Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

n4p4lmp4p4l4m schrieb:
Can somebody help me, most of case everything is okay, but sometimes, often in ultimatum challenges I’m getting one shot and die, I just don’t know what to do with it

you have glancing blows maybe that is the reason you die?
Greeting everyone! First I would like to thank Enki for such an amazing guide. Absolutely fantastic.
I'm nearing the end of this build and don't know what should I focus on now? I'm doing T14+ maps and they seem semi-fine, an occasional death here and there. I would like to increase my damage. Could any of you guys suggest what should I focus on next? I imagine every upgrade from here costs at least exalts if not many.
I have another question. There's a change in "trigger socketed spell" which now need you to use 8s cd skill (4s in unveiled version), but arcane cloak have base cd 4s which will be lowered through cd redution. So without using summon golem skill (i don't know if auto ressumon will do anything with that) you have no chance to trigger spells, and more over you need to be ultra lucky to get this 4s unveil. So my question is, do I really need to bother taking that or just ignore this mod and in endgame play with CwDT version or still take it and bother with summoning a golem to trigger?
First of all: thanks a lot for the great guide Enki. As a new player I appreciate all the details.

I'm currently improving my gear step by step, but haven't quite reached Cluster Jewels yet. I could afford the 60-80C for one that has Disorienting Display, and at least one of the other good notables mentioned in the guide (Supercharge, Vengeful Commander and Corrosive Elements) – however those with Scintillating Idea are way too expensive.

Anyway, since I had some passive points to spend I put them into Heart of Thunder, hoping it would be somewhat good until I get Cluster Jewels. Other potentially interesting temporary notables might be Dreamer or Forethought. Both feature 20% increased maximum Mana, and Dreamer even improves Mana regen, however it also reduces spell costs by 5%, whereas Forethought increases spell costs by 10%. It is my understanding that increased spell costs would be good for damage because of Archmage? However I reckon this only holds with enough Mana sustain, thus needs to be balanced with that?

Any thoughts on this? Or should I rather just spend the 60+C already and get a Large Cluster Jewel with Disorienting Display and say Vengeful Commander instead?

I appreciate any replies. If you feel generous with your time, I'm not quite sure if there's any gear piece of mine that I absolutely should upgrade ASAP. I'm currently at 3910 life and 5450 mana and collected my 8th watch stone so far, still works pretty well, though I sometimes die (probably mostly user error because I'm new).

PS: Another thing: I was wondering why we don't improve the quality of the Arc gem to 20% as well. Aren't shocked enemies a good thing? Similar question for the golem gems, wouldn't improving their quality to 20% help somewhat?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shrugalic#5428 um 27.04.2021, 14:09:29
Luarion schrieb:
I have another question. There's a change in "trigger socketed spell" which now need you to use 8s cd skill (4s in unveiled version), but arcane cloak have base cd 4s which will be lowered through cd redution. So without using summon golem skill (i don't know if auto ressumon will do anything with that) you have no chance to trigger spells, and more over you need to be ultra lucky to get this 4s unveil. So my question is, do I really need to bother taking that or just ignore this mod and in endgame play with CwDT version or still take it and bother with summoning a golem to trigger?

So either I'm misunderstanding something, in which case nvm me... Or you're forgetting we're casting Arc all the time.

Shrugalic schrieb:

Anyway, since I had some passive points to spend I put them into Heart of Thunder, hoping it would be somewhat good until I get Cluster Jewels. Other potentially interesting temporary notables might be Dreamer or Forethought. Both feature 20% increased maximum Mana, and Dreamer even improves Mana regen, however it also reduces spell costs by 5%, whereas Forethought increases spell costs by 10%. It is my understanding that increased spell costs would be good for damage because of Archmage? However I reckon this only holds with enough Mana sustain, thus needs to be balanced with that?

Any thoughts on this? Or should I rather just spend the 60+C already and get a Large Cluster Jewel with Disorienting Display and say Vengeful Commander instead?

I appreciate any replies. If you feel generous with your time, I'm not quite sure if there's any gear piece of mine that I absolutely should upgrade ASAP. I'm currently at 3910 life and 5450 mana and collected my 8th watch stone so far, still works pretty well, though I sometimes die (probably mostly user error because I'm new).

PS: Another thing: I was wondering why we don't improve the quality of the Arc gem to 20% as well. Aren't shocked enemies a good thing? Similar question for the golem gems, wouldn't improving their quality to 20% help somewhat?

Don't go for reduced mana cost of skills. And yes increased cost is good for us. You should be able to get enough sustain, especially if you have mind drinker annointed while clearing maps. For bosses, it's down to dodging and casting anyways, so we spam less there.

