hYpZz and his little boys (PL46468)
hYpZz and his little boys (PL46468)
Startzeit:29.03.2024, 15:00:00 (America/New_York)
Verbleibende Dauer:0 Tage 0 Stunden 0 Minuten
Endet:07.06.2024, 15:00:00 (America/New_York)
Liga-Typ:PoE1 PC - Necropolis
Spieler:13 / 20

Rang | Konto | Charakter | Klasse | Stufe |
1 | Cliffs666#6643 | CliffordGoneNecro | Inquisitor | 100 |
2 | Reeloplex#6621 | ReeloFrozenManaNecro | Hierophant | 99 |
3 | Reeloplex#6621 | ReeloToxicNecros | Pathfinder | 99 |
4 | Cliffs666#6643 | CliffordIsBlasting | Trickster | 99 |
5 | hYpZzZz#3683 | hYpZzYepCoC | Guardian | 99 |
6 | satomithiccthigh#0863 | HardStuckNormalLab | Hierophant | 98 |
7 | Reeloplex#6621 | ReeloRagingNecro | Hierophant | 98 |
8 | KobezKai#3796 | Kobezu | Trickster | 98 |
9 | satomithiccthigh#0863 | IWantToBoneCliffward | Juggernaut | 97 |
10 | Cliffs666#6643 | CliffordButWithSwords | Champion | 97 |