Can't place Hooded one in hideout

Common sense ain't common.
I came across this issue when wanting to add him for the free identification of items and refunding passives, then realized that doryani serves this purpose in endgame so you dont really need the hooded one added.
Probably caused by the unfinished campaign, the last time we see the hooded one right now is in act three/six after stealing doryani from the past, and since doryani is the one performing the hooded ones functions in the ziggurat refuge endgame town the unreleased campaign story likely involves sin dying/turning evil/sacrificing himself/dissapearing etc in some way maybe to try and avert the cataclysm that happened anyways. Since we will likely be able to place doryani in our hideouts to fulfill the hooded ones functions and him being dead/missing/evil etc we probably wont have him as a hideout npc in the fully released endgame.

I know the doriani is doing his work in hideout. But i would much more prefer hooded one, than him :D

I like my boy The hooded one better than Doryani.

The adventure that Sin (The hooded one) and I went thru in PoE 1 is one of the huge reason of this attachment. Like, cmon GGG.

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