Savannah lag

i just got this too.. too bad i was idiot enough to not /bug it

but looking at my client text, a lot of something was happening.

basically cpu and gpu was not utilized 100, not even cloas but fps went haywire between 60 and 20, some monsters were t-boning (dire lurkers or whatever missed their "hiding" animation and instead floated around.. also those purple, biting heads that soem casters cast were like 15 meters toll

adding part of my client.txt.. starting when i entered Savannah, re-started my client and did the rest of the map

2025/01/20 21:44:14 263555359 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 13128] Generating level 60 area "HideoutLimestone" with seed 1
2025/01/20 21:44:14 263555468 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 13128] Tile hash: 3468914422
2025/01/20 21:44:14 263555468 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 13128] Doodad hash: 2967058360
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263555937 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263555953 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263555953 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263555968 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 13128] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263555984 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556093 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 13128] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556156 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 13128] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556218 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556218 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556218 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556250 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556250 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556250 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556265 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556281 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556281 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:15 263556312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:44:16 263556796 403248f7 [INFO Client 13128] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:44:24 263564859 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:24 263564953 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 13128] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 10 x 10
2025/01/20 21:44:24 263564953 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:35 263576296 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:35 263576296 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:35 263576296 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:35 263576296 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 13128] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:44:35 263576312 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582406 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 13128] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582406 403248f7 [INFO Client 13128] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582406 91c6da6 [INFO Client 13128] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582468 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 13128] Connect time to instance server was 62ms
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582531 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 13128] Client-Safe Instance ID = 2075410744
2025/01/20 21:44:41 263582531 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 13128] Generating level 80 area "MapSavanna" with seed 2904462565
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583421 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 13128] Tile hash: 1517919395
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583421 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 13128] Doodad hash: 423154302
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583421 833064f7 [CRIT Client 13128] File Not Found: Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/essence/monolith/epk/oilCovered.epk. Using fallback EPK file
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583453 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583484 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583484 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:42 263583546 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 13128] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 870 x 870
2025/01/20 21:44:43 263583625 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:44:43 263583734 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 13128] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:44:43 263583781 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 13128] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:44:47 263587750 403248f7 [INFO Client 13128] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:41 264002531 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 13128] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:51:41 264002531 403248f7 [INFO Client 13128] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:41 264002531 91c6da6 [INFO Client 13128] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264002609 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 13128] Connect time to instance server was 62ms
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264002671 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 13128] Client-Safe Instance ID = 1848236534
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264002671 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 13128] Generating level 60 area "HideoutLimestone" with seed 1
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264002843 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 13128] Tile hash: 3468914422
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264002843 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 13128] Doodad hash: 2967058360
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003312 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003343 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003343 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003359 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 13128] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003375 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 13128] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003484 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 13128] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:51:42 264003562 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 13128] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003640 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003640 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003640 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003671 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003671 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003671 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003687 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003703 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003703 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003718 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003718 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003718 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003718 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003718 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003734 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003734 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003734 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003734 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264003734 4d32db08 [WARN Client 13128] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:51:43 264004296 403248f7 [INFO Client 13128] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 ***** LOG FILE OPENING *****
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010593 84b53d97 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] Irrecoverable Exception Callback: SET
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010671 a1e2d234 [INFO Client 12240] [HTTP2] User agent: PoE poe2_production/tags/4.1.1 Windows x64
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010671 a1e2d235 [INFO Client 12240] [HTTP2] Using backend: cURL
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010671 36ec6b39 [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 36ec707c [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 36ec793f [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 of \\.\DISPLAY2
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 36ec793f [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 of \\.\DISPLAY1
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 36ec6b39 [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 36ec707c [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 b3949650 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Init
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 b3949653 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Current directory: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Path of Exile 2
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 b3949652 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Cache directory: C:\Users\PTV HQ\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile 2\
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 b3949655 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Download directory: C:\Users\PTV HQ\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile 2\Download\
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 b3949654 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Settings directory: C:\Users\PTV HQ\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile 2\
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53df0 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] Start
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53917 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] HIGH: 8
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53917 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] MEDIUM: 8
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53917 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] LOW: 4
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53917 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] IDLE: 4
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53d11 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] High Jobs: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53cd0 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] Emulate Platforms: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 84b53cd7 [INFO Client 12240] [JOB] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 aa6ea60f [INFO Client 12240] [STORAGE] Mapping bucket count: 8
