy schrieb:
Is this a good league starter? also blade vortex got nerfed. Is blade vortex still good for leveling

It is a good starter, most uniques are cheap especially with the Spell meta incoming, bow stuff will be cheap. Until level 80 you only need Hrimburn and Hopeshredder.

Blade Vortex is still good but I would recommend leveling as a Storm Brand character, it's more versatile imho. I will update the leveling section, I kinda forgot about it.
[3.7] Scourge Arrow, Ignite Proliferation Elementalist. Melt T15 on a budget, All content viable.
[3.7] Shocking Elementalist, Lightning Tendrils Cast when Channeling Arc. Budget version included
Have you tried this build with Divine Ire? You can get much more Ignite damage from 20 charges of that.
Romney schrieb:
Have you tried this build with Divine Ire? You can get much more Ignite damage from 20 charges of that.

I will play Divine Ire Ignite later this League but I started with something else.
Ignite version will be less powerful than a classic hit based one but still powerful enough to be playable. The idea is the same, full convert to Lightning, use Stormfire to Ignite and abuse Elemental Equilibrium by taking no flat Fire damage.

I won't write a version of this build with Divine Ire because it's a completely different archetype (Bow vs Spell) but I might write it's own guide if the builds feels good !
[3.7] Scourge Arrow, Ignite Proliferation Elementalist. Melt T15 on a budget, All content viable.
[3.7] Shocking Elementalist, Lightning Tendrils Cast when Channeling Arc. Budget version included
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
- Squishy on a every setup
I just wanted to add that this build worked really well for me in 3.5, and with the linked skill tree, it had no problem beating a shaped T16 map in standard just to try the 3.6 passive tree.

The only problem I had was against UberElder (this was more me not being able to dodge their attacks) and Syndicate Mastermind, although I only tried the latter once before giving up, also considering that I didnt wanted my syndicate to reset.

T16 mapping was no problem, just watch out for nasty modifier combinations on T16 bosses

My endgame build:

The biggest investment were Yoke of Sufferíng (3ex) and Lightpoacher with the entchant (2ex)
I vendored The Taming by buying the 3 rings (2 are really cheap, the last one cost me 1ex)

Loreweave I crafted myself, getting it from a vendor with 60 unique rings (later in the league, i just bought 45 unique rings for 1c each), and than six-linking and divining it to these values.

The other items are really cheap.

All in all the build is really fun to play and I would definitly recommend it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von luett#0758 um 12.03.2019, 00:05:16
luett schrieb:
I just wanted to add that this build worked really well for me in 3.5, and with the linked skill tree, it had no problem beating a shaped T16 map in standard just to try the 3.6 passive tree.

The only problem I had was against UberElder (this was more me not being able to dodge their attacks) and Syndicate Mastermind, although I only tried the latter once before giving up, also considering that I didnt wanted my syndicate to reset.

T16 mapping was no problem, just watch out for nasty modifier combinations on T16 bosses

My endgame build:

The biggest investment were Yoke of Sufferíng (3ex) and Lightpoacher with the entchant (2ex)
I vendored The Taming by buying the 3 rings (2 are really cheap, the last one cost me 1ex)

Loreweave I crafted myself, getting it from a vendor with 60 unique rings (later in the league, i just bought 45 unique rings for 1c each), and than six-linking and divining it to these values.

The other items are really cheap.

All in all the build is really fun to play and I would definitly recommend it.

Thanks for the feedback :)
[3.7] Scourge Arrow, Ignite Proliferation Elementalist. Melt T15 on a budget, All content viable.
[3.7] Shocking Elementalist, Lightning Tendrils Cast when Channeling Arc. Budget version included

All Okay with Frenzy


Same Position and Direction

Scourge Arrow are Blocked by left Rock

Thanks GGG for nice Collision

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