[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-tail|Cyclone-Trickster CI|590M Herald of Agony|Arachnophobia Allstars

can i get your regex for t17 ?
Hey, this looks insane and I really want to try it. I have a budget of around 150 divines. What tree/route would you recommend I take with that budget?
CryingGiraffe schrieb:
First, I have to say that I really love the build and am enjoying it very much.

But as written in the guide, I can say that it is not an easy league-start build.
I started this build as a Trickster and encountered some problems:

1) You will always want Cyclone CwC for mapping, but it drains a lot of mana and is still a main struggle for me even with Mageblood.
(Before getting a Mageblood, an Enthroned Belt with Ghastly Jewels having mana regen and minion hit poison chance was the best option. Get as much mana regen as you can. It feels much better.)

2) While leveling, you need medium clusters for damage, but you have to drop passives for cluster jewels that are mostly for mana reservation efficiency or defense layers.
Even with 40 Virulence, you will struggle with some yellow tier map bosses.

3) Mid-game gear is mostly uniques that have no resistances. You have to get resistances from cluster jewels, Ghastly Jewels, or good Circle of Ambition rings with good modifiers.
(There are not many items in the market for now.)

But if you get past leveling and acquire some gear (Skin of lords, Enthroned Belt, Aegis, unique rings, well-rolled Ghastly Jewels, Watcher's Eye), it feels great both in tankiness and damage.
Because of the tankiness, I farmed mostly from Ultimatum, but I can confirm that the build is capable of most farming strategies like 15-wave Simulacrum or bossing.
The guide is very long, and there were some things I missed while getting gear, as English is not my main language.
But answers to most problems are in the guide, so you might take some time to read the entire guide. (It's long, so I might have missed something too.)

For someone thinking about starting this build, I would not recommend it as a league-starter. But if you have some budget or are making it as a second character, and if playstyle matches, I would very recommend it.

and lastly, I really appreciate the guide and am having great fun with this build.

Thank you a lot Crying Giraffe!

Yes, the CI-transformation is not easy and in average a bit more expensive as life-builds above t12. You need also some passives more for the clusters. In reverse the damage-scaling with adding consequent more pure agony on the medium clusters is much cheaper as getting good weapons, scaling with awakeneds or crits etc.

I know that HoA can be a good starter too, but only with a lot know-how. Above t14 the aegis aurora is not cheap, okay, but all other gear is not expensive and flexible.
The new belt Ynda's stand combinated with an ar + ev Body the new buffed ward is also perfect useable in the Allstars-setup.

But until you stacked important defensive layers it's not easy I agree.

Thank you! Arachnohilia!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chromino#4813 um 12.08.2024, 06:22:59
do i need sins rebirth if i have allready 100 % ignite avoidance ?

hello guys, any advice to improve
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vocatio#5932 um 15.08.2024, 04:16:20
sobotkaa schrieb:
do i need sins rebirth if i have allready 100 % ignite avoidance ?

It's the most easy method in maps for withers. But with automation, withering step qu 23% and ashes of the stars you have already 80% uptime of 12 withers.

So you can switch sin's rebirth always out when wanted, yes.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chromino#4813 um 16.08.2024, 09:33:55
POB shows massive dps increase with awakened fire dmg gem vs unbound elements/void manipulation. Why is that?
So for another different example I myself had a budget of 9-10 div until now and reach 20M dps, that is not optimal and I had not much time until now for gaming, I am always more interested in the mechanics of new gear and skills.

I have the gear (simple more medium clusters, ghastly jewels and vixens) for 40M already in stash (as well as almost b.i.s. rare boots, but the rainbows with additional endurance charge is hard to top) when I would want to balance into dps (in the moment I favourite my afk-tanky-mapping). But also: 40M would be possible at my lvl now and I still use atlas-notes for packed with energy for relaxed afk-mapping. For medium-juiced t16 (beyond - delirium - ritual) and t-17 these 15M are easy enough, and the 2M ehp are of course nice tanky as you see in the videos below. 100% spell suppression and 100% ailment- and bleeding-avoidances are obtained without problems. Of course in the for minions and CI more difficult jugg-ascendancy it`s a bit slower compared to necro or trickster.

Most expensive was a bad rolled watcher`s eye es on hit + spell block, 1 div, the 80% manamultiplier helmet, 2 div, and ashes 26%, including charisma-anoint, 2 div. Gear, clusters, jewels, etc. are extreme cheap this league. And today my gear would be 20% cheaper compared to last week.

I counted 4 deaths from lvl 80-98 (1x mandatory as always exarch's 1000 suns at lvl 80, 1x afk in a essence`s critting detonate dead explosion lvl 85 as telephon rang, 1x the unique alpha beast in juiced harvest lvl 93, and 1x stucked in cold-dot of a bitter cold ritual lvl 95), in all other content I am almost immortal in medium-high juiced t16 with 1-2 rerolls for the map-mods.
Most funny until now was to facetank Izaro in the labs or the pirate boss` anchors without a scratch, lol.

Almost b.i.s. geared, only empower lvl 4, tattoos and a better watcher's eye are missing for 50M in full tankyness. Later when prefered a mageblood could be used too of course, but my build is probably already almost finished for lvl 100.

3.25 Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur HoA HoAg Jugg 1 M ehp Pirate Boss:


Sorry for the bad sound, some sound-settings exploded in the last windows-update.

3.25 Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur HoA HoAg Jugg 1 M ehp juiced beyond abyss expedition harbinger:


Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chromino#4813 um 18.08.2024, 04:55:34

Hey guys. I think I'm missing something pretty obvious but I can't figure out what. I know my chest isn't ideal, I'm looking to grab a new one when someone finds one for a reasonable price.

I struggled to kill the Shaper guardians with this setup. Also, my mana situation is terrible. I really don't know what's going on.
KindaAmazing schrieb:

Hey guys. I think I'm missing something pretty obvious but I can't figure out what. I know my chest isn't ideal, I'm looking to grab a new one when someone finds one for a reasonable price.

I struggled to kill the Shaper guardians with this setup. Also, my mana situation is terrible. I really don't know what's going on.

You need more small clusters: 1-2x sublime form, 1x self discipline. With high resis and attributes/ strength on the clustertransfers.


You need one more large cluster (voices or spell block).

Get spellblock on the shield implicit, socket determination into the helmet instead enlighten.

Then regret 6 passives sovereignity and 3 passives presage. Regret 5 passives corruption (use corruption only fullgeared at last).

Use with the gained passives the new clusters and more medium clusters pure agony.

Limit ball lightnings, tornados and cyclone to lvl 1 to lower manacosts.

This will solve all manaproblems and will cap your lightning resistances.

Switch the jadeflask to a basaltflask.
Further you need bleeding-immunities on a flask-suffix. Bleedings will kill you in each second map without.

You need vaal discipline as gem instead only discipline. Activate discipline. The new active skill vaal discipline will grant immortality often in maps.

Then check the "checklist defences" step by step which other defensive layers are still missing.

Against bosses switch phantasms in the HoA supports to predator and mark the boss with the new granted skill signal prey.

Great gear already! These improvements will help a lot and add 60% more damage against bosses.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Chromino#4813 um 21.08.2024, 16:18:09

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