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 aa6ea601 [INFO Client 12240] [STORAGE] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264010812 aa6ea5ce [INFO Client 12240] [STORAGE] Init bundle cache
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 f6f3b420 [INFO Client 12240] [BUNDLE] Bundle index: Bundles2/_.index.bin
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 f6f3b423 [INFO Client 12240] [BUNDLE] Found 44286 entries (7.8 MB)
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 f6f3b422 [INFO Client 12240] [BUNDLE] Found 2543566 slots (48.5 MB)
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 f6f3b42d [INFO Client 12240] [BUNDLE] Found 60581 directories (709.9 KB)
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 aa6e6f47 [INFO Client 12240] [STORAGE] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e1ac [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Render: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e100 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e107 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Tight: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e10a [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e160 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Types bucket count: 16
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335d60f [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335d605 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Budget: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335d628 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e186 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Warmup: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e180 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Skip: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b335e1e5 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Throttling: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228ebae [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228eb86 [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Static: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228eb80 [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228eb67 [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228eb6d [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Warmup: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4228eb23 [INFO Client 12240] [ENTITY] Instancing: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40324870 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Tight: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40324873 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40324876 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Consolidate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40324879 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Packed Only: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 403254d1 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Address:
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 403254db [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40325678 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Budget: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4032561d [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 403248d0 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Warmup: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 4032561b [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Sparse: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 403248fd [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Limit: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 40324937 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Inline Uniforms: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a0715 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a0712 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Small Caches: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a071f [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a0735 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Bucket count: 16
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a073e [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a06d1 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a06f4 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Throttling: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a06f2 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Budget: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 dd2a0799 [INFO Client 12240] [TEXTURE] Throw: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b9766a [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Tight Buffers: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b97667 [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Small Caches: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b9760f [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Emulate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b97608 [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Bucket count: 16
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b9762c [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b9762a [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b975cf [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Throttling: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b975c5 [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Budget: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 32b974e6 [INFO Client 12240] [MESH] Throw: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011250 b394bb51 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Running Engine version 2.3.0
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 d8036154 [INFO Client 12240] [TRAILS] Immutable: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 d803615b [INFO Client 12240] [TRAILS] Debug: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d50c [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Mat table size: 91663
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d4a0 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Tight: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d4a4 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Bucket count: 8
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d4a9 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Ingore Temp: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d483 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Enable Validation: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d484 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Enable Throw: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d66f [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Async: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d669 [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Wait: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 6689d64c [INFO Client 12240] [MAT] Warmup: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 104b656c [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] Audio: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 104b656d [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] LiveUpdate: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011265 52958462 [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] Buffer size = 128.0 MB
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011281 52957d0f [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] Channel count = 128 (asked for 128)
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011281 52957d0e [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] Source count = 512
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 52958d26 [INFO Client 12240] [SOUND] Changing to device "ASUS VE278 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)"
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107be3c [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Tight: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107be30 [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Bucket count: 8
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107c991 [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Ignore Temp: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107c994 [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Enable Validation: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107c99b [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Inline Uniforms: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 9107c9f1 [INFO Client 12240] [GRAPH] Enable Throw: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011406 f2559bd7 [INFO Client 12240] [VIDEO] Enable: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011421 ae8fde4d [INFO Client 12240] [PARTICLE] Immutable: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011421 ae8fde4c [INFO Client 12240] [PARTICLE] Debug: OFF
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011421 ae8fde6a [INFO Client 12240] [PARTICLE] Keep Persistent: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011421 2962e53c [INFO Client 12240] [RESOURCE] Jobs: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011421 36ec6b39 [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011531 36ec707c [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated device for adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011531 36ec793f [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 of \\.\DISPLAY2
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011531 36ec793f [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated output for adapter NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 of \\.\DISPLAY1
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011531 36ec6b39 [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011531 36ec707c [INFO Client 12240] Enumerated device for adapter: Microsoft Basic Render Driver. Selected feature level: 45312. Max feature level: 45312
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011546 b394a3b5 [INFO Client 12240] [ENGINE] Ready
2025/01/20 21:51:50 264011546 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Game Start
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264011703 fb9aa14b [DEBUG Client 12240] Rebuilding UI::Core properties. Current input mode = '1'
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264011828 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Game in 0.281475 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264011843 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Device Start
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264011843 6285b0f9 [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Stopping device
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264011843 6285b03c [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Starting device: Vulkan
2025/01/20 21:51:51 264012109 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE] Init Start
