[3.9] WINDS OF WINTER: Endgame Low Life Freezing Pulse Occultist | All Content | Magic Find | $$$$
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The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Hey how do you make your life low ? :/
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" Never mind Blood magic ^^ |
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" Yup. It's worth mentioning that you can play around with what auras you would like to use. For example, if you got a Watcher's Eye that had a good Anger (crit multi) or Hatred (+ critical strike chance) mod, you could drop Haste and run one of those. Haste only adds a small benefit to the build. You could also drop Haste and run a purity if you are having trouble with resists or want some extra maximum resistance of a certain element. One of the benefits of Low Life in general is that it increases flexibility with how you make the build because of the additional aura options. The only real mandatory ones are Discipline, Clarity (for Watcher's Eye energy shield), and Herald of Ice. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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Awesome guide! One of my favorites builds has always been the classic Mjolner builds like your Rainbow nuke. Glad to see you made another build that you feel is stronger then that was before the nerf.
I've got a late start this league and have been looking for a mapping build to try and I just found it. Most of the gear is cheap this league so if I find the ES to be too low without my standard gear I won't be out much currency. |
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It's been a few days, but I'm still leveling. I've never been one of the speed levelers and I don't get much time to play.
Really surprised there aren't more replies here considering how popular Rainbow Nuke was. Especially, the original one by Tom94 that you helped with. I need to echo what Sha0Kahnn said. You don't recommend leveling as this build, but it's actually fairly easy. It's not firestorm easy or whatever the current meta leveling way is, but for people like me that prefer to level as the skill they are going to use in end game there are definitely worse options. My leveling advice...
Pick up a Karui Ward Amulet as soon as your first Alch drops. Gives needed strength and dex for leveling your gems along with move speed and projectile damage. Grab the First Snow jewels as soon as you reach a gem slot for each and get two Tulborn wands at level 24. They are only an Alch and are awesome leveling wands. Get a Goldrim when your first Chaos drops For the skill tree I went a bit different than the general leveling guidelines of saving crit and charges for near the end. With this build high crit is also a defense since mobs that are frozen can't hurt you. 38 points poeurl.com/b0E7 65 points poeurl.com/b0E9 If it's really needed you can grab more life nodes as well since we get 20 free refund points from quests. Ascendancy order for me is Wicked Ward > Vile Bastion > Forbidden Power Saving Forbidden Power for last since Power Charge generation can be done with Tulborn until you reach Merc lab. The defense from the other two is better to grab first IMHO. When to switch to low life?
At level 55 when cruel lab is unlocked or shortly after is when I normally switch to low life and I'm doing the same with this build. These items make great starter LL pieces: The longer you can wait to go LL the easier it usually is since you'll have more points to put into ES. If you don't have much experience with LL builds I would definitely wait until you get Shav's instead of jumping in with a Solaris that doesn't have any ES on it. With experience it can be done though. I've leveled into the low 80's while LL with a Solaris Lorica several times before I had farmed enough cards or currency to get a Shav's. |
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" Thanks. I'll get around to a leveling guide eventually; haven't had much time to play the last few weeks and since I don't play leagues personally I have little reason to ever level a build. I'm a bit surprised that freezing pulse builds in general don't seem very popular; they're quite strong despite not being a top meta build at the moment; and LL Occultist feels really good with some decent gear. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard |
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I'm surprised too. Freezing pulse is really good now that they changed the damage around so it only fades to 50% instead of 0.
Made it to the 80's and every white map has been super easy on a 4link. Haven't done any yellow yet. Will wait until I get my 2nd shavs to a 5 or 6 link. I always by 2 so I can alternate wearing one while working on more links on the one in stash. Prefer doing my own instead of buying it 6L. Sometimes it sucks, but usually I come out ahead since I end up with a 6L to wear and a 5L to sell. Change the tree a little by grabbing some aura nodes. Allows me to use HOI HOT curse on hit with level 20 projectile curse. I like the higher level and more consistent cursing over CWDT. The aura nodes also allow me to forgo the Enlightens. Should have the 2nd Void Battery tonight. Got an awesome ammy today from turning in the corrupted amulet div cards. I won't switch this for Pandemonius until I get the watchers eye jewel. Really nice ES buff. Rest of gear so far
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Hey brah, y didn't you take Increase Area of Effect? Isn't it what your casts lack, as can be seen from the vid(always 2 mobs alive and you cast 2 more times :O)?
With other talents I agree, the builds' aim is not 10chaos limit, but the pinnacle of the build, I find this good, but also show us some spoiler with 10c version of the build, 2ex version of it and maybe even some 10ex version of it before just s(n:)howing its' 100ex top stage :D You'll need to have a good currency to buy something to compensate allocating those weak x2 nodes like 4% elemdmg 4% mana for jewel slots. So think about lower currency versions of your build, you can show how to pick nodes to reset them afterwards when having currency to pick some Strength from gear not a tree, for example, when picking that +1 Power Charge near Templar, can get some Str when allocating a jewel slot node + take HP nodes and stick an Energy From Within jewel so those +HP will become +shield, and it will be good for low geared chars, who don't have 6L chevrons(oh ye:D) and w/o else with a huge ES. This is a build for ppl ye? :D Zuletzt bearbeitet von GyroFolk#7773 um 21.07.2018, 06:03:30
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" Freezing Pulse isn't an Area of Effect gem, so Increased Area of Effect does not apply to it. To be honest, I think if you can't afford a 6L Shavs, you shouldn't be playing a Low Life build. They aren't *that* expensive. I'm content with this build being gated behind about 6-8 exalts of uniques. The build only gets radically more expensive than ~8 exalts when you are trying to push for GG energy shield gear, Headhunter, a GG watcher's eye, and a +1 gems (or +3 gems) Shavronne's Wrappings corruption. The build will work without those things perfectly fine, it just won't be quite as fast and will be a little more squishy. If you are more on a budget, it still should be the case that between a Crystal Belt (or Stygian Vise), Gloves, Boots, and Helmet, you should have no trouble stacking resists, Strength, and Dexterity given that you can pick up the +30 nodes on the tree as needed. If you are really having trouble with resists, you could run Purity of Elements (or purity of one specific element) instead of Haste. The thing most likely to suffer on a budget is your total Energy Shield pool, which might be closer to the 6k mark until you can get better gear. The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard Zuletzt bearbeitet von tackle70#1293 um 22.07.2018, 12:54:33
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