PoE2 should fundamentally FEEL different to play than PoE1
" There's a distinct different here: When Wilds comes out, you aren't supposed to play World anymore. When Fallout 2 released, they didn't want you to play Fallout 1 anymore. D4 was a replacement for D3. They literally removed Overwatch 1 when they put out Overwatch 2. So on and so forth. Other games in series are continuations of the series, where the intent is for it to be more of the same, and for people to ONLY play the newer game while the older game gets abandoned. That is not what was ever intended to happen here. In this case, Path of Exile 1 and Path of Exile 2 are supposed to be two different games, with two different target audiences, that play differently, and both continue to be played by different people at the same time. |