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE] Init in 1.06447 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 cb0f8f7a [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE] Initialized (Enabled)

part 2 of the client.txt

2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_device_group_creation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_surface
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_win32_surface
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_EXT_debug_report
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_EXT_debug_utils
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_EXT_surface_maintenance1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9ac99f [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported instance extension: VK_LUNARG_direct_driver_loading
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_surface
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_win32_surface
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013171 ae9aca7e [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f519cc [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Found matching physical device using LUID 000001A5115000B0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 - LG ULTRAGEAR)
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 ae9addf3 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] GPU type: DiscreteGpu
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50ced [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = {}
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50ced [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 0, property = { DeviceLocal }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50ced [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = { HostVisible | HostCoherent }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50ced [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 1, property = { HostVisible | HostCoherent | HostCached }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50ced [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory type: heap index = 0, property = { DeviceLocal | HostVisible | HostCoherent }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50cc8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory heap: size = 7.77 GB, flags = { DeviceLocal }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50cc8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Memory heap: size = 15.95 GB, flags = {}
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 ae9ae2dc [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] ASTC unsupported
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 0, count = 16, flags = { Graphics | Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 1, count = 2, flags = { Transfer | SparseBinding }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 2, count = 8, flags = { Compute | Transfer | SparseBinding }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 3, count = 1, flags = { Transfer | SparseBinding | VideoDecodeKHR }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 4, count = 1, flags = { Transfer | SparseBinding | VideoEncodeKHR }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 81f50d29 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Queue : family = 5, count = 1, flags = { Transfer | SparseBinding | OpticalFlowNV }
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 ae9ae2f9 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Graphics queue: family = 0, index = 0
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013218 ae9ae2f8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Transfer queue: family = 1, index = 0
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_16bit_storage
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_8bit_storage
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_acceleration_structure
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_bind_memory2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_buffer_device_address
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_calibrated_timestamps
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_copy_commands2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_dedicated_allocation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_descriptor_update_template
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_device_group
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_driver_properties
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_dynamic_rendering_local_read
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_fence
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_fence_win32
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_memory
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_format_feature_flags2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_get_memory_requirements2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_global_priority
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_image_format_list
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_imageless_framebuffer
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_index_type_uint8
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_line_rasterization
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_load_store_op_none
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance3
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance4
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance5
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance6
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_maintenance7
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_map_memory2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_multiview
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_pipeline_executable_properties
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_pipeline_library
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_present_id
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_present_wait
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_push_descriptor
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_ray_query
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_ray_tracing_position_fetch
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_relaxed_block_layout
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_separate_depth_stencil_layouts
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_atomic_int64
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_clock
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_draw_parameters
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_expect_assume
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_float_controls
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_float_controls2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_maximal_reconvergence
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_non_semantic_info
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_quad_control
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_relaxed_extended_instruction
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_extended_types
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_rotate
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_shader_terminate_invocation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_spirv_1_4
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_swapchain
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_swapchain_mutable_format
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_synchronization2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_uniform_buffer_standard_layout
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_variable_pointers
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_vertex_attribute_divisor
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_decode_av1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_decode_h264
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_decode_h265
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_decode_queue
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_encode_h264
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_encode_h265
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_encode_queue
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_maintenance1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_video_queue
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_vulkan_memory_model
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_KHR_zero_initialize_workgroup_memory
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_4444_formats
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_dynamic_state
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_border_color_swizzle
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_buffer_device_address
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_color_write_enable
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_conditional_rendering
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_custom_border_color
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_depth_bias_control
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_depth_clamp_zero_one
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_depth_clip_control
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_depth_range_unrestricted
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_device_fault
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_discard_rectangles
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_dynamic_rendering_unused_attachments
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_external_memory_host
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_global_priority
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_global_priority_query
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_hdr_metadata
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_host_image_copy
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_host_query_reset
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_image_2d_view_of_3d
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_image_robustness
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_image_sliced_view_of_3d
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_image_view_min_lod
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_index_type_uint8
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_legacy_vertex_attributes
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_line_rasterization
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_load_store_op_none
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_memory_budget
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_memory_priority
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_mesh_shader
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_multi_draw
