[1.0.1]theWombo's Crit Lightning Arrow with Pierce; FROST WALL ABUSE(semi noob-friendly)
Sorry for taking so long to respond to everyone! I have been preoccupied, but have found some time now to respond to everyone :)
" You shouldn't need to go back to town too often, only during bosses really. If theres a rare that is too hard or annoying to kill its better to just move on as its not worth the time investment early on. Hope you are doing well! Goodluck! :) " I am glad you are enjoying the build so far! :) Yes wrath is very strong post-patch. GMP is excessive but you can always try it out. GMP has less projectile damage for what I see as not a substantial benefit. You can always try this out for yourself though. If it works well I would like to know. :) I think you may be on to something with mental acuity. I use it for int requirements during races but it also helps with mana sustain. Good point there! thanks! " I'm sorry I didn't get to respond earlier! Although I wouldn't be so sure on what I would say. haha. If I were to change nodes around I would be interested in seeing what speccing into the two 15% physical damage nodes near the middle of the tree would do. Ghudda has released a very helpful video regarding skills with damage conversions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY-sxxNF2nU Check this out if you have time if you're interested. I will try this myself when I have time. " Hello there! How do you like the shock node that you took above the shadow tree? Notice any substantial difference? I thought about it but lategame crit chance>5% chance to shock so I decided against it. Your skilltree looks fine. Also, you did not link your chest. I see that you have a lot of nice damage gear. I hope you are enjoying your DPS. However, being in nemesis I would recomment prioritizing HP+Resists first before you add in damage(You lack HP in your two rings+amulets). What is your total HP+resists at right now and where are you now? I assume some place in merciless. Hope you are doing fine! |
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I fully copied this build, all good, except mana...
This is my first time seeing a build giving up mana regen at all. All we have is 4% mana leech, and keep drinking flasks. To be honest, it's such a pain! Also, you won't know when and where the frost wall will appear, especially when you are facing some mobs with Lighting Warp, such as Piety. But, this is not a critical problem. Zuletzt bearbeitet von SaoDiSeng#0149 um 28.11.2013, 10:28:31
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" Zuletzt bearbeitet von mxriders04#2573 um 28.11.2013, 22:48:21
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im in act 3 cruel and im at 2.3k hp my chest is
i know i need to get better gear when i get to merc the shock node i took seems pretty nice sometimes i notice i kill things in my 2nd lightning arrow |
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Heyo, some more feedback (I really like this build so I am doing my best to help you out in return ha)
1) Pending on how noob friendly you want the guide to me, you might want to put some more emphasis on the use of frenzy. I was running with just LA for a lot of early to mid game and then once I acquired a frenzy my DPS went through the roof...probably dumb of me to not realize but I am guessing a lot of noobs might overlook that as well since the huge bulk of the build is based around LA, I thought frenzy was more or less just an optional thing but it really isn't! 2) I see some people commenting on mana issues, I find that faster attacks isn't extremely necessary for mid game. No point in attacking fast if you go OOM right away! So I use mana leech gems with both frenzy and LA for the time being. In combination with Wrath, you can cast LA for free with a small mob, 5+ or so minions (or less once damage gets even better, this is just the results I get from my lvl 40 char) 3) Also in regards to mana issues, a higher base damage bow with slower attacks may yield less DPS, but it will help save a lot of mana since you are casting less. Late game obviously you will want to go with a high base attack speed bow to take advantage of frenzy stacks, but until then attacking insanely fast can a lot of times just burn mana too quickly. Hope this is helpful. |
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haven't read the whole thread in detail... but why not
Lightning Arrow, LMP, Pierce, Faster Attacks, Cast on crit, frost wall? even though your LA would do less damage, your crits would spawn TONS of frost walls which would boost the damage of your LA multiplicatively IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
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Sorry everyone, been busy with finals since I am in college. Will update when they are over, be well and happy holidays everyone! :)
" I think the loss of damage would far outweight the benefits.. you can try this out yourself and see but the other huge downfall is that you won't be able to party play with this. |
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" When enough frost walls will spawn, mobs will be already close to dead. I think, spell totem with drost wall, or ranged attack totem with frost wall, CoC and split arrow will make it better. Why attack yourself for that shit? Let totems/CWDT do your job. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Zuletzt bearbeitet von MortalKombat3#6961 um 13.12.2013, 09:33:04
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currently on pause, man those high dps bow so expensive T_T anyone can give avg price on 300pDPS bow?
I kinda bored easily when my dps is not increasing (bad habit), so I am playing with other char until i got enough orbs to buy better bow. |
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Your socket colors are wrong for your skill gems. You have GBBR for the frost well mechanics when the skills you have listed are RRBB which is impossible (not literately) to get on an all evasion gear or even a EV/ES piece. Hope you have plenty and i mean a shit ton to get the RRBB combo on EV gear.
I wasted like 40 chroms and looked at it again and glad i did. |
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