[3.9] WINDS OF WINTER: Endgame Low Life Freezing Pulse Occultist | All Content | Magic Find | $$$$
" Thx for your time and awesome guide btw! Do you mean its different type of "spell damage", not like "spell damaege" in Void Battery or regular jewels? I am rly bad in game mechs :( |
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" "spell damage" is a global modifier; so the increases on Void Battery, Jewels, other gear, keystones, and passive tree all add up together When you see "increased", the modifier is additive When you see "more", the modifier is multiplicative So, let's say you only have two Void Batteries, 10 power charges, and the two Keystones "Pain Attunement" and "Inner Conviction" Here's how the math works in that case... You deal with "increases" and "reductions" first: 100% base spell damage -80% spell damage (from "reduced" on one void battery) -80% spell damage (from "reduced" on the other void battery) +250% spell damage (from the "25% increased spell damage per power charge" on one VB) +250% spell damage (from the "25% increased spell damage per power charge" on the other VB) Giving you 440% spell damage. You then do the "more" and "less" modifiers as multiplicative 440% spell damage multiply by 1.3 for "Pain Attunement" keystone multiply by 1.3 again for "Inner Conviction" keystone with 10 charges Gives you 743% spell damage. That's why the multipliers are OP OP. "More" damage modifiers add a multiplier to all your damage in a way that scales really well. Note that different damage types apply to the Freezing Pulse gem. It benefits from "Damage" since "Damage" applies to everything. It also has the "spell", "projectile", and "cold" tags on the gem, meaning that it benefits from all three of those things combined (i.e. you add up all the increases/reductions to damage, spell damage, projectile damage, and cold damage, and then multiply by all the "more" multipliers to damage, spell damage, projectile damage, and cold damage combined). The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Zuletzt bearbeitet von tackle70#1293 um 14.11.2019, 12:37:37
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Wow, didnt expect so extended answer, thx a lot :)
If I understood correctly "Inner Conviction" nodes isnt stack? And I should not take them both(as shown in your picture)? https://prnt.sc/px1rid Zuletzt bearbeitet von evantas1a#7046 um 14.11.2019, 14:18:01
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" Correct, taking multiple Inner Conviction keystones does nothing. Just take one. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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As i see you are playing assassin(mostly) instead of occultist. Which is better for a non-delve build?
I dont know what should i improve right now. I think the next step would be that replce my precursors for +1 power charge. That's a lot of $$$ :( |
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" Occultist is stronger than assassin. Assassin is faster for clearing but is squishier and MUCH worse in the guardian/uber-elder fights. And yeah based on your gear the main upgrades would be +1 charge rings or helm, or the +3 shavs. All of which are $$$$$. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Zuletzt bearbeitet von tackle70#1293 um 16.11.2019, 17:39:32
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@Vaal Discipline and Clarity swap - the Blood Magic auras are now Hatred - Vaal Discipline - Enlighten - Blood Magic@
How do you did dat? :D I have talent on tree+skyforth+BloodMagic21+Enlighten4 but its still 45% for discipline and 64% for hatred mana(life in this case) reserved. Did i missed smthg? And how about Wise Oak(legacy actually 20 pen i mean)? Wanna replace this to Dying sun. is this good idea? |
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" If you can set up your resists to use Wise Oak, it's a fine alternative to Dying Sun if you prefer it. Hatred/Discipline on blood magic requires almost all the mana reduction nodes on the tree and at least 2% reduction from jewels or other sources. Check my main (Winds_Of_Winter) to see how I have it set up - using Intuitive Leap to grab Charisma, which you are lacking. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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" Here we go! I guess its to soon for my poor witch :D I have a goal for now - lvl 100. Could do you give me some advices how to reach it faster? I mean did you tune your hero somehow special while exping? Or maybe used some specific maps? And how to survive against spiked mobs(who shot after death)? They just raping me, i have around 6k ES for now Zuletzt bearbeitet von evantas1a#7046 um 18.11.2019, 23:13:56
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" Here's my thoughts from leveling to 100 on this build a league ago: Gear Tips You should prioritize survivability over DPS or magic find if you want to smoothly level to 100. Try to pretend you're playing Hardcore where deaths are to be avoided at all costs. Need probably a minimum of 8k ES. 9-10k preferred if you can get it. You don't need millions of DPS to clear T16 maps right now, but you do need a solid HP pool to deal with the random perfect storms of bad luck that can come up and try to kill you. You need a Watcher's Eye jewel with a "Gain % of mana as extra maximum energy shield while affected by clarity" mod. That should get you around 900-1000 more ES. If you can, you should get a Watcher's Eye that also has the "+# to critical strike chance while affected by Hatred" mod. Without this mod, you are 100% reliant on using your Diamond flask to try and make sure you're critting enough to freeze/shatter the porcupines so that they don't spike you to death when they die. It *should* be OK if you are careful to keep your diamond flask up. DON'T run maps with "90% chance for monsters to avoid ailments" mod if you absolutely do not want to chance a death, because if the map has that mod and porcupines, you can get death spiked and die. Speaking of flasks, if your flasks are what's on your character now, your flask setup could use some work; I don't know why you are using a life flask. I'd also consider running a Presence of Chayula instead of Pandemonius because again, for leveling to 100 in maps, your HP pool is generally more valuable than DPS. Another easy gear upgrade would be a level 4 Empower instead of level 3. And then there's the expensive gear upgrades of your rings. You could get rare rings with lots of flat ES or even legacy ones with flat ES and %ES. Or you could get Precursor's Emblems with %ES per power charge plus whatever other good mods you can find and afford. Passive Tree tip Don't take Golem Commander. That's 3 wasted passive points. Personally, I'd spec out of Golem Commander AND Unnatural Instinct. That would give you the passive points to either pick up Disciple of the Forbidden, or, if you want to set up your auras/curses the same way I currently have them set up, you could pick up the Charisma node using an Intuitive Leap jewel. My Strategy/Experience grinding As for strategy, I may not be the best person to ask, but I can tell you what I did. I ground out normal T14-T16 maps from level 90-98 without too much difficulty. The grind slows wayyyyyyy down after that though (fair warning, 99-100 is twice as long as 98-99). So, I chose a low tier map I liked and that was off-meta so that it was easy to buy in bulk (in my case that was T3 Arid Lake last league) and I bought hundreds and hundreds of it. Then I used white sextants to add all the mobs I could to the map, and ran it with Zana's 15c T16 Elder mod on each map. I think I wound up running about 600 zana elder modded + sextanted Arid Lake maps in the grind from 98-100. IIRC it's about 3-4 fully sextanted T16 maps for 1% experience progress at level 99. There might be a faster, more efficient, easier, or more profitable way to grind to 100, but that's what I chose to do and it worked OK. It was kinda boring, but I think grinding to 100 is boring no matter what you do. Even paying an average of 17-18c per map (I averaged paying 2-3c to buy each map, plus 15c per map for the Zana mod) plus white sextant costs plus chisels/alchs, I made decent profits from selling all the T16 maps that dropped. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Zuletzt bearbeitet von tackle70#1293 um 19.11.2019, 11:32:10
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