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_non_seamless_cube_map
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_opacity_micromap
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pageable_device_local_memory
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pci_bus_info
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_cache_control
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_creation_feedback
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_library_group_handles
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_primitive_topology_list_restart
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_primitives_generated_query
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_private_data
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_provoking_vertex
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_robustness2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_sample_locations
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_atomic_float
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_image_atomic_int64
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_object
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_replicated_composites
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_swapchain_maintenance1
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_tooling_info
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_transform_feedback
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_vertex_input_dynamic_state
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_ycbcr_2plane_444_formats
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_EXT_ycbcr_image_arrays
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_clip_space_w_scaling
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_compute_shader_derivatives
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_cooperative_matrix
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_corner_sampled_image
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_dedicated_allocation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_dedicated_allocation_image_aliasing
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_descriptor_pool_overallocation
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_device_diagnostic_checkpoints
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_device_diagnostics_config
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_device_generated_commands
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_device_generated_commands_compute
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_external_memory
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_external_memory_win32
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_fill_rectangle
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_inherited_viewport_scissor
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_linear_color_attachment
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_low_latency
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_low_latency2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_memory_decompression
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_mesh_shader
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_optical_flow
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_raw_access_chains
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_ray_tracing
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_ray_tracing_motion_blur
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_representative_fragment_test
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_scissor_exclusive
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_shader_atomic_float16_vector
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_shader_image_footprint
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_shading_rate_image
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_viewport_array2
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_viewport_swizzle
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NVX_binary_import
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NVX_image_view_handle
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_AMD_buffer_marker
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae218 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported device extension: VK_GOOGLE_user_type
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae23f [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_KHR_swapchain
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae23f [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae23f [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_EXT_memory_budget
2025/01/20 21:51:52 264013234 ae9ae23f [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] Requesting device extension: VK_GOOGLE_user_type
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f9710 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][DLSS]: Loaded version 2.4.10 (NGX: 3.7.10)
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f9710 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][Reflex]: Loaded version 2.4.10 (NGX: 0.0.0)
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f9710 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][PCL]: Loaded version 2.4.10 (NGX: 0.0.0)
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f97d3 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][NIS]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f97d3 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][FSR]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f97d3 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][XeSS]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f97d3 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][PSSR]: Loaded proxy version
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013656 cb0f9250 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][DLSS] Enabled: true
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 4436f427 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][Reflex] Reflex Low Latency: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 4436f426 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][Reflex] Reflex Flash Indicator: ON
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9250 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][Reflex] Enabled: true
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9250 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][PCL] Enabled: true
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9250 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][NIS] Enabled: true
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9251 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][FSR] Enabled: true
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9251 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][XeSS] Enabled: false
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 cb0f9251 [INFO Client 12240] [STREAMLINE][PSSR] Enabled: false
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 ae9ada5e [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Init SwapChain = 1920x1080
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Fifo
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = FifoRelaxed
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Mailbox
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Immediate
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 b14ee08b [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Min Image Count = 2
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 b14ee08a [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Present mode = Immediate
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013671 b14ee0a7 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] SwapChain = 1920x1030
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013828 3a8212ec [DEBUG Client 12240] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceCreate
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013843 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013843 3a821249 [DEBUG Client 12240] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceReset
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 81f511a8 [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] ResizeBuffers
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 ae9ada99 [DEBUG Client 12240] [VULKAN] ReinitSwapChain
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 ae9ada5e [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Init SwapChain = 1920x1080
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Fifo
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = FifoRelaxed
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Mailbox
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 db2b0af8 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Supported present mode = Immediate
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 b14ee08b [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Min Image Count = 2
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 b14ee08a [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] Present mode = Immediate
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013859 b14ee0a7 [INFO Client 12240] [VULKAN] SwapChain = 1920x1080
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 3a821249 [DEBUG Client 12240] [WINDOW] TriggerDeviceReset
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Device in 2.04995 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Tencent Start
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Tencent in 1e-05 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] None Start
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] None in 9e-06 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013890 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Loading Start
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013906 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Loading in 0.016354 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013906 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] DebugGUI Start
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013906 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] DebugGUI in 1e-05 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264013906 daa6b547 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Registration Start
2025/01/20 21:51:53 264014187 daa6b5a0 [INFO Client 12240] [STARTUP] Registration in 0.28661 seconds
2025/01/20 21:51:55 264016109 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:55 264016140 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 525 x 3000
2025/01/20 21:51:55 264016203 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:51:58 264019218 7f403c6c [INFO Client 12240] [RENDER] Driver Version:
2025/01/20 21:52:01 264021906 4f3e4ccd [INFO Client 12240] Async connecting to
2025/01/20 21:52:01 264021984 4f3e4b40 [INFO Client 12240] Connected to in 15ms.
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264025984 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264025984 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
part 3

2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026015 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 12240] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026015 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026015 91c6da6 [INFO Client 12240] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026078 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 12240] Connect time to instance server was 63ms
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026156 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 12240] Client-Safe Instance ID = 1848236534
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026156 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 12240] Generating level 60 area "HideoutLimestone" with seed 1
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026218 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildClavicle01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026218 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildFermur01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:52:05 264026218 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildBiceps01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:52:06 264026671 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 3468914422
2025/01/20 21:52:06 264026671 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 2967058360
2025/01/20 21:52:06 264027359 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:06 264027375 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:52:06 264027390 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:08 264029109 93b1b556 [CRIT Client 12240] [RENDER] Shader uses incorrect vertex layout (shader: 0x00000018 mesh: 0x00000008)
Signature: "Metadata/EngineGraphs/base.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_default.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/Conversion/render_downscale.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/Conversion/lock_mode.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/Conversion/render_gravity.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/Conversion/face_camera.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_transform.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_flip_normal.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/BasicColour.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/FlipbookOld.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/DisableLighting.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/DarkenTex.fxgraph"
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264029953 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12240] Steam stat ActivateLegionMonolith has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264029953 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12240] Steam stat KillActBoss has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264029953 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12240] Steam stat CompleteYellowOrRedMap has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264029953 d7c7387b [WARN Client 12240] Steam stat KillElder has a Steam ID but has not been published to Steam
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030046 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 12240] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030109 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 12240] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030203 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030203 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030203 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030234 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030250 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030250 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030265 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030265 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030265 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030281 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030296 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:09 264030312 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030687 eede17c2 [CRIT Client 12240] Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancyWitch1Notable3
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030687 eede17c2 [CRIT Client 12240] Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancyWitch1Notable1
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030781 eede17c2 [CRIT Client 12240] Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancyWitch1Notable3
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030781 eede17c2 [CRIT Client 12240] Failed to add node to quadtree due to it exceeding the bounds: AscendancyWitch1Notable1
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030890 d55bd83e [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcBaseTypeHashMap
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030906 d55bd819 [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcModNameHashMap
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd81b [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcItemClassMap
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd81d [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcSoundEffects
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd81f [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcDropEffects
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd811 [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcNonEnchantModHashes
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd878 [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcRuleNameToTypeMap
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264030937 d55bd87a [INFO Client 12240] PrecalcCJESPNIndexMap
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264031375 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 2735411621
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264031375 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 424689515
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264031375 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 1436547069
2025/01/20 21:52:10 264031375 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 1473049765
2025/01/20 21:52:11 264032218 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 1832638037
2025/01/20 21:52:11 264032218 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 762687009
2025/01/20 21:52:11 264032218 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 3746447842
2025/01/20 21:52:11 264032218 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 805088815
2025/01/20 21:52:12 264033203 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 2645969197
2025/01/20 21:52:12 264033203 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 39991026
2025/01/20 21:52:12 264033203 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 2609341510
2025/01/20 21:52:12 264033203 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 3232555913
2025/01/20 21:52:13 264033906 3ef2336b [INFO Client 12240] : You have joined global chat channel 8 439 English.