I'd probably get the cluster jewel, as it will also increase lightning damage on the small nodes.

Quality on arc doesn't work with Elemental focus support.

As for immediate upgrades -> annoint foible. And I'm a big fan of getting good boots and running lab to get the 70% increased mana regen on them asap.
Your rare ring is pretty shite (forgive me the wording :P) That could be an easy upgrade.
Some more stuff to work on: 150+ mana and decent spell damage on weapon and 6link the CoD.
Lastly, if you can find a nice Stygian vise, you could replace your belt fairly easily I think.

That should give you something to work on.
Dreagation schrieb:
Luarion schrieb:
I have another question. There's a change in "trigger socketed spell" which now need you to use 8s cd skill (4s in unveiled version), but arcane cloak have base cd 4s which will be lowered through cd redution. So without using summon golem skill (i don't know if auto ressumon will do anything with that) you have no chance to trigger spells, and more over you need to be ultra lucky to get this 4s unveil. So my question is, do I really need to bother taking that or just ignore this mod and in endgame play with CwDT version or still take it and bother with summoning a golem to trigger?

So either I'm misunderstanding something, in which case nvm me... Or you're forgetting we're casting Arc all the time.

Did you read what I wrote? We need to use skill with 8s or 4s cd now, arc won't proc it anymore.
Dreagation schrieb:

Thanks, I appreciate all the pointers! Found a 40C Cluster Jewel that I'm using for now, will work on the other stuff.

Luarion schrieb:
We need to use skill with 8s or 4s cd now, arc won't proc it anymore.

My understanding was that the trigger will cast the socketed spells at most once every 8s, so since we're repeatedly casting arc, we'll get Sigil of Power, Orb of Storms and Tempest Shield about once every 8s. I can confirm that it works just fine.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shrugalic#5428 um 27.04.2021, 14:47:55
Shrugalic schrieb:
Dreagation schrieb:

Thanks, I appreciate all the pointers! Found a 40C Cluster Jewel that I'm using for now, will work on the other stuff.

Luarion schrieb:
We need to use skill with 8s or 4s cd now, arc won't proc it anymore.

My understanding was that the trigger will cast the socketed spells at most once every 8s, so since we're repeatedly casting arc about once every 8s you'll get Sigil of Power, Orb of Storms and Tempest Shield. I can confirm that it works just fine.

Oh, so I just misunderstood that. Sorry then.
Is this build squishy?I'am running T14 maps now and keep getting one-shotted by mobs.Any suggestion for my build is much appreciated.Thanks folks..
Thank you for this build (as many have already said). i'm using it in Standard currently. I have learned quite a bit including heavily using PoB to help me understand things. This is really the first build where I understand (for the most part anyway ...) how things are working (again, PoB really helps).

If my PoB is setup right, I have my build at 275k Avg Hit and 1.493M Total DPS at level 86.

Some primary difference in my learning / adaptation of this build are:

* I have Focus on my 6L NeroM Silks. This helps quite a bit with damage (because of Arcane Cloak), mana and ES recovery but ... it is manually triggered so I have to think about using it and its cooldown is 4 seconds IINM so I have to adapt my play style. Just for kicks I added a crafted 14% change to double damage while Focused on my Chiming Spirit Shield. When I'm focused and inside Orb of Storms spamming Arc and Mana potions, this seems to help.
* I am using the Worm ring with a socketed 20/20 Wrath gem.
* I added Adrenaline via a Small Cluster Jewel which expensive because of Passive points to go from Large -> Medium -> Small. 12 Passives !! but those 12 give me about 350k in DPS. I see some other areas on the Tree in PoB using "Show Node Power" where I could get that but cheaper on skill points. Haven't decided if I'll get moving the points around yet.
* I'm using a corrupted Wraith Unique Belt that give triple implicit modifier. With my implicits, the belt adds 155k Total DPS.
* One area I'm weak on is some attribute requirements. That I countered with a

Cast rate is 5.41 according to PoB. I'm using this builds primary gems setups for the most part just not CoD yet.

Where is build is weak-ish is life ... 2659. Projectiles really really suck. I'm using Lunaris (major) and Ryslatha (minor) in the Pantheon which help. Both are upgraded to the second. Lunaris not yet to level 3 and 4.

Mana and Life regen could be better. Mana regen is currently 951 and life is 636.

I've learn Arcane Cloak and Primal Aegis both help a lot but I have to really watch both in a fight. Even then one shots happens more than I like.

I don't think my build will handle Sirus though.

Really a nice build ... I'll keep tweaking it for a bit

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