2025/01/20 21:52:14 264035437 93b1b556 [CRIT Client 12240] [RENDER] Shader uses incorrect vertex layout (shader: 0x80000038 mesh: 0x00000038)
Signature: "Metadata/EngineGraphs/base.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_mesh.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_sort.fxgraph" "Metadata/EngineGraphs/GpuParticles/render_transform.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/GpuParticles/Render/VTX/Lifetime/Scale_OverLife.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/GpuParticles/Render/VTX/Lifetime/LifetimeData_to_VertexColor.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/GpuParticles/Render/Lifetime/ALPHA_Lifetime_Mask_PreLight.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/ContactProjectiveDecal.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Decal_Alphablend.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Masks/MASK_TextureStatic.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Masks/MASK_TextureStatic.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Masks/MASK_UVs_Static.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Channels/ChannelToChannel.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/Masks/MASK_TextureStatic.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/PBR_Utility/EnvironmentColor_OverrideSSS.fxgraph" "Metadata/Materials/Utility/TWEAK_SpecColour.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/HeightTerrainProject_RetainMesh.fxgraph" "Metadata/Effects/Graphs/General/renderOrder_01.fxgraph"
2025/01/20 21:52:15 264035968 3ef2336b [INFO Client 12240] &: GUILD UPDATE: Joo
2025/01/20 21:52:15 264035968 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:52:17 264037671 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:17 264037671 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041296 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 12240] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041296 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041296 91c6da6 [INFO Client 12240] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041359 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 12240] Connect time to instance server was 47ms
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041421 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 12240] Client-Safe Instance ID = 2075410744
2025/01/20 21:52:20 264041421 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 12240] Generating level 80 area "MapSavanna" with seed 2904462565
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042421 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 1517919395
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042421 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 423154302
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042421 833064f7 [CRIT Client 12240] File Not Found: Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/essence/monolith/epk/oilCovered.epk. Using fallback EPK file
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042437 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042500 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042500 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:21 264042562 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 870 x 870
2025/01/20 21:52:22 264042640 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:52:22 264042750 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 12240] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:52:22 264042812 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 12240] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:52:27 264048031 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:53:37 264118218 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildBiceps01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:53:37 264118218 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildClavicle01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:53:37 264118250 bfabe408 [WARN Client 12240] [FMT] Zero scaled mesh vertex group in 'Art/Models/Effects/FXModels/Bones/MB/buildFermur01.fmt'
2025/01/20 21:54:10 264150765 60a17ad6 [WARN Client 12240] [VIDEO] Failed to open file [Art/Videos/Completion_DEFAULT.bk2]
2025/01/20 21:54:10 264150765 74d0f220 [WARN Client 12240] L[VIDEO] Failed to open Bink file "Art/Videos/Completion_DEFAULT.bk2"
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241781 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 12240] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241796 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241796 91c6da6 [INFO Client 12240] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241875 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 12240] Connect time to instance server was 47ms
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241937 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 12240] Client-Safe Instance ID = 126988767
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264241937 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 12240] Generating level 60 area "HideoutLimestone" with seed 1
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264242171 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 3468914422
2025/01/20 21:55:41 264242171 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 2967058360
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242656 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242671 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242671 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242687 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242703 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242812 1a61ede7 [DEBUG Client 12240] Joined guild named Räpellys och Testaus with 25 members
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242890 1a61e983 [DEBUG Client 12240] InstanceClientSetSelfPartyInvitationSecurityCode = 0
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242953 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242953 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242953 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242968 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242984 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264242984 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243000 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243000 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243015 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243015 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243031 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243031 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243031 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243031 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243046 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243046 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243046 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243046 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:42 264243046 4d32db08 [WARN Client 12240] Tried to SetExtraActivationRangeAroundTile() after level generation was complete
2025/01/20 21:55:44 264244781 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: ON
2025/01/20 21:55:45 264245718 f0c29e12 [INFO Client 12240] Tile hash: 0
2025/01/20 21:55:45 264245718 f0c29e11 [INFO Client 12240] Doodad hash: 0
2025/01/20 21:55:45 264245734 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:55:45 264245734 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 10 x 10
2025/01/20 21:55:45 264245750 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:56:02 264263109 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:56:02 264263109 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:56:02 264263109 4228e2a0 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Destroy static entities
2025/01/20 21:56:02 264263109 992412d1 [DEBUG Client 12240] [SCENE] Height Map Texture: 390 x 390
2025/01/20 21:56:02 264263125 4228e282 [DEBUG Client 12240] [ENTITY] Finalize static entities
2025/01/20 21:56:10 264271484 2d8e8b5b [DEBUG Client 12240] Got Instance Details from login server
2025/01/20 21:56:10 264271500 403248f7 [INFO Client 12240] [SHADER] Delay: OFF
2025/01/20 21:56:10 264271500 91c6da6 [INFO Client 12240] Connecting to instance server at
2025/01/20 21:56:10 264271562 91c69aa [DEBUG Client 12240] Connect time to instance server was 62ms
2025/01/20 21:56:11 264271625 91c4c6b [DEBUG Client 12240] Client-Safe Instance ID = 3953563529
2025/01/20 21:56:11 264271625 2caa1679 [DEBUG Client 12240] Generating level 80 area "MapVaalFactory_NoBoss" with seed 4174047475
same, bump
Same here, some maps like savannah and fortress for me lag since the start of the beta for some reason. I tried them today and it was still lagy/fps drop then i went to Hive map and it was super smooth.
There was the same thing for poe1 specific maps, some of them just dont run normal. I really hope they will be able to fix